Kim Siebolds Micro
HI Coaches,
Just checking in with questions on the weekly running mileage goals. If time gets short and I have to add in the extra day/s to get the mileage goal is there a problem running them over 6 days if needed? Is it better to be under your mileage or no big deal to add in extra day (or even do 2 runs in a day). I know the videos talk about you'd rather spread it out over the days than do longer runs/less days but is 6 (or even 7 if it is every now and then) ok to do if there is no body pain, issues,etc. Thanks, Kim
Question on workouts this week. So bad work day (worked too late last night, had to skip a run over lunch today again due to work) and my daughter coming home from college tonight just made my workouts not happening (i did get on the bike for a whole 13 min though. zone 1, ha. it just wasn't happening... too late. too tired) Do I try to move things around or just not worry about the missed workout? I am guessing to not worry about it??
1) Yes a sixth day of running is long as you are healthy let's keep it going!
2) Yes, miss that workout...and good call on bagging the bike. REMEMBER - the OutSeason® is bonus time, no need to reach deep into your suitcase of courage right now...the time for that will come. For now, stay healthy, be as consistent as you can, etc!
Hi Coaches,
Ok, first time since being part of the team I have missed a hand full of workouts. I have a chest cold/head cold. All I got in this week was 2 days of lifting, one 7 mile run and 1-hr bike ride on the trainer. I am DYING to get on the treadmill today but think i will get on and will get off all within 1 min. So i guess that means i probably shouldn;t do it.
How do I proceed this upcoming week now. Hoping tomorrow i can just resume reg mon workout and move on.
HI coaches,
so I really don;t want to miss more. Any thoughts or it is what it is??
So i am traveling this weekend Frid - Monday to visit my college kid. I plan on running on the treadmill on sun and sun to get my runs in but won't be able to touch the biking for Sat. Friday and Monday will be 12-14 hours driving days and we are leaving about 5 am otherwise I would do a fri bike and rearrange things but I am being realistic... it won;t happen! I wouldn't mind missing the bike on sat BUT last week I almost missed all my workouts (see my last entry below... no one answered it.
Today I finally was able to do my bike and run (was hoping to run farther than I did) but I was happy I did what I did coming back from that many days off. I am really shooting to get my run goal in which will keep me motivated. Guess my question is how will missing last week and I guess it is only missing one bike this week, effect my week 8 and 9. OR just don;t worry about it as it is out season?
thanks for advice or some encouraging words OR some.. "you better get your ass in gear" talk. whatever it is... I can take it.
That said, your focus is in the right place with the run goal. Do the bike you can do this week and run it out...we'll get you back next week for testing, and then we'll "reset" for the remainder of the OS.
Have a great trip and be safe!
~ Coach P
I am suppose to do the run test today and I test on the outdoor track but it is pouring rain. I have a treadmill that I could do it on but I am going to wait and do it at the track either tomorrow or saturday because I really want to see how I have improved. How should I move the rest of the week/end around.
Also, my run goal was 20 miles this week and I have only done 2! I rested yesterday in anticipation for today's run test. How to proceed?
I just listened to the dec 15 webinar. thanks for posting that... and it did help remind me that it is rest and test week. not test and do everything else. (I tend to do that). Even though I feel like I am making an excuse...
One other quick question... so my bike test (heart rate), I averaged 50 bpm. The first test i averaged 54 bpm. Did I improve or go backwords?? I am trying to locate this answer in the forums as I am sure you have answered 10,000 times. sorry... I am still looking to find
UPDATE... ok week in now done. I did make my run goal. yay. And i ended up doing my test on thurs. I pr'd on the test so that is good.
i do not have time or distance as I have mostly been on trainer!
I meant speed.. ha. i clearly have time!
BIG QUESTION... what do I do now??
So all HAD been good. Last week I was determined to make my weekly run goal. And I did but i probably made too big of a leap from the week before..i was falling short the last several weeks by a few miles hitting the goal. But i did my weekly run goal! great with a 10 mile run on sunday.. went great. My calf did get super tight which was a bit strange for me as i have not had any issues all OS. However, after I could feel the slightest hint to my ITB (eeks!!!) and tightness around my right knee. In the meantime, my work life got so crazy that Sun - yesterday (Wed) I was working 18-20 hour days (not good) and did not get any workouts but some 15 min yoga and some stretching as I could tell my body took a toll from the weeks run. Looking back, maybe i should of not hit the 30 mile and gone with less that I did jump up from the previous week but long run of 9 miles so I thought i would be on track to test out for my Half marathon test.
