Doug Miller NOS week 8 testing question/advice
Coach P, not sure if this is the correct forum or not but I need guidance on adjustment of my plan for the week 8/9 time frame of my NOS. I am moving from England to MI - fly from England on Friday 18 December. I am a power meter user and I am packing up the bike and trainer next week (I will have access to a substitute set up so I can continue to train) during this time, but I will not have my system to test on and do not want to test on the substitute set up (different bike and power meter). My bike "should" arrive at my new home in time for the start of week 9 training.
Should I complete the run test in week 8 here in England on the course that I used for the initial test, and then complete the bike test in week 9 once I get my bike set up in MI, or should I swap week 8 and 9 as complete units and do all testing in MI? Moving testing to week 7 is not an option as I will have already shipped my bike.
considering the length of the move and stress related to it, I almost would rather have you do a test on the last day possible before you ship everything. My guess is that you probably need to do some recalibration in getting set up when you're here anyway so that will also involve some friction when you get back to working out. I would rather you capture the results of your five or six weeks of hard work and then we have you pick things up again with that number fresh in your mind as a target to get back to. The run test is fine, you can do that according to the schedule as you can do that anywhere. But I would do the bike early.
Thanks Coach - great words of advice...and just the right amount of sarcasm as well! The good news is that I have decided to pull my head out of my fourth point of contact (check in with Coach R if you need a military translation of that term) and I have kept my bike and trainer with me for the last four weeks here in England. I made the determination before starting the NOS that I was going to do my best to stick to the plan and have a great race in Racine...seemed silly to not put up with a little bike transportation hassle and throw away 3-4 weeks of getting faster time that I have available as I finish up my time here. I will be able to test as advertised in week 8 on T/Thu and then get on the plane on Friday.
The good news about being alone in a foreign country with my bike on Thanksgiving is that I have no problems making my Thursday workout and wont be eating too much turkey!
Great run durability webinar by the way - enjoyed the chat.