Garmin 920XT vs Nordic Track treadmill
Did the first of many winter treadmill runs this am, now with the new 920XT with the new little running guy HR strap. The mill says I ran 5.31 miles in 40 minutes compared to 4.5 miles on the 920XT. My HR averaged 154, which is slightly lower than I would expect if the work-out was done outside (2x1 mile @z4), but I am also just coming off a full week of no exercise. Which to believe?
Last year the mill training did not provide me as much real fitness as I thought I would have based on the mill's estimates of my running speed/distances. Would like to try to avoid that, though not optimistic I will be able to get outside this winter.
Unrelated, but how do you like your treadmill?
If you want to get the maximum ROI out of your treadmill sessions, check on the Sufferfest run videos. I have a flat screen mounted in front of the mill in my pain cave, and keep them on my tablet for traveling. They are some of the hardest run workouts I've done. Great for building speed in the outseason.
As always, YMMV. In this case, literally.
I find the garmin/footpod combo, on just about every treadmill I use, is about 50"-1' faster at pace. And, with that discrepancy, I usually get 1/3 -1/2 mile longer distance too.