Joe C's Macro thread
Hi Rich, currently i am in the NOV OS but i suffered a calf injury 6 weeks ago, bottom line, after therapy and 2 unsuccessful attempts, i still can not run. i may be off the pavement for the next month or 2. Question is, what should i do to train at this point, how should i adjust my plan? biking is 100% ok. should i bike 5 times a week and throw in some swims? I'm currently signed up for IMMT this coming August. thanks Rich, i hope your winter training is going strong buddy. thanks, Joe Crispino
Sorry to hear that, I'm also in Run Jail, been here for a while. I recommend you carry on with the OS as is, focusing on the bike and anything else you can manage (swimming, core/strength work, etc). Ease back into running as you're able to then circle back to me to adjust the rest of your plan. But you'll likely be amending the run workouts in whatever plan you do, for a while, to more accurately accommodate your run.