@Carol it Is with sad news that I have to report that I,um,ee,eh,sorry, used my TM this evening off the bike to finish the days work,strides, gotta say footing not good out there tonite, so quality over quantity.
@Shawnsy I have a pic for you, not the great outdoor, but.......
Steve Ross- you crack me up! Keep those pics coming, they certainly make me feel a lot better about getting out in the wind when I see what you put up with!!
William Jenks- I'm with you. I love this whole new TRP concept for EN 'cause I don't even really have to think about it. It's just the pace I run when I'm "just going for a run". If I'm struggling to hit the pace- then it's obvious that I need some more recovery.
@the Ross's-amazing the weather you put up with! And I complain about my January frigid 39 degree am runs
@SS-i read drainmaker and figured out a direct connect. Hopefully it works! of Course, 920 wouldn't connect this am. Did every reboot trick I new then read that actually turning the watch off and on works (i was working on the phone end). Now I've synced
Didn't get to yesterday's brick so did 2.5 mi this am at my THRP (slower than TRP)-temp a balmy 43 degrees. I did however yesterday get in a swim drill session, 1000 yards of TI drills, which I am trying to do twice a week in JOS. Forever trying to find my 12yo natural dolphin form
Legs feeling it this AM got outside at O'dark-45 with the headlamp, barely hit TRP #s, but all my runs have some kind of hill as I live on top of one and for a mile out on all the running paths it's downhill out (for 1-3 miles) and uphill back.. some are 1-3%,
Gotta say Carol, great leading/motivation the group here. It is much appreciated.
Kept to a light 4 mi run yesterday while recovering from Wednesday's long run. Only had 1 mile at TRP, as a hill, out and back, dropped the pace a bit. Legs were feeling it by mile 3.5, so I slowed it down a bit and called it done.
2x treadmill runs, 3-4 miles, 3 miles ez, then 10% with 30sec 6min/mi bursts, then 5' zn2.
and as many brick runs, 1 to 1.5 mi, as I can get in after some tough bike sessions.
Haven't really added any long runs since mid December but I've def fallen into something that seems to be working, at this point. Will start getting back on your schedule about Feb.
@ SS- I'm around. Def buying what you guys are selling. You guys got it off to a great start and I'm just enjoying the ride right now. I'll start yapping more soon. Feel free to let me know when to curtail my ramblings!
Oh, Lawdy! I was feeling the fatigue this morning. Those hills!! And I def need to get a headlamp. The only decent hill near my house is a part crumbly asphalt/part dirt road with a cow grate. And there are big giant trucks lumbering back and forth carrying dirt. About every 3-5 minutes. I think they think I am nuts. 0600 run at 33 degrees- I need to find a headlamp.
This week was time for a little adjustment in my running. It seems that Chicken Little is running the State Government. With the localized storms that have been churning here all week, I have had less WKO time. So, I backed the miles off but have been keeping the frequency. I did not get a long run in on Wednesday. Today, instead of hill repeats like last week I just ran a hilly ten mile course. The course has 8 hill of distance. Three of the hills are fairly steep and one is 1/2 mile long. Although I am not bounding up these hills like we do when performing hill repeats, I am focused on keeping the pace high and letting the Perceived level of exertion rise. It will be an interesting ride tomorrow.
I am both proud of you all and a bit envious. I was planning to just stick with my Runner's World running hack but after reading all of these JOS posts I may have to start sneaking in some TRP runs after my bike days as well. I am away again this weekend so work will dictate when and if I get to run tomorrow. I was able to swim at the local gym...left my swim cords at home.
Okay gotta say to our fearless running leader Carol the quiet non chirping peeps are racking up some serious mileage(see chart) in just our first two weeks,clap clap clap and kudo's peeps !
@The Strangeman believe in your plan to get you to your end state successfully. I to have hacked in my Runners World plan into the OS as well to have an awesome marathon in a couple of months, I look at TRP as my best friend and as a rein to keep me from over extending, cheers !
Having a pretty good running week so far. I've managed to keep getting in a run everyday... Recording 34*( had to edit this... Because I can't add...I didn't do 38...34 so far)so far with a little longer run to come tomorrow. Doing the majority of miles at TRP but still adding hills to almost every run... Usually pushing the pace on the incline. I like to get some work in that pushes the HR into my anaerobic zone. After about a mile of that... I return to TRP and this recovery is the best simulation to what it feels like to be at "the line" on race day. I like training my mind to embrace and work through that discomfort.
