Brian Villarete micro
Do I do the run/bike warm up before every session? Specifically, between bricks, do I need to wu before the run? I did not do the wu this week, but I will if I need to. Today was my first long run. It started with 30 min @ Z1. I thought this was a good wu, so I skipped the usual run wu.
When you do that warm up,note that I don't ADD it to the 45' run. So if I have a 45' run with 2x1 mile, I do the warm up then right into my workout is still 45'.
Since I started EN, I hadn't had any bonks up until last night on my brick at the beginning of my run. Before starting the EN OS, I read Seebohar's Nutrition Periodization for Endurance Athletes. So I've been working on my nutrition. I think I'm getting enough fruits, veg, and protein. I worry that I can't get enough calories through carbs. I eat very frequently, snacking on seeds, nuts, and dried fruit during the day. I have 12 oz of coffee after a 600 cal superfood smoothie in the morning. Turkey/tuna, spinach, broccoli, carrots for lunch. Salmon/chicken, white rice, salad for dinner. I've been training after work and have a veg/fruit smoothie for recovery. I'll continue to monitor my calories and see if I can fit some more snacks in.
I'd rather have you adept at managing your fueling / blood sugar vs having you ignore food and bonk all the time!
Went for my wednesday long last night. Didn't get started until 7:30pm. Knowing that would happen, I had a good meal around 5:30. Ran outside for a change bc of good weather and the first mile has two small, steep hills. I felt like crap my first mile. HR felt high (didn't wear a monitor) and legs were fatigued from tuesday. But then mile 2 came, the grade flattened, and my Z1.5 pace felt effortless.
I was considering upgrading to advanced plan. Maybe in January, but I'm content to stay at intermediate.
Re changing plans, I say you don't do anything until after the holidays as there's typically a great deal of friction around travel, weather, etc.
Let's check in again in early Jan!
~ Coach P
(copied from a Facebook post)...12 weeks into my Iron Man Canada training, I had my first big test today at the local Cascade Half Marathon in Turner. Training has been going perfect, hitting every workout and doing them exactly how my coaches at Endurance Nation prescribed. I have never considered myself a great runner. I would say I'm a competitor that is able to turn inside out at the end of a triathlon. But I've never felt comfortable at the end of a race, until today. The plan was to average 7:15/mile in the following progression: Miles 1-3 @ 7:30; Miles 4-10 at 7:20 (or 10k effort), Miles 11-13.1 @ 6:52 (or 5k effort). The first 3 miles felt way too easy, exactly how my coach told me it should feel. The middle 7 miles felt great as well, specially after the mid point turn around. I couldn't wait until mile 11 where I could open it up. And that's exactly what I did! The last 3 miles were within 15 sec of my 5k pace. 1:33:46 was just under a 6 min PR! The splits are a little inaccurate because of my Garmin (watch had the course at 13.63 miles, but was actually 13.2). It is exciting to see what happens in my next test at Wildflower Triathlon on April 30th. 23 weeks until IRONMAN Canada!
Fueling note: Start time 9am. 90 min before start: smooth caffeinator picky bar. During the 60 min to start time drank 16 oz skratch labs hydration. zero fueling during the race. No hunger/bonking issues, not thirsty at all. Weather: 47deg F, heavy rain, 5mph wind.
Thursday am- woke up, mixed up Skratch labs hydration, drank about 8oz, no solid foods. Started warm up and felt some fatigue from tuesday (no wo on wednesday). Loosened up on the gradual increase of 8 min from 50%-100%. Started 5 min VO2, put my head down and went by feel based on previous VO2 workouts. Started at 234 w and steadily increased to average 244w. 32w jump from week 8!! Spun for 12 min then prepared for the 20min lap. Started at 210w and stayed within 10w, finished strong and ended with an avg of 210, 6w increase. Increased my max HR from 168 to 175. I've been on a business trip to celebrate a graduation for some students, couldn't get in a wo on friday or saturday. Will do an easy run tonight (sunday).
I went ahead to next weeks' training where I start my 9 week block EN Half IM intermediate on Monday for Wildflower. I only have access to the pool MWF. Can you advise me on how to switch up my training? Maybe switch up tuesday and wednesday?
Thanks for getting back to me CP. Sorry, I didn't realize you were on vacation and installing a pool in your basement
. That plan sounds good (and much easier), but it removes my only bike workout. Wouldn't it be better to do the bike/run brick on Tuesday then swim/run on Wednesday? I could also cut my wed swim volume/time down to save energy for the pm run.
I switched them this week. Tuesday I biked 75 min and ran 20 in the am. Wednesday I swam 1hr in the am and ran 55 min at 5pm. Today I ran 65 min in the am and feel good about finishing the split 45 min run tonight. I hit all my pace and HR zones perfectly. Is this a bad progression considering the long term effects?
Let's keep tweaking this...
I did my bike test yesterday and kicked ass. Increased 5' test from 240 to 254 watts and 20' test from 210 to 217 watts. I think my lack of lateral mobility strength played a part in the strain. I plan to forgo my 5k run test tomorrow, do some easy walks on sat and sunday, and try to do the bike workouts. I'll see how the bike feels on the groin. Hope to recover quickly. B
thankfully the abductor is a very strong muscle and it should recover quickly. That said, who tries to win an IM in the breaststroke? :-) Just kidding. Keep it easy and do some light stretching especially after your runs. And no more vicious IM intervals!
I suggest that you plan on doing the long run of that week on Tuesday (vs Thursday), putting the normal Tuesday run there instead. Friday is then a swim only session (you can keep it short or drop it depending on how you feel). Then you can Race Sat and do the Sat bike run on Sunday (drop that Sunday session).
I think that makes sense if you read it chronologically.
Let me know what you think!
~ Patrick
sounds good. Thanks CP!
Tuesday: 2hr run executed perfectly (16 miles)
Wed: 1hr recovery run (11' pace)
Thurs: 1'45" group ride with lots of Z3 & 4 work
Friday: rest
Saturday race: Swim @ 1:17/100yd (exactly on my 1000TT pace) felt real good
Bike: Avg 204 watts (2 under FTP)
Run: 6:25 avg (2nd fastest 5k ever!)
I felt amazing during the entire race. Very in control of my pace, HR, breathing etc. Passed one guy in my age group on the run, not a normal thing for me. Finished 2nd in AG to a 5 x Kona finisher. Recovery run on Sunday, rest monday, hard brick coming tonight. Looking forward to working hard the next 3 weeks going into Wildflower. B-
Bonus that you have confidence in your run and that you paced the bike and swim so consistently. THAT combination of pacing + confidence is lethal on race file that away and let's get you back on track!!!
~ Coach P
Here's what I suggest you do.
1) Commit to no run for two weeks.
2) Commit to running no more than 30' at a time for the first two weeks you are back...all at TRP pace.
3) Get on a daily foam rolling / stretching routine that gets your hamstrings, calves and glutes.
4) Finish off that routine (and then 2-3 other times during the day) do eccentric calf raises. Standing on a step go up on both toes...then pick up the good foot and lower your self down into a calf stretched position slowly. Eccentric work strengthens and lengthens.
5) Continue the foam rolling and eccentric work during that first two weeks back on the run as well