Amulya's 2016 Micro Thread
Hi Patrick,
My 2016 season is starting off with a rough and bumpy start. I had a bad fall while skiing on Sunday and may have knee injury (Guessing some kind of meniscus injury). It was quite painful on Monday where I was literally limping to walk a few steps but it miraculously improved a lot on Tuesday. I’ve been Icing every few hours and wearing a knee compression brace which may have played a big role there. I’m able to walk almost pain free today (Wednesday) but I’m a little still afraid to turn my knee in certain angles where it bothers me a bit. I have an appointment with my Orthopedics & Sports Medicine specialist on Monday which I’m sure will be followed up by MRI and some kind of confirmed diagnosis.
With that said, my TSR has me starting my OutSeason on Monday. Even though things are improving and I'm hoping for the most positive diagnosis, I’m guessing that I will have to take my running easy for the next few weeks atleast. I'm assuming starting with Run Re-Entry Protocol in the Wiki when I’m completely pain free? With regard to biking should I start with the FTP test for the OS on Monday? Should I move the OS by a week if needed? Should I change my plan to something else? Any suggestions? if you ask me today, given how I feel with my injury I’m not sure if I can give my 100% to that FTP test.
I'll keep you posted on the outcome of the diagnosis as soon as i hear it (I'm hoping mostly towards end of next week).
My 2016 season is starting off with a rough and bumpy start. I had a bad fall while skiing on Sunday and may have knee injury (Guessing some kind of meniscus injury). It was quite painful on Monday where I was literally limping to walk a few steps but it miraculously improved a lot on Tuesday. I’ve been Icing every few hours and wearing a knee compression brace which may have played a big role there. I’m able to walk almost pain free today (Wednesday) but I’m a little still afraid to turn my knee in certain angles where it bothers me a bit. I have an appointment with my Orthopedics & Sports Medicine specialist on Monday which I’m sure will be followed up by MRI and some kind of confirmed diagnosis.
With that said, my TSR has me starting my OutSeason on Monday. Even though things are improving and I'm hoping for the most positive diagnosis, I’m guessing that I will have to take my running easy for the next few weeks atleast. I'm assuming starting with Run Re-Entry Protocol in the Wiki when I’m completely pain free? With regard to biking should I start with the FTP test for the OS on Monday? Should I move the OS by a week if needed? Should I change my plan to something else? Any suggestions? if you ask me today, given how I feel with my injury I’m not sure if I can give my 100% to that FTP test.
I'll keep you posted on the outcome of the diagnosis as soon as i hear it (I'm hoping mostly towards end of next week).
Either way, I'm cleared to swim and bike right now. She said both knee and ankle should recover within a couple of weeks and can easy myself into running after that. I did do 2 x 15' (4’) @ Z3 (at old FTP) yesterday and the knee felt pretty strong. Should I do a FTP test in a couple of weeks or lower down my old FTP by 10-15 watts or so to continue with the regular OS bike workout's after that? Also how should I start running in a couple of weeks? Should I start with the Run test or should I follow the Run Re-Entry Protocol on the days I’m supposed to run?
Now get in the pool!!!
~ Coach P
Overall it's good news. Everything is going like clockwork. I had a MRI done a couple of weeks ago and t the result has been good. According to the report “There is a mild diffuse thickening on the MCL suggesting that it was a subacute low-grade partial tear/strain”. The doctor called it a micro tear and should heal completely or should have already healed by now. I don't feel any pain while running or biking but I still feel a dull pain at night (on the inside of the knee) on the days when the biking intensity is high.
I feel like my cycling fitness is back where it is supposed to be. I started off with a FTP of 15 watts lower than my old FTP and increased it by 5 watts every week. I'm back at my 2015 FTP now and I feel pretty good about it.
On the running side, I've been doing the run-walk (re-entry protocol) 3 - 4 times a week. Started off with 1' run and 4' walk and kept increasing it every week. This week I’m at 4' run and 6' walk x 4 times. I must say that I have lost all my running fitness. It had been a couple months since I had been running and I feel like I’m out of breath after 3 minutes. Also the injured leg tends to tighten up around the calf/Achilles. I've been stretching it before and after every workout and it seem to help.
I’m wondering on how I should proceed from here? Should I continue with the re-entry drill on the days I’m supposed to run in the out season? My TSR has me switch to the HIM plan after week #8 in the OutSeason.
My guess is your achilles / calf is doing some "Extra work" to account for the knee. Keep it loose and keep working on full range of motion with your leg / good glutes etc. It all adds up.
Hope you are doing well. Just wanted to check in with you on a couple of things. I’ve gone off track a little bit (not by a lot
Side note: The second day ride from Monterey to Morro Bay was breathtaking and I would highly recommend doing it if you have a chance.
Now to the problem. About two weeks ago after I did the Tuesday interval run workout, I’ve developed a dull pain in my foot (somewhere in the Metatarsals/Tarsals bone area of the big toe) and its lingering all day. It’s seems to ease if I take a day off from running but returns back after I start running again. Should I take some time off from running?
The second thing is I’m going to have some house guest starting this Friday, April 22nd – May 1st. During this time I will be driving down to Southern California from April 26th – 30th. So swimming and outdoor biking is out. I may be able to get a few days of short indoor biking before I leave to Southern California. This would have been a perfect time to put in running frequency but by foot seems to be bothering me.
My TSR had an unstructured week for 5/2 but I’m not doing wild flower. Should I take next week off instead and start the IM plan on 5/2?
Any suggestions on what I should do and how I would modify my workout to maintain my fitness?
FYI – My A race is IM Coeur d'Alene
While it's a bummer that you are missing out on wildflower, I think exchanging it for that massive bike ride experience is a pretty fair trade. A win – win if you will. Sounds epic.
As for the issue that is somewhat concerning. My initial questions always of all around your footwear in its current status of use. Also might be worthwhile checking out some orthotics as it's possible that metatarsal is being overused due to some instability in the arch. If you have the ability, it might be worthwhile finding an ART practitioner who can try and mobilize her foot in her calf. Either way deftly spend some time with the foam roller on your calf / achilles and consider mobilizing the bottom of your foot with a lacrosse ball.
You have time to time into coeur d'alene so i would not stress out for this transition week. to secure the state actors don't go crazy as it has me mindful of your foot and obviously your SAUs. Let me know if you decide to do with your foot!