Ive been on a pretty strict diet this year... Logging everything and working off of a pretty big caloric deficit. I'm looking to try to take off a pound to pound and a half a week. It's working. I reached a high fall weight of 186... But as of today I was in the mid 170's looking to keep losing into the mid 160's. Light is right as coach Rich says. To hit my calorie target I did have to do a double run day during the week... But I got to run with my wife... So it wasn't much of an ordeal ( she's my favorite training partner!)
Have a great weekend everyone...Keep Rocking those runs!
I'm a little late in getting my testing done but had a 5K race today. Happy with my time of 23:11 and avg HR 174. Not sure what that means overall but my splits were pretty even which i'm really pleased with. Got an alert from Training Peaks that my threshold HR was increased to 166. Not sure what that means. And the pain from my plantar fasciitis is finally beginning to subside!
Didn't think I was going to hit my zones but I did. Let's see how he fatigue builds over the next few weeks. A vDot jump from 46-50 is quite a shock to the body. Guess I've been taking it too easy on myself.
@Steve - you are my hero, or maybe just plain crazy. You didn't do the entire run outdoors in your Tri kit dos you? You and the rest of the outdoor crazies made me re-evaluate the 6 runs/week. I listened to Coach P's podcast on the subject and decided to throw in a brick run after my ride today. Mind you I am away again moonlighting so I had to do it all indoors at the gym next to the hotel in case I was called in. Instead of doing the entire 40 minute run the EN JOS Int Wk 2 Sat called for today, I decided on 20 minutes at my TRP. My theory is that if I'm going to go from 3 runs/week to 6, I better work up to the volume. Of course I couldn't resist do some pylometric training after the bike and run. The gym had some pretty cool equipment to include some weight sleds.
I woke up this AM feeling like crap. Although I slept a full 8 hours (only happens once every couple of weeks!), I woke up and my whole back was achy. Not a focal strain- just achy all over. Didn't want to do ANYTHING! But I decided to give the run a go. It went great! Right in my zones. And my back pain resolved!! Then I came back, had some PBJ, watched some TV, read a Lava article, and then headed out for the bike.
And that niggling pain in behind my left ankle? I changed to my big cushy shoes yesterday and the day before and no pain at all. Went back the more minimal shoes today...no pain!! At about mile 2, seemed like it was thinking about coming back and then decided not to. We'll see how it goes tomorrow...
Short brick run in the 11 pm hour, yes I will be up all night because of it. Had my fastest brick run to date: 6:24 & 7:10. Already feeling sore. This will impact tomorrow' s run for sure.
OMG Steve, you are making me cold just looking at you!!!!
Got the 2x1m@Z4 "longish" run done today and hit my goal 22 miles for the week. Running the Z4 interval strait into the 15mph wind wasn't exactly the greatest route planning on my part- but I got it done.
Was freaking out over the our cold rain all day and 31 degree wind chills. Took one look at Steve's pic and got my ass out the door.
Hills made me work on this one and prior FTP work was humbling by the time I made it to the run but, after I finished whining and coming up with all the excuses I could find, I decided to just run.
Just finished reading through all the great posts for this past week. Steve's picture has motivated me to get up and go finish this last workout at the YMCA. I didn't like looking at it and seeing the 2 x z4, but I'm psyched up for it now. I've been enjoying the TRP pace. Mine sits around 8:45. I'm not a fast runner, but seem to be consistent and hope that the durability really pays off in Wisconsin with a KMF never slowing down run! I've been averaging around 25 miles a week, for the past couple months which is about 5 miles more than last year.
I am so glad I can motivate you peeps in my own little way via "pics" from afar !!. Well last run of the week and it was a 19 km(12 miler) and it was like running on sand again. My legs will be trashed this afternoon, nothing a beer and a ball game won't cure. OA this week I punched out over 40 miles and effectively nailed each run in my plan. Third week is about to avail itself on us be prepared to tackle it."Winter's coming" peeps, so make the most and stay focused !
