Brian Hagan - 2017 Official Coach Thread
I am in week 10 of the November Outseason and will soon transition to swim focus and then 12 weeks of IM Texas training. How would you recommend I start to stretch the weekend ride to 2 or 3 hours? It will most likely be on the Computrainer, since it is winter in Michigan. Thanks!
What's the longest you have ridden on a CT?
Patrick, I've done three hour rides 3 or 4 times, but not much. I wrote a wko in TR that basically takes the OS TR Saturday bonus workout (90 minute) and then adds a half hour of Z2. It is 2 hours. I would maybe like to peek ahead at some of the IM wkos and start simulating them.
I agree! Thanks for your help!
Great to talk with yesterday. I am really excited for how consistent you been despite your early challenges. And it’s always nice to know that you are patient enough and diligent enough to care for your body when it matters most.
I would like to see you continue with the autism program now that you're back on track. We don't need to have you instead this means you won't need to start your IM training really until June 1. So depending how much longer you’ll be in the OutSeason®, you can dial in a nice block around your bike. I know we have the get fast plan, but we might want to modify that to be the Bike Focus Plan so we aren't super stressing the run.
Why don't you get back to me when you think you'll be wrapping the OutSeason®. based on that hard date I can decide how we want to fill the time. Remember right now it's all about running consistency, no flash. Let's continue to progress on the bike. You might not be seeing it today, but this massive bike work will pay dividends across the season, I swear!
I believe I have been focusing a little too much on the run at the expense of the bike. This has been on purpose, because I wanted to get back some aerobic fitness that I just can't get on the bike. When I get back 20-Feb, I plan to follow though with your advice to focus on the bike. There are basically 15 weeks from 20-Feb to 1-June. I will take a look at the bike focus plan.
Let me know what you think!
~ Coach P
So, it will be close to what you recommended. I wont do too much the next 2 weeks, and then I will start to build slowly in June like the doctor recommended.
Your Season In Two Parts
You have ~ 15 weeks to IMLou and another 15 weeks to UMFL.
Part One: IM Louisville
Coach Notes Part One
I want more biking now to get you back AND to invest in the biking you'll need to do between now and UMFL. I am NOT worried about your IM Lou swim, you can wait on that unless you have beautiful OWS near your house that you love to do in the Summer (let me know).
Aside from all the biking, I want you running like 5 miles about 4x a week...once you get to 20 miles, we can move one run to a longer run to prep for your IM training.
Part Two: Ultraman Florida
I AM open to reconsidering a "traditional" IM build, but would rather give you a few more weeks of training so our plans are more specific to your actual fitness vs what we think it will be...let me know when your Epic Forum thread is up!
Let's get to work!
~ Coach P
PS, the usual admin language: These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
Thanks so much. I really did not think anyone would look at that, and was really updating so Brenda would have me in the right races
1) I made my Strava training log public. My running volume is above 20 miles per week. Nothing too long, but I started running every day last week (longest run was 10.5 miles). The only day I (currently) do intensity is Tuesday, and that has been 2 to 3 X 1 mile at Z4/3. Here is my run build since the blood clot in my calf issue. The jump was just adding a 3 mile run off my Saturday bike and Friday 4 mile run. I did a sprint triathlon on Wednesday that included a run warm up.
2) Bike - Here is the last several weeks of my bike. The spike pre blood clot was Blue Ridge Camp. I've been doing Wednesday Z4 (I had a sprint tri last Wednesday), Saturday long ride and Sunday Zwift ABP.
I will look at the Bike focus plan and adjust. Could I do the Saturday wko and work it into a long ride?
3) Swim - I do have a lake by me that is very convenient. I also enjoy swimming and my legs always feel better after a swim. Also, leading into Ultraman, its one of the parts I need the most work. I am planning (but not certain) on doing an organized 10K open water swim ("Swim to the Moon") in August, so I've started building for that. My plan for the swim is to continue with open water Monday, and pool Wednesday and Friday morning with a group of friends.
Here is my PMC. I think my zones are off, because I have not tested anything since February when I believe my FTP was much higher than it is now. Also, I have a new power meter and I think it measures similar efforts lower than the old one.