I am getting ready to do just a 30 min run and get my body moving and do not know how to proceed the rest of the week/weekend. I still feel some ITB issues (i think) and am still tight, quads and all... I feel like I JUST did a long run yesterday and it has now been 5 days so WTF??) .. glad I took a few days off to rest the legs but still surprised at how tight i got and felt following my 10 miler/30 mile week. I know i dont' have data in strava so you cant see what I have done (sorry... i have to do that!) but you could see in the run acccountabilty chart if you want to see.
What do I do the rest of the week? I have a few more weeks of cazy work but i decided i have to get back to my regular routine and i will figure ot the crazy work and how to get around it. I have been strong all out season, missed very few.
If i am having any ITB issues, can I do a 10K insteaod of half marathon? I prefer the half but i do not want an injury. Just a bit nervous that I didn't think last week through as i raced last IM with injury due to ITB and thought with the great run durabioity it has been awesome and I have not had ANY issues until now.
Also, i cannot find a half marathon race here until Feb 8. Should i push my test out to that week? Or just run OS with a 10K race? Or else if all is good with next 2 weeks, I will just have to make up my own half marathon race against myself.
Thanks for your input coaches!!
UPDATE... I did a 3 mile run today (Thurs) and no ITB issues but my left calf is VERY tight. My legs did not feel like 4 days has gone by at all so I assume they are not recovered yet but...
ANOTHER UPDATE... today is Sat and my legs feel way better. Also I finally connected by Garmin and looked at my long runs over the last few weeks and now I know why Sundays run was so hard on my legs. I ran so much faster overall and was hitting my zones and feeling great. The previous week I was SO tired and legs felt like lead.
HI Coach P, i need help with some things going on..
Update. (please read post below first..) Today (sunday 1/17) I did my long run. (ended up doing it on the treadmill.) i was schedlued to do 11 miles and only made it 9.37 miles. My left calf was seizing up so bad so after about 3 times I finally just stopped out of fear of injuring myself. I was running my TPR zone (which I was struggling to for several weeks after the last testing but kept trying to hit my zones... now I have been able but now the injuries/pain is starting to show up at this pace. I feel great while running, the struggle is gone but like i said issues are showing up).
So... with the half marathon testing, you said we could do a 10K instead, right? i really wanted to do a 13.1 but without getting to 11 miles today and having these injuries now I think 10k is the safest ? uggghhhhh,
Also, i am having trouble hitting my zones 2-5 on the treadmill. I should of probably said something to you earlier . Most of my runs ARE on the treadmill at this point in the season. Outside I can run all the zones needed (on MOST runs BUT it has only been within the last 2 weeks..) Do i need to change my pacing as i move into the season plan??
One team member just said I have a calf tear and it would take a super long time to heal and when i started running again, i should only do short distances... Should i start swim camp early, and just let things rest now?
Here's the did the bulk of the OS...which is critical. The testing is nice...but not's the cherry on top of an awesome still get the sundae!!!!
So here's what I am thinking for you:
1) can you bike test with the calf? If so, let's do that.
2) yes to early swim camp.
3) What's the rehab plan for the calf? That's based off of what you think it might be (above). Not running and swim/cycle is okay, but you still need to be treating it. Is getting a PT referral an option for you?
HI Coach P,
So where the calf is at at the moment. I have been icing and wearing compression socks, reading what I can do in terms of self doctoring and reaching out to others who gave me some PT names and advice to use Amicare Cream, which I am. I believe it is a strain, not a tear from what I am reading. I will contact a doctor next week at this time if the healing is not going very well. The husband is insisting this is nothing and him not interested in racking up a doctor bill at this time, I agree to wait for a week or so to see what happens with no running and trying R.I.C.E
1. I will do my bike tonight and see how it feels. If there is pain, i will stop. However, if I feel the soreness, should I continue or not? I feel soreness just sitting, flexing my foot so I expect soreness.. so a bit unsure of what to do.
