Great work team! So many folks posting solid gains this week. It's a great testimonial to the effectiveness of the work that's being put in.
I started my test on Thursday as scheduled but was really having an off day with lack of sleep and family obligations pulling at me. I bagged the test after the first mile and opted to retest today before my ride. Ended up this morning with a 24:01 5k time for a 40 vdot. This is my best 5k ever (I started running only 4 years ago at the age of 43) and a gain of more than a minute on the 5k since the beginning of the OS. Very grateful for this result and to EN for getting me there.
Hi all! Great job with the test results!! I ended up doing my test on the YMCA indoor track yesterday, since I bumped the tests a day due to illness. Had hoped to test outdoors. I tested outside in Oct, but weather took me indoors for the timing I had for the test. I have tested there before, so I have an OK idea how it translates to outside. I slipped about 11 secs off my first test 21:42, up from 21:31, but all those darn turns on a 16 lap per mile track does slow me down a little bit. Plus, my sickness at the beginning of the week took a little bit outta me. Oddly enough, even though the calculator drops my vdot from 46 to 45, all the pacing times for the zones stayed the same. I am not sure how that happened, but I will just keep plugging along at the paces I have, and hope to get a bump at the end of the OS. I guess I could turn one of the next outdoor runs into a test to verify, but I'm not all that fond of tests , which I am not alone in.
My brick run this morning was cut back to 30 mins, as my right knee is hurting a bit, and the treadmill run was not being kind to the body. I just kept the paces very low to start, z1+30 secs first mile, then ramped up to z1-2 and held there. No Z2 out Z3 back this time. Want to have a chance to hit my z4 intervals in the 80 min run tomorrow, hopefully outside.
Had to defer the test to this morning due to work and travel; a 1:20 improvement from 26:42 to 25:22 and a 1.5 point improvement in VDOT. Last two weeks have been a little difficult fitting in workouts but I am very happy. Great to have the team to be accountable to and get the encouragement!
Man! I'm seeing some amazing tests coming in this week. WOW!
My legs/hips have been very sore. Chose to take yesterday off and focus on heat therapy, rolling and stretching. Did 3 sessions yesterday. Legs MUCH better today. Both calves are still tight but not painful. Smoked the bike/run today. Felt really good. Beautiful day. Couldn't not go outside. Didn't run for the total time. Calves started to bark about 30 minutes in so shut it down. Walked home. I'm not into being a hero then being a zero.
Switched the weekend training days this week, putting the long run on Saturday and the ride on Sunday. Yesterday was the 3 Bridges Marathon here in Little Rock. What better way to celebrate Christmas than with a Marathon. I do recommend this one. It is a small marathon that runs the fabulous River Trail (RT) here in Little Rock, where we frequently train. The run crosses 3 Bridges over the Arkansas River, so the name.
I did not run the marathon this year, but hung around to cheer. The plan was to do Virginia's long run on the RT, and then to pick up my marathon partner, Alison, and run with her.
Virginia's long run went just fine. She is coming off about 4 weeks of a sore hip/groin muscle, working toward her first running half marathon in March. The run went fine. Virginia cut it short at 7 miles, having planned 8. The hip soreness was reappearing and Virginia made a smart move to run back to the car. She is fine. I'm going to get her on her bike this morning to spin and loosen up the hip.
We had parked between miles 15-16 on the marathon route, so after Virginia's run we cheered the runners. Beautiful day for a run of any kind as it was full sun and in the 40's by now. Along came Alison with another runner and off I went. It turns out that the other runner was Chris Shup, a half IM'er who is doing his first full IM at Chattanooga this coming September, so I knew we had something to talk about for the run since that is the IM i'm planning in 2016 also. Chris was working on a PR on this marathon, and I was charged with pacing...keep it at 9:30...ok.