Clearly I have a ton of accumulated fatigue or I swagged my Vdot too high... Probably a bit of both. Yesterday's Z2 out Z3 back was unatainable. In fairness the Z2 out was downhill (2%ish) so Z2 was attainable on that, turning it around and coming back up made holding even Z2 difficult. Today I had no issues with TRPish pace, putting out 9 miles. Did a 1/2 mile Z4 interval at mile 6 and tried to throw in another at mile 7, but that was only a 1/4 mile as both fatigue and the upturn in grade did me in.. still finished up with a quality overall run, living to fight for week 3
Ok all..been reading (most of) your updates! I arrived back home late last night from a family vacation (no running/riding peeps) to Costa Rica! HOLY HILLS! Our little villa was .25 mile uphill from the main road to the beach and about 100 feet of elevation in that .25!!! My few runs had lots of elevation for this flatlander. And it was HOT. I ran a 3miler, and two 4milers. The 3 miler had about 285ft of elevation, then the "hike"back to the villa, and in 4 miles I got about 385ft. We also hiked a couple times to the the top of our complex. It was about .75 mile long and about 380ft of elevation. So, while I didn't run daily, I did get my hr pumping every day!
Soooo, today I did yesterdays bike after the en warm up, 2x15' and bricked on the mill. z2/3 as prescribed at my new (slow) paces and 10' more to get to 4 miles.
Tomorrow, back at it. No more cocktails, beer or restaurant meals for me till February!
Happy Sunday, my JOS running peeps! Before I jump into all of your un-freakin-believable posts since Wed., I'll give you my update since then. I apologize to those who have read this on the bike thread:-) Thurs. was the bike/run day. Had a great bike (hard) and waited til later to do the TRP run, which went well. Long story short - blood in urine, visit to urologist to give sample, got Augmentin in case I had an infection, got script for CT scan next morning. Up ALL night vomiting (thought it was from the Augmentin). Managed to get to the hospital for the CT scan and back home to bed. Call from doc in afternoon after reviewing scan. Two kidney stones that had been lurking in my kidneys for some time now were now in my bladder! Now, throwing up all night is not fun - but I was somehow spared the excrutiating pain that typically comes along with kidney stones. Slept the rest of day and night. Sat. a.m. woke up feeling SO much better. "Caught" the larger of the 2 stones in the a.m. Not sure where the other one is:-) Anyway - glad that's over! I actually did the 1:15 bike yesterday at mostly Z3 so I was happy with that, but decided against the run after. Didn't want to push my luck! Today I woke up with vertigo... again! I've had this on and off for a couple of weeks. I did the "vertigo exercises" this morning, which didn't do much. I finally got mad and decided to go on the treadmill to try my run - in case I had to grab the handles! I had a good run:-) 6 miles; 3 at TRP, 2 * mile Z4, finish in Z2/3. I went straight out to the gym for my Friday core/swim workout. So there! Take that, Vertigo!! Geez...
I'm just so impressed with the running going on in this group! Seriously - you guys are SO motivating. Let's see if I can capture the 2nd half of the week:
@Robert - I have used the "Run Less, Run Faster Plan" and love it! I know you are so very tempted now to get the Jan. OS run durability into your training, but please do be careful! Steve had good advice for you and I agree. Sounds like you are being smart adding the TRP in carefully but listen to your body too (i.e., knees!) Good luck!
@Steve - OMG those pics are just crazy:-) Keep 'em coming!I Did you seriously run outside in a sleeveless? Carrying an ax? With a crazy hat? LOL 40 miles is pretty awesome this week. Look out Boston! THanks for the good laugh about running on the treadmill. Turby sends you his condolences! Oh - I did see lots of EN peeps on the run chart for the JOS! Pretty awesome group, huh?
@Chris O. - Seriously? 20 min at 10% incline on the TM? Holy butt/calf work! Congrats on hitting your new zones. vDot 50 is no joke!
@Scott - you are killing it on Strava:-) One thing that really struck me in your post from your snowy, trail run was so cool: "...serene and peaceful run. Great morning to feel alive." That honestly put a big smile on my face. We really are all so blessed to be able to do what we do:-) As for the Sat. run - Z2/Z3 is HARD after that bike workout! Especially uphill! Also impressed with you peeps that run in the dark with a headlamp! Geez... I hope you have a nice rest day tomorrow!
@John C. - 20 min swim and 3 mile run sounded fun until you said "inside track"! Sounds like a good plan though!
@SS - yep, another one burning up the Strava app! Love how you are creating lots of mojo for this group! THANKS for that. Glad to hear you were able to push past the "whining and excuses" to get your run done:-) Of course you did! I would expect nothing less from you!!