2. I swam last night and I could feel the calf, no pain involved but the calf feels like I had a really really bad charlie horse, (the day after). I was focused on my strokes for the most part and did forget about the calf to be honest. Good sign??
3. Today, it felt like a sore muscle a few days after a heavy lift... sore but over the hump of pain, where you can tell you are healing. I work out of my house so I have my leg propped up on the counter and after icing and doing some self massage and using a creme, it feels almost more sore, or more healing is happening. Or something is happening.
4. I can do bike test but first need to see how the biking goes to answer if I should
5. Great for starting swim camp early. Should I just repeat the first week or how should I proceed with early swim camp.
6. My worst case scenario is to take complete time off, which i do not want to do but I think if it gets to that point, I will already be seeing a PT getting treatment and I will do what they tell me then. that's my plan
Any thoughts ??
UPDATE TUES Night: I nurse the leg all day and i was surprised how much better it felt by 7pm... tons better!...I decided to bike to see what would happen. I biked for about 35 min before I decided to stop. I did not feel any strain and did not even notice the calf at all until about 35 minutes into the bike. i couldn't decide if I should continue or not so I decided I got a decent ride in and it was better to quit at that point as I was starting to feel some strain and fatigue Guess I am just not going to run on it, let it heal .
UPDATE Wed Morning: It really feels good this morning! Only feels a little bit sore. I can feel it walking up the stairs... icing it right now as I type. But I know not to get too excited as it needs to heal 100%
How should I handle weeks 13 and 14?
I like swim camp now, but replace runs with time on the bike. I'll take easy spinning (will promote healing) and as you get to the end of those 45' to 60' rides, you can push the pace to the point where your calf can still handle the work. We don't want to overload you.
IF you haven't already, confirm your shoes are still good (not over the top) and review what happened 24 hours pre accident to see if there was any trigger -- a hilly run, a night out in bad shoes, a lot of walking that day, etc.
Since you work at home, I strongly suggest you get into a standing desk situation (when you are 100%, but you can do in short increments now) as it's 100x better than sitting all day...
HI Coach, just checking in with you.. because I feel lost a bit and feeling like I am starting over fitness wise so maybe i just need a little pep talk!!
My calf is way way better... I almost (but not 100%) don't feel amy strain but it is still there so I am waiting to run until i no 100% no pain before I attempt any running. Last week I ended up only do a swim and a 45 min ride and focused on more rest based off team members stories and insights. I decided I needed a few days of rest to get some extra healing and get my head on straight. But now I am kinda left with the feeling that I am starting over, which i know i am not but you know... the feeling of huge accomplishments kinda went out the window. I started swim camp this week early and will repeat it to stay with my plan so I do have that to focus on. I decided to take it easy on the bike too (will replace with the runs this week) until i am totally healed as my calf is obviously used in the bike.
I have been standing at work (at home) which has been great and thanks for mentioning that!
You asked what happened 24 hrs pre accident. Nothing except I got VERY motivated by the threads with being fatigued, etc. Once I was reminded that I was suppose to be fatigued at week 12, it make me super motivated for some silly reason. So the day I did my long run, I also ran it WAY faster than i should of and it was a long run of the week. So volume that week was too much and the combo of running too fast that day. I am sure it was more the volume. I have a history with high volume plans + intenstity in the past i have gotten injuries. So no one to blame but me! I know better.
I just not sure how to start up again with the run.. once no pain, then just go a mile and then if that is good go two next run, etc. Any advice? I was planning on doing a half marathon in april and now I will have to see how the running goes as I would rather skip it and just keep building for my HIM Raleigh.. maybe do some oly races now to keep the distances shorter. Thoughts?? Sorry, is this a macro discussion?? I might post there too.
Don't dismiss the Half Marathon technically should be back pretty quickly...let me know if you have any questions!
Thanks a ton!