Alison peeled off at mile 20 to avoid hurting herself since her training had not put in the miles needed for the full marathon. Chris was working on his PR so Alison charged me with keeping him company. Great day for a second long run and I felt great so off we went. Close behind me for a while Chris kept up but the talk was very one sided from me. At around 22 he said "I sure would love to negative split", to which I responded, "be careful what you ask for", and I began to inch down from the 9:30 we were running. I think that lasted for about a quarter of a mile. The remainder was progressively slower but steady and Chris did that PR by over 10 minutes, so it was a very impressive run for him on Saturday.
I met Alison back at the finish line and after a bit she drove me home, where we visited for a while with Virginia, discussing bathroom remodeling, gifts that 10-year-old boys would like, and other topics along with running.
So I doubled my long run with a total of 17.3 miles (7 and then 10). I'm going to skip the run on Sunday I think unless I feel really great after the bike. Here are the runs:
Got the Sunday long run done early morning. Still feeling soreness in right knee, but tried to do the best I could. It loosened up during the first 3 miles, so I tried to hit the 2 z4 mile intervals. Strong south winds made things a little tougher, and I missed z4 by 10 secs in the first mile and 7 sec in the sec mile. I'll take that though. Went TRP easy most of the rest of the way though. Looking forward to some rest tomorrow.
I'm finally catching up on inputting my numbers!! I did my run test on Thursday. The night before my right knee was acting up. I stretched and rested. I did my 1st test on the treadmill. This time I chose to go back outside to our local trail, and it was much better. I actually shaved 1:26 minutes off my time and my AHR was 160 (8 beats lower). My Vdot went up by 2 points...needless to say, I'm quite pleased! (knee was okay ).
I finally got the test done today. The result was a 5K personal best for me at 21:31! I was both happy and surprised that I was faster than my week 1 test, since that was also a PB.
1)6:38 – 23 feet of elevation gain and net -6ft
2)7:05 – 59 feet of elevation gain and net +5ft
3)7:09 – 52 feet of elevation gain and net +18ft sucking wind!
My vDOT stayed the same at 45. I was playing with the calculator to see what I need to run to reach the targeted goal of a 48 vDot. I realize that I will need to run a 20:30 5K which is 6:37 pace (gulp!). Well I have some work to do, but I am try and make that happen.
I'm finally catching up on inputting my numbers!! I did my run test on Thursday. The night before my right knee was acting up. I stretched and rested. I did my 1st test on the treadmill. This time I chose to go back outside to our local trail, and it was much better. I actually shaved 1:26 minutes off my time and my AHR was 160 (8 beats lower). My Vdot went up by 2 points...needless to say, I'm quite pleased! (knee was okay ).
Long run done. There have been cold rain showers off and on all day and that was the case during my run, rain, clear skies, rain and wind, sun... I got in 11 miles in 1:34 for a 8:33 pace. Right in the wheelhouse of my TRP.
I made the run goal this week so I was happy! Today was a long run. It was the first run in my new paces since i just did run test. i was really like the ease of my runs based off the old numbers. Now this is work!! yikes. This is what I signed up for I reminded myself while doing the z4 mile x 2. I was happy and proud of myself when I was done today!
Solid solid work my friends!!!! This team is truly filled with incredible athletes!!!! And I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
5K was on Sunday.I wanted to do this race because of the cause and the crowd (extra motivation). The director had mentioned it was a hilly course and referenced that it prob would not be a PR course (which I know that we are supposed to test on the same terrain but I figured I would try and get after this race anyways!! I was mentally PUMPED!!) Well she was right. HOLY HILLS! And not just one----like several. I gutted through but after the first huge climb I knew no matter how high I picked up those knees my pace was too slow to hit the time I wanted. I kept at it though----but time was AWFUL. (23:59 vs. 23:00 in NOV) I felt I executed well though- and felt pretty strong running. I was 38 out of 315 and was 2ndfemale in the 18 and over division.After was talking to some of the fast guys who finished who said the course was DEF not a PR course…. Kinda made me feel better in my time of despair.Basically failed both tests. Was thinking of retesting the run this weekend- but now I just don't know if I should bother-----
THanks for listening!! HAVE AN AWESOME DAY ALL!!!!!!
