Steph's Micro Forum-Aka The Southern Blonde in need of Coach Help!!
Good morning! Just setting up my micro forum for specific questions. Here's my first few/topic:
I was doing my swim recovery yesterday. First time to count strokes and have to remember #s. I've decided i need like a dry erase board or something by the pool to write down numbers since i'm just using the pool clock for time. I read the swim e-book before my swim. Love it. however when i got to the pool i found it very difficult to not have 1000 things spinning in my head. Fix this, do this, one goggle in the water…blah blah blah. I got so frustrated that I quit because i felt my form just deteriorating really bad (legs dropping something awful) at 1400 yds. I did the GOLF drill for the first time. That actually seemed to give me the most focus. The sets of 150 just were all over the place. Ive had an active week getting back to teaching my group fitness classes (at very low intensity…mostly coaching) so I know i'm somewhat physically tired but mentally i just was going haywire.
Guess my question is this…..what is the best way to isolate one swim technique issue? and how long/how many laps should i focus on that issue? Is it normal for a struggling swimmer to get overwhelmed with too many technical things at once? Or am i an over-eager post IM athlete expecting too much too soon? I have access to a pool where i work. would it be better to do some specific drills in short sessions 2x a day rather than one longer session? Since i'm at the gym anyway it's not a big deal to change and hop in the pool.
According to your guidelines for "good" swimming I'm pretty much mediocre…..which i knew but ya'll just confirmed. I don't mind working technique slow with the goal of getting more comfortable and stronger in the water. now my body just feels a bit confused with information and my normal happy slow is struggling. maybe my body is just more tired than i'd like it to be.
Does any of this make sense? Thoughts please.
Thanks & have a great weekend!
ok…well I think after some reflection and more rest I was just feeling overwhelmed and being too hard on myself. We never know when that post-ironman fog is going to hit and I think it hit me the other day and I was just expecting too much. I'm really digging EN and all of the great info/help so I just get spinning ahead of myself as well. I will try to slow down, focus, and chill.
Used perceived exertion for bike zones today until I get my HRM. Felt soooooooo good to bike! Easy run felt super.
Enjoy your week, Mr Miagi.
Keep it up!
Update on HRM…."Santa" said he'd get me a really nice one for Christmas so right now I'm still chugging along at perceived exertion. My runs this week I did on the treadmill (which I don't mind….i just feel slower on it…..but I do dig being able to see my data!!). My bike rides i do have a basic computer on the 2 stationary bikes I use and it gives me a good idea of the gears/rpms/power variance. I can't find my darn ANT stick. uggh. I have got to find that thing!! I was pleased this week during my z3 on the bike my power looked relatively higher. Seeing some 210-230 watts…yessireee! I hope the bike computer was calibrated correctly. I was like cool!!
ok…getting to my question. Is it possible or even a good idea to change my rest day based on my fitness teaching schedule? Here's the deal….I teach heavy classes Tues, Wed, Thurs, and a couple times on Saturday. Thursday is the toughest with 3 1/2 hours of classes spread out throughout the day. I usually have time for a bike ride or run on Thursdays AND a mid-day nap as well. Gotta have that nap! Monday looks like the basic fare rest day in the Training Plan (that may change when I upload my official program starting date Monday 11/23). I'm just wondering would it be better to have Friday as a rest day and Monday a light but "active recovery" day? or should i just push through the week/through Friday and rest WELL on Monday.
Days like today (Saturday 11/21) are the days that are a real challenge. I'm on the weekend rotation at the gym to teach a strength class - 1 hour (that I love…and can modify some)….and a cardio class 1 hour (same…can modify). It's two hours of moderate but steady activity. I have to consciously NOT go all out because the classes are so much fun (great music!!!) and I'm modeling technique/form/intensity for the participants that I know I have to dial down. The Saturdays where I teach 2 hours and then have a long ride/run are awesome but also draining. It takes discipline to not get swept in the workout moment. Not even going to mention that there's this little holiday 5k in town that's super social and super fun…
Thanks…it's not a high priority just more curious in the big scheme of things. Bottom line is that I nap when I need to nap and yes I own stock in Dr. Teal's. haha!! Have a great weekend!!
P.S. Did i mention my teenage kids are out of town!! that's why i can train so much today!