@Ann - yet another kudo for the new TRP runs. Yep, gotta tell you when I read things like "lovely run" - goes to show how this new run durability is being so well-received! Keep up the good work!
@William - Ummmmm...... "I know I'm not in great shape". Ha! It's all relative, my friend:-) Sounds like your paces were pretty impressive to me. Yep, we are liking the "comfy" TRP zone:-)
@Trent "The Tank" - Just dang impressive! Looks like you are getting a LOT of runs in. And hills! And you are on the TM! Boo... Again, sorry about that darn job:-)
@Nemo - Yep, just like William and others have said. TRP = "comfy" zone. Just like you go run and not think too much about it. You had a great week and congrats on hitting the 22 miles. (I missed by a few. Boo....)
@Betsy - I hope you find your 12yo dolphin form:-) At least you had that at one time! Swimming is my nemesis! Glad you got that run in! A run is a run:-)
@Phil M. - Thanks for your kind words:-) That Thurs. brick is always a tough one! Three days accumulated of lots of hard work - it's gonna show up somewhere! Ummmmm.... apparently that didn't affect your 11 pm brick run! Those are some awesome paces.
@Chris H. - "workworks" and whatever you are doing seems to be working! Keep those legs moving!! And please keep "yapping" all you want!
@Leslie - you are one crazy Chica! GET a headlamp! And watch out for the cows!!! I'm picturing all of this and it's pretty scary! So happy to see your Sat. run took care of all your pains and "niggles". Hooray!
@Edwin - I believe a hilly 10-miler more than makes up for that Wed. run:-) Great training for Quassy!! Also great that you kept up the frequency. That's the idea of the run durability, so keep at it:-) Oh - at least you have someone running your state. Ours is off campaigning:-)
@Ed. E. - Dang! That's a LOT of miles with hills. Impressive, for sure. I loved your words: "I like training my mind to embrace and work through that discomfort." That's exactly what we need to do - and thanks for the reminder!! I also may steal your "Keep Rocking those Runs" line for next week:-) Great job on the body comp too!
@Patrick - Congrats on a great FTP test. Pretty awful, isn't it? LOL. Glad you got that out of the way. Watch out for the PF though! Sneaky little bugger.
@Stephan - Consistent and 25 mpw sounds darn good to me! 8:45 TRP and you are not a fast runner? Ahhhhh. Yep, it's all relative:-)
@Trish - welcome home and back to reality:-) Glad you got some hard work in though! Sounds like some tough hills and heat... Good luck jumping back in!!
Okay folks. Sorry if I forgot anyone. I don't think I'll be able to keep up with the individual responses for long, but it sure is fun re-reading all the posts and looking at the "whole picture" of this awesome group:-) Now I will work on our Wk 3 thread!
@Shawnsy I have a pic for you, not the great outdoor, but.......


William Jenks- I'm with you. I love this whole new TRP concept for EN 'cause I don't even really have to think about it. It's just the pace I run when I'm "just going for a run". If I'm struggling to hit the pace- then it's obvious that I need some more recovery.
@the Ross's-amazing the weather you put up with! And I complain about my January frigid 39 degree am runs
@SS-i read drainmaker and figured out a direct connect. Hopefully it works! of Course, 920 wouldn't connect this am. Did every reboot trick I new then read that actually turning the watch off and on works (i was working on the phone end). Now I've synced
Didn't get to yesterday's brick so did 2.5 mi this am at my THRP (slower than TRP)-temp a balmy 43 degrees. I did however yesterday get in a swim drill session, 1000 yards of TI drills, which I am trying to do twice a week in JOS. Forever trying to find my 12yo natural dolphin form
got outside at O'dark-45 with the headlamp, barely hit TRP #s, but all my runs have some kind of hill as I live on top of one and for a mile out on all the running paths it's downhill out (for 1-3 miles) and uphill back.. some are 1-3%,
Kept to a light 4 mi run yesterday while recovering from Wednesday's long run. Only had 1 mile at TRP, as a hill, out and back, dropped the pace a bit. Legs were feeling it by mile 3.5, so I slowed it down a bit and called it done.
2x treadmill runs, 3-4 miles, 3 miles ez, then 10% with 30sec 6min/mi bursts, then 5' zn2.
and as many brick runs, 1 to 1.5 mi, as I can get in after some tough bike sessions.
