Recovery from bruised ribs/chest wall pail
Just curious what the recovery period for chest wall pain is like for others. Crashed the bike on Christmas day; thought I had punctured a lung it hurt so bad...not with anyone so had to call an ambulance. No broken ribs, but diagnosed with chest wall pain and a broken index finger. Quite painful to take deep breaths, especially in the morning before the drugs kick in. Was going into JOS with some excitement, so this speed bump is a big bummer.
I took a fall 6 weeks before B2B a couple years ago. Cracked a couple ribs couldn't run or swim due to the pain. I actually used KT tape on my chest wall and was able to swim and run about 7-10 days later. The tape helped stabilize some and probably also had a bit of a psychological affect too. In the first week I could ride m trainer at a z3 pace without much discomfort.