Good job Laura. Did you use a Garmin or another GPS device to track the run. If you did then you can look at the NGP or normalized graded pace (I think Strava calls it AGP). That takes hills into account and gives you an estimated flat ground pace.
@Mark- I sued my Garmin 910 and just checked to find the NGP and I couldn't find it anywhere- do you know where it would be located in my starts? THANK YOU!! I didn't even know that existed!!
I started my test on Thursday as scheduled but was really having an off day with lack of sleep and family obligations pulling at me. I bagged the test after the first mile and opted to retest today before my ride. Ended up this morning with a 24:01 5k time for a 40 vdot. This is my best 5k ever (I started running only 4 years ago at the age of 43) and a gain of more than a minute on the 5k since the beginning of the OS. Very grateful for this result and to EN for getting me there.
Hi all! Great job with the test results!! I ended up doing my test on the YMCA indoor track yesterday, since I bumped the tests a day due to illness. Had hoped to test outdoors. I tested outside in Oct, but weather took me indoors for the timing I had for the test. I have tested there before, so I have an OK idea how it translates to outside. I slipped about 11 secs off my first test 21:42, up from 21:31, but all those darn turns on a 16 lap per mile track does slow me down a little bit. Plus, my sickness at the beginning of the week took a little bit outta me. Oddly enough, even though the calculator drops my vdot from 46 to 45, all the pacing times for the zones stayed the same. I am not sure how that happened, but I will just keep plugging along at the paces I have, and hope to get a bump at the end of the OS. I guess I could turn one of the next outdoor runs into a test to verify, but I'm not all that fond of tests
, which I am not alone in.
My brick run this morning was cut back to 30 mins, as my right knee is hurting a bit, and the treadmill run was not being kind to the body. I just kept the paces very low to start, z1+30 secs first mile, then ramped up to z1-2 and held there. No Z2 out Z3 back this time. Want to have a chance to hit my z4 intervals in the 80 min run tomorrow, hopefully outside.
Man! I'm seeing some amazing tests coming in this week. WOW!
My legs/hips have been very sore. Chose to take yesterday off and focus on heat therapy, rolling and stretching. Did 3 sessions yesterday. Legs MUCH better today. Both calves are still tight but not painful. Smoked the bike/run today. Felt really good. Beautiful day. Couldn't not go outside. Didn't run for the total time. Calves started to bark about 30 minutes in so shut it down. Walked home. I'm not into being a hero then being a zero.
Enjoy your day being healthy and strong!
Switched the weekend training days this week, putting the long run on Saturday and the ride on Sunday. Yesterday was the 3 Bridges Marathon here in Little Rock. What better way to celebrate Christmas than with a Marathon. I do recommend this one. It is a small marathon that runs the fabulous River Trail (RT) here in Little Rock, where we frequently train. The run crosses 3 Bridges over the Arkansas River, so the name.
I did not run the marathon this year, but hung around to cheer. The plan was to do Virginia's long run on the RT, and then to pick up my marathon partner, Alison, and run with her.
Virginia's long run went just fine. She is coming off about 4 weeks of a sore hip/groin muscle, working toward her first running half marathon in March. The run went fine. Virginia cut it short at 7 miles, having planned 8. The hip soreness was reappearing and Virginia made a smart move to run back to the car. She is fine. I'm going to get her on her bike this morning to spin and loosen up the hip.
We had parked between miles 15-16 on the marathon route, so after Virginia's run we cheered the runners. Beautiful day for a run of any kind as it was full sun and in the 40's by now. Along came Alison with another runner and off I went. It turns out that the other runner was Chris Shup, a half IM'er who is doing his first full IM at Chattanooga this coming September, so I knew we had something to talk about for the run since that is the IM i'm planning in 2016 also. Chris was working on a PR on this marathon, and I was charged with pacing...keep it at 9:30...ok.
Alison peeled off at mile 20 to avoid hurting herself since her training had not put in the miles needed for the full marathon. Chris was working on his PR so Alison charged me with keeping him company. Great day for a second long run and I felt great so off we went. Close behind me for a while Chris kept up but the talk was very one sided from me. At around 22 he said "I sure would love to negative split", to which I responded, "be careful what you ask for", and I began to inch down from the 9:30 we were running. I think that lasted for about a quarter of a mile. The remainder was progressively slower but steady and Chris did that PR by over 10 minutes, so it was a very impressive run for him on Saturday.