Hey thanks for asking! It went really good. So last week, I did my 3 swims and 2 bikes rides and my walking on the treadmill and added in some of the little runs. Then on Sat, I decided take a 30min walk/run outside. The calf felt great and I made myself stick to the run a min or two every 5 or 6 min.. it was on a hilly course. No problems what so ever! i just ran what speed felt good. I wanted to do more but didn't. I wanted to see how the rest of the weekend went. And today, i ended up biking 1.5 hrs today outside (it warmed up so yay, no trainer today!) and no evidence of any more calf pain this evening. Yay.
So i will finish this week with the walk/runs like you suggested and continue with swim camp. Now i have to mentally prepare myself to build up the runs. Funny how it seems like FOREVER that i ran a decent distance. And I really need to keep up with the stretching. That really really will help.
So next sat i will start doing running the .5 miles increments!
So yay, things are great with the calf. today i ran for 1hr 15 min running 1 mile, walking .25 mile and picked up the pace a tad from 11 min pace to 10.5 pace for a total of 6 miles. I felt great and i am totally healed so i am ready to get back to things but I can tell i am more than happy to just ease back into the running... maybe now more mental than physical. So with that said and one more week of swim camp, how should i handle the get faster plan with the run portion? And I really would like to do my half marathon on april 10/11 so I need to start adding in some long runs, etc.. getting back to normal?
Thanks for your advice coach!
The long run in the GF portion will have you up at 90 minutes pretty quickly...but honestly, I'd rather have you "split" that run between Thurs and Sunday. So you could do 1:15 on Thurs and 1:15 on Sun....then the next week go 1:20/1:20, etc. And build it up...that alone will have you in a great place by mid march when we can start to move the bulk of that time to Thursday, etc...
Are you okay splitting it up by your "comfortable" run time vs any hard plan metrics?
That works for me!! Thanks
HI Coach,
I am having a change in my macro plan and will no longer be doing my Go STl Louis Half Marathon on 4/10. Should I still stick with the GF plan to end on 4/3 like my road map says or does that date change out? I wanted to see what the IM plan had me doing, so I switched my plan and now I have to use the 10 week plan which is fine... I will adapt smartly. Still getting back into building up my runs as you had me doing since the injury.
Also, I have some dates that will be effecting my thurs-sun workouts during the week of 4/28. I will be able to run and swim and possible spin class (i know.. i know... but i will not have my bike on this trip). Push my long rides to eariler in the week and plan on more weekend run, etc?
During the week o f 5/2. Workouts probably wont even be an option during the 5/2 week (the thurs to sun) so what should i prioritze that mon, tue,and wed to get the most bang out of my buck?
Thanks for the macro advice.
For the week of 5/2, let's talk more when it's closer to see where you are at and where you are struggling...okay?
Hi Coach,
So I injured the calf AGAIN while on vacay in Florida during the week of March 14-18. Still do not know what happened. my running had been just fine and was fully covered from the earlier injury or as least I think so. I had run a 7 miler and 2 days later was set to do about a 9+ miler and within .5 miles my calf cramped up bad enough it stopped me in my tracks. I thought maybe dehyration from a very hot bike ride the day before as I was just warming up and at the .5 mile mark. I racked my brain trying to figure out what I did and there was nothing I could come up with other than i had traveled and was not stretching. Anyhow, i took the rest of the week off and then the following week, i tried running several times and was able to do some but not a lot (like ran .75, walked .25 x 3 but only in the grassy area) but then felt pretty sore and felt like i was going to do more damage so i decided back to no running until it is healed So it feels 99% healed and I am giving it a few more days and then will start up a walk/run plan. i am 8 weeks out tomorrow from Raleigh 70.3 and really getting nervous that i can't I have been stretching and icing and wearing compression socks which have all helped. I think I am at the point i just need to run slow steady and build up the running. Biking has been no problem. last week i biked an extra day since i wasnt running and swimming strong. My big week went fine but without the run of course. I want to start running this week. how should i start up again? with my past history, i know i just need to run slower and not worry about speed. How many days should i run and how should i build distance to get me to my 70.3 in 8 weeks. I might be doing another HIM at the end of July and if I have to walk a portion of the HIM for Ralieigh to get me to the one in July and most importantly my IM, then that is even ok with me. These two HIM I am looking at as training days now to get me stronger for IM. I am going to continue to walk every mile throughout the rest of my training and doing daily stretching and rolling is a must.