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Not only does work work it powers my house.

I almost always have kids passing through my pain cave intermittently through my workouts and this morning my 7 yr old son came through a couple of times on my 4x4 VO2 intervals. After I got done I'm sitting in my office looking at the graph from TR on my laptop. My son (David) comes in and starts looking with me:

David: You were peddling really hard this morning Dad, It looked really hard.

Me: Yeah those were called VO2 intervals they hurt a bit.

David: Dad, is the yellow line your heart beat? (On trainer road)

Me: No bud that's my power output in watts. Look at that ceiling fan up there, it has 4 sixty watt bulbs for a total of 240 watts. This 279 average watt interval (highlighted on TR) means that I could have powered that ceiling fan for about 4 minutes. Get it? Kinda cool huh?

David: Well who's peddling to keep the power on the rest of the time?

Me: Uh... Endurance Nation.

David: Huh?


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