I met Alison back at the finish line and after a bit she drove me home, where we visited for a while with Virginia, discussing bathroom remodeling, gifts that 10-year-old boys would like, and other topics along with running.
So I doubled my long run with a total of 17.3 miles (7 and then 10). I'm going to skip the run on Sunday I think unless I feel really great after the bike. Here are the runs:
Long Run #1 - Pacing Virginia
Long Run #2 - Pacing Chris at 3BR Marathon
Team, have a great day!!!! Go share the run with someone.
Got the Sunday long run done early morning. Still feeling soreness in right knee, but tried to do the best I could. It loosened up during the first 3 miles, so I tried to hit the 2 z4 mile intervals. Strong south winds made things a little tougher, and I missed z4 by 10 secs in the first mile and 7 sec in the sec mile. I'll take that though. Went TRP easy most of the rest of the way though. Looking forward to some rest tomorrow.
I'm finally catching up on inputting my numbers!! I did my run test on Thursday. The night before my right knee was acting up. I stretched and rested. I did my 1st test on the treadmill. This time I chose to go back outside to our local trail, and it was much better. I actually shaved 1:26 minutes off my time and my AHR was 160 (8 beats lower). My Vdot went up by 2 points...needless to say, I'm quite pleased! (knee was okay
I finally got the test done today. The result was a 5K personal best for me at 21:31! I was both happy and surprised that I was faster than my week 1 test, since that was also a PB.
1) 6:38 – 23 feet of elevation gain and net -6ft
2) 7:05 – 59 feet of elevation gain and net +5ft
3) 7:09 – 52 feet of elevation gain and net +18ft sucking wind!
My vDOT stayed the same at 45. I was playing with the calculator to see what I need to run to reach the targeted goal of a 48 vDot. I realize that I will need to run a 20:30 5K which is 6:37 pace (gulp!). Well I have some work to do, but I am try and make that happen.
I'm finally catching up on inputting my numbers!! I did my run test on Thursday. The night before my right knee was acting up. I stretched and rested. I did my 1st test on the treadmill. This time I chose to go back outside to our local trail, and it was much better. I actually shaved 1:26 minutes off my time and my AHR was 160 (8 beats lower). My Vdot went up by 2 points...needless to say, I'm quite pleased! (knee was okay
I made the run goal this week so I was happy! Today was a long run. It was the first run in my new paces since i just did run test. i was really like the ease of my runs based off the old numbers. Now this is work!! yikes. This is what I signed up for I reminded myself while doing the z4 mile x 2. I was happy and proud of myself when I was done today!
Solid solid work my friends!!!! This team is truly filled with incredible athletes!!!! And I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
5K was on Sunday. I wanted to do this race because of the cause and the crowd (extra motivation). The director had mentioned it was a hilly course and referenced that it prob would not be a PR course (which I know that we are supposed to test on the same terrain but I figured I would try and get after this race anyways!! I was mentally PUMPED!!) Well she was right. HOLY HILLS! And not just one----like several. I gutted through but after the first huge climb I knew no matter how high I picked up those knees my pace was too slow to hit the time I wanted. I kept at it though----but time was AWFUL. (23:59 vs. 23:00 in NOV) I felt I executed well though- and felt pretty strong running. I was 38 out of 315 and was 2nd female in the 18 and over division. After was talking to some of the fast guys who finished who said the course was DEF not a PR course…. Kinda made me feel better in my time of despair. Basically failed both tests. Was thinking of retesting the run this weekend- but now I just don't know if I should bother-----
THanks for listening!! HAVE AN AWESOME DAY ALL!!!!!!
@Mark- I sued my Garmin 910 and just checked to find the NGP and I couldn't find it anywhere- do you know where it would be located in my starts? THANK YOU!! I didn't even know that existed!!