4) Ultraman - I followed TC closely last fall / winter and bookmarked his posts. I will be crowd sourcing that training once Louisville is over. A couple of my friends did double ironmans last winter and another friend of mine has done 4 or 5 Ultramans. So between them, TC and Simon I will put a plan together.
* the bike - yes, you can do the Saturday work out and put it into a long ride… Or you could just do a long ride. These rods don't have to be as focused or "hard" as a typical Iron Man Saturday ride. It's more important that we just get you out there riding long and eating. Maybe explore some new routes, etc?
Unlike the run, this is where you are free to add volume and you will still be safe.
* the swim - there is so much you can do here to improve your swimming but does not involve tons of volume. If we were to break your time between now and February down into different segments, the first and most important part would be technique and skill. You can do a great deal of work on something better and keep your swims under 2000 yards at a time.
There will be a time for some volume, but it is not now.
~ Coach P
So here are my thoughts:
- We need to keep Monday as an optional day off. Especially if things pileup on Sunday and you're pretty tired, I'd like to have the flexibility knowing that you can take that Monday off and show up on Tuesday morning fresh, but ready to bury yourself. If you're worried about missing those 1 miles, you could always make that a brick run on Wednesday.
- Having those three workouts back to back in midweek will be challenging. I would be okay if you're Wednesday ride became an "he'll ride" with mostly working zone two and some low cadence stuff. In other words, at some point the fatigue will build up to where you can hit all three sessions well, and that Thursday session is more important during this phase.
- Again I defer to you I'm keeping yourself healthy. If at any point time the run doesn't feel right I want you to stop since we can always work around it but we can't undo injury.
- If anyone needs to be dropped, I suggest you drop the Sunday one. If you really want to get it in, then I suggest you get up early and run before our Zwift ride, so that you have about 60' to recover before we start (eat, etc).
Onwards!~ Coach P
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Your Races
Your Season Update
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button.
Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
Coach Notes
I think the best course of action for you is to get onto your Ironman plan. While you still have a significant amount of work to do through Ultraman, we are still getting you back up to speed from your time off. My hope is that once you get through Louisville, and you recover, you will have a good two-month block of training for November and December will really set you up.
From a disciplinary perspective, you are free to go nuts with the cycling. Any given weekend between now and Louisville if the weather is perfect, you should get out and ride. Ride ride ride. We don't want to go crazy on the run or the swim. The swim can wait until closer to the race, and the run needs to be a very deliberate buildup.
I am okay with you doing intensity during the week in swift and The schedule allows you to, what I suggest that you start getting used to going longer Ian Kurth style on the weekends.
Also, you should probably let me know if you're planning on doing any minicamps or travel training events before the race so I can include that in my thought process.
Let's get to work!
~ Coach P
per week. Your not suggesting that I not swim (are you)?
For the run, with the exception of Tuesday, everything is at Z1. I've been slowly getting faster at that low HR and am feeling a lot stronger with a higher run frequency at low intensity. I am adding strides to the end of some of the runs.
The bike we are totally in sync. Plan EN Kurth is implementing.
But we can't fake the funk on the bike on the run. I just want to make sure you didn't miss my last question about any minicamps or other travel for training you are planning. Let me know.
Besides that, my plan is to ride 5 to 6 hours each Saturday with focus on increasing NP, lowering VI, fueling and even splits. I will start stretching Sunday to match. I will start fueling the Sunday morning ride better. I have not been taking that seriously on Sunday, and I ran out food and drink in the pain cave.
On on the Facebook site, some of the athletes mentioned a training camp at some point, so I am keeping my ears peeled for that.
• Google Sheet, open to world and posted to epic forum for all to see and contributing to.
• Break now to race day into several chunks, in reverse order to that's -- tapering, final bike push, run focus, mid bike push (Dec), build 2, recover, build 1 (now).
• Add those events into the calendar.
• Identify benchmark workouts we can do along the way.
I say Cape Town sounds epic but a lot of travel to ride. I did Clermont on year the holiday week and you can really crush yourself. My guess is you could almost roll your own JVC type of event if you found the right place -- air bnb a house in Clermont not far from the NTC for a month call it Dec to Jan and then open it to the Team. You know you'd get 4-6 folks chipping in to come down and could do Xmas week, MLK final push (4 days) and even maybe an early Dec one as well.