Haven't really added any long runs since mid December but I've def fallen into something that seems to be working, at this point. Will start getting back on your schedule about Feb.
@Steve- that was the pic I needed to get my butt moving today!
@ Scott D - steady as she goes man! You just blew up your trainer, then ran long and hard.
@Chris - glad to see you posting here - need your mojo!
@Phil - I have to agree with you regarding Carol D.
Found a few hills this morning: https://www.strava.com/activities/470930276
Happy Friday all!
This week was time for a little adjustment in my running. It seems that Chicken Little is running the State Government. With the localized storms that have been churning here all week, I have had less WKO time. So, I backed the miles off but have been keeping the frequency. I did not get a long run in on Wednesday. Today, instead of hill repeats like last week I just ran a hilly ten mile course. The course has 8 hill of distance. Three of the hills are fairly steep and one is 1/2 mile long. Although I am not bounding up these hills like we do when performing hill repeats, I am focused on keeping the pace high and letting the Perceived level of exertion rise. It will be an interesting ride tomorrow.
Trent is THE man... I think we need to call him "The Tank"
@Leslie - it was 21 & snowing when i went out yesterday
Ive been on a pretty strict diet this year... Logging everything and working off of a pretty big caloric deficit. I'm looking to try to take off a pound to pound and a half a week. It's working. I reached a high fall weight of 186... But as of today I was in the mid 170's looking to keep losing into the mid 160's. Light is right as coach Rich says. To hit my calorie target I did have to do a double run day during the week... But I got to run with my wife... So it wasn't much of an ordeal ( she's my favorite training partner!)
Have a great weekend everyone...Keep Rocking those runs!
Saturday Brick finished with a tribute to "Grizzly Adams" who passed away yesterday! Sunday is another day, keep up the good work peeps !
You and the rest of the outdoor crazies made me re-evaluate the 6 runs/week. I listened to Coach P's podcast on the subject and decided to throw in a brick run after my ride today. Mind you I am away again moonlighting so I had to do it all indoors at the gym next to the hotel in case I was called in. Instead of doing the entire 40 minute run the EN JOS Int Wk 2 Sat called for today, I decided on 20 minutes at my TRP. My theory is that if I'm going to go from 3 runs/week to 6, I better work up to the volume. Of course I couldn't resist do some pylometric training after the bike and run. The gym had some pretty cool equipment to include some weight sleds.
I woke up this AM feeling like crap. Although I slept a full 8 hours (only happens once every couple of weeks!), I woke up and my whole back was achy. Not a focal strain- just achy all over. Didn't want to do ANYTHING! But I decided to give the run a go. It went great! Right in my zones. And my back pain resolved!! Then I came back, had some PBJ, watched some TV, read a Lava article, and then headed out for the bike.
And that niggling pain in behind my left ankle? I changed to my big cushy shoes yesterday and the day before and no pain at all. Went back the more minimal shoes today...no pain!! At about mile 2, seemed like it was thinking about coming back and then decided not to. We'll see how it goes tomorrow...
Got the 2x1m@Z4 "longish" run done today and hit my goal 22 miles for the week. Running the Z4 interval strait into the 15mph wind wasn't exactly the greatest route planning on my part- but I got it done.
Sat run complete: https://www.strava.com/activities/471878056
Was freaking out over the our cold rain all day and 31 degree wind chills. Took one look at Steve's pic and got my ass out the door.
Hills made me work on this one and prior FTP work was humbling by the time I made it to the run but, after I finished whining and coming up with all the excuses I could find, I decided to just run.
Great group of executioners here!
Just finished reading through all the great posts for this past week. Steve's picture has motivated me to get up and go finish this last workout at the YMCA. I didn't like looking at it and seeing the 2 x z4, but I'm psyched up for it now. I've been enjoying the TRP pace. Mine sits around 8:45. I'm not a fast runner, but seem to be consistent and hope that the durability really pays off in Wisconsin with a KMF never slowing down run! I've been averaging around 25 miles a week, for the past couple months which is about 5 miles more than last year.
Yesterday's Z2 out Z3 back was unatainable. In fairness the Z2 out was downhill (2%ish) so Z2 was attainable on that, turning it around and coming back up made holding even Z2 difficult.
