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Erg files

I'm new to EN.  I've been using my Computrainer for all the bike workouts with erg files.  When the workout for the day says 95-100%, I've been programming 100% (i.e., 225 watts for my 225 FTP).  Should I be doing 97.5% instead to split the difference (219 watts).

Also, for the rest periods, I've been programming 60%.  Is this too high?

If anyone is interested in my erg file spreadsheet, let me know.  All you have to do is input the FTP, and the spreadsheet does the rest. (I'm doing the intermediate level plan.)


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    Last year was my first year and I was a computrainer user too. I always used 100%. By the end of OS you will hate the computrainer--it is a fricken master that is never satisified.
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    I also use 100% for the intervals, and 70% for my rest intervals.  Some days the 100% is brutal and other days it's not so bad, but it forces you to get stronger and you either have to get the work done or chose to quit.

    I very much have a love/hate relationship with my computrainer and ERG mode.

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    I generally would use 100% but it backfired a few times. I couldnt' hold the watts and would just quit the session. After a while I would just ride a flat course and hit the intervels between 95-100%.

    A friend of mine created this site:


    For creating ERG files


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    Like others I use 100% (and on occasion will add a few extra watts). I've done a little trial and error with the rest interval using 70% last year and recently dropping to 60% to see the impact on the workout. For me, I've found going with 60% has allowed me to recover just a little better to really set myself up to be able to hammer that 2nd interval. Like Matt said, there's a love hate relationship with the CT and ERG. It simply shows no mercy. Get the work done or get off the bike.
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