The benchmark WKOs will tell us more...and might benefit from Team input.
I like the way he periodized it. The first 4-6 weeks were bike FTP / Vo2 (outseason type). The weekday run was a bit of track work. He seems to like the track. He also did long bike and long runs on the weekend. So, run on Sat:bike on Sunday or bike on Sat:run on Sunday.
After the marathon, he started to get pretty darn serious. He started doing long rides on Wednesday and Thursday and long runs on Saturday and Sunday. I really like this, except I am not retired. My thoughts are as follows:
1) In the winter, I would rather to long running on the weekend, becuase I can do it outside in daylight
2) For the bike, enjoy Zwifting, so it does not matter if I do this on a week night.
3) I just wont be able to fit in much more than 3 to 4 hours of Zwifting on a weeknight.
My limiters -- I've never S,B,R more than 2.4, 112, 26.2,. 10K at my current speed would be about 4 hours. I usually average close to 19.5 - 20 MPH on my long rides with about 4k of elevation over 100 miles. The part that scares me the most is day 3 (the double marathon). My plan right now is to do a 9 minute run / 1 minute walk. I've been doing most of my runs about 135 BPM (My MAF) and my speed is getting closer to 9:00 / Mile at that HR. I am hoping Phil Maffetone is correct, and I can get that closer to 8:30 by February.
Travel - These things are out of my hands. In order for my wife to support me doing the race, I need to go with her to Cape Town. She is letting me do the cycling as a trade off. We are also going to the Bahamas over MLK weekend in January. It is not ideal, but it keeps up happily married and that is much more important to me than any race.
I hope to visit my parents in January for a camp type weekend where I can swim / bike a good chunk of the course.
Oh... as for Epic forum - I was really planning on doing this after IMKY, but I've now done a lot of the work for it, so I will probably post something in the next few weeks. SW and I were talking about creating our own mojo forum. Can you share with me if you know of anyone else doing this. I know Simon is doing Hawaii and I believe Tim is on his crew. Francis Picard is on my crew, and he is up for 2019.
From what I can see, you are really ramping up in the weeks 9, 8 and 7. In some cases at a rate of 2x what you have done before. But I want to confirm.
~ Patrick
Ps, you should fire up a UMFL 2018 Thread for you and @Stephanie Weldon to share!!!
have you moved over everything to -- I think you have but want to be sure!
1) This is a 15 week plan broken into three sections
- Phase 1 - This is quassy outseasonish. There is weekday Tuesday FTP Thursday Vo2 max for bike and speed work for the run on Wednesday. The difference is that the weekends have a long ride and a long run. It goes from 12 hours (817 TSS) to 16 hours (1100 TSS).
- Phase 2 - Volume! This is where you see the big jump you mentioned. 22 hours (1320 TSS) to 26 hours (1600 TSS). I may need to ease into this a little bit or add a little bit to Phase 1. I also may be more in the 18-20 hour range, so I don't think I will do all this, but it is the model I will follow. I know this needs some work, but the big jump are the Wednesday / Thursday long rides. I am going to use vacation days to do those Wednesday / Thursday long rides (cancelled IMMT trip
). I discussed cancelling Capetown with my wife last night, and I may lobby to go to my parents condo in Orlando area for that week and maybe the first week of January. - Phase 3 - Race Prep - This one is structured much like the race. a) Long swim / ride on Friday. I would break this up as before and after work b) long ride on Saturday c) either long run Sunday or Sunday / Monday double run.
2) For the swim - my pool opens at 4. I really would love a Vasa! I am going to need to do some Jenn Edwards type mornings to get some of these longer swims in. I may want to hit 10K once, but I wont lose sleep if I can only get a few 8K swim completed.Prior IMs - I think I am a much better biker than any of my prior IMs, but here are the 2 that I did with power
Muskoka 2015 - Time = 6:33 - IF .68; TSS 303 (7500 ft of elevation with a standard crank); 5 hr marathon (hilly) - I believe I had one century ride total in my training. This was prior to EN.
Texas 2016 93.9 miles - Time - 4:45 - IF .58 TSS=159; 4:35 marathon. I believe I under biked and left a lot on the table. The heat and humidity was more the issue on the run.