Today I had no issues with TRPish pace, putting out 9 miles. Did a 1/2 mile Z4 interval at mile 6 and tried to throw in another at mile 7, but that was only a 1/4 mile as both fatigue and the upturn in grade did me in..
still finished up with a quality overall run, living to fight for week 3
Soooo, today I did yesterdays bike after the en warm up, 2x15' and bricked on the mill. z2/3 as prescribed at my new (slow) paces and 10' more to get to 4 miles.
Tomorrow, back at it. No more cocktails, beer or restaurant meals for me till February!
Happy Sunday, my JOS running peeps! Before I jump into all of your un-freakin-believable posts since Wed., I'll give you my update since then. I apologize to those who have read this on the bike thread:-) Thurs. was the bike/run day. Had a great bike (hard) and waited til later to do the TRP run, which went well. Long story short - blood in urine, visit to urologist to give sample, got Augmentin in case I had an infection, got script for CT scan next morning. Up ALL night vomiting (thought it was from the Augmentin). Managed to get to the hospital for the CT scan and back home to bed. Call from doc in afternoon after reviewing scan. Two kidney stones that had been lurking in my kidneys for some time now were now in my bladder! Now, throwing up all night is not fun - but I was somehow spared the excrutiating pain that typically comes along with kidney stones. Slept the rest of day and night. Sat. a.m. woke up feeling SO much better. "Caught" the larger of the 2 stones in the a.m. Not sure where the other one is:-) Anyway - glad that's over! I actually did the 1:15 bike yesterday at mostly Z3 so I was happy with that, but decided against the run after. Didn't want to push my luck! Today I woke up with vertigo... again! I've had this on and off for a couple of weeks. I did the "vertigo exercises" this morning, which didn't do much. I finally got mad and decided to go on the treadmill to try my run - in case I had to grab the handles! I had a good run:-) 6 miles; 3 at TRP, 2 * mile Z4, finish in Z2/3. I went straight out to the gym for my Friday core/swim workout. So there! Take that, Vertigo!! Geez...
I'm just so impressed with the running going on in this group! Seriously - you guys are SO motivating. Let's see if I can capture the 2nd half of the week:
@Robert - I have used the "Run Less, Run Faster Plan" and love it! I know you are so very tempted now to get the Jan. OS run durability into your training, but please do be careful! Steve had good advice for you and I agree. Sounds like you are being smart adding the TRP in carefully but listen to your body too (i.e., knees!) Good luck!
@Steve - OMG those pics are just crazy:-) Keep 'em coming!I Did you seriously run outside in a sleeveless? Carrying an ax? With a crazy hat? LOL 40 miles is pretty awesome this week. Look out Boston! THanks for the good laugh about running on the treadmill. Turby sends you his condolences! Oh - I did see lots of EN peeps on the run chart for the JOS! Pretty awesome group, huh?
@Chris O. - Seriously? 20 min at 10% incline on the TM? Holy butt/calf work! Congrats on hitting your new zones. vDot 50 is no joke!
@Scott - you are killing it on Strava:-) One thing that really struck me in your post from your snowy, trail run was so cool: "...serene and peaceful run. Great morning to feel alive." That honestly put a big smile on my face. We really are all so blessed to be able to do what we do:-) As for the Sat. run - Z2/Z3 is HARD after that bike workout! Especially uphill! Also impressed with you peeps that run in the dark with a headlamp! Geez... I hope you have a nice rest day tomorrow!
@John C. - 20 min swim and 3 mile run sounded fun until you said "inside track"! Sounds like a good plan though!
@SS - yep, another one burning up the Strava app! Love how you are creating lots of mojo for this group! THANKS for that. Glad to hear you were able to push past the "whining and excuses" to get your run done:-) Of course you did! I would expect nothing less from you!!
@Ann - yet another kudo for the new TRP runs. Yep, gotta tell you when I read things like "lovely run" - goes to show how this new run durability is being so well-received! Keep up the good work!
@William - Ummmmm...... "I know I'm not in great shape". Ha! It's all relative, my friend:-) Sounds like your paces were pretty impressive to me. Yep, we are liking the "comfy" TRP zone:-)
@Trent "The Tank" - Just dang impressive! Looks like you are getting a LOT of runs in. And hills! And you are on the TM! Boo... Again, sorry about that darn job:-)
@Nemo - Yep, just like William and others have said. TRP = "comfy" zone. Just like you go run and not think too much about it. You had a great week and congrats on hitting the 22 miles. (I missed by a few. Boo....)
@Betsy - I hope you find your 12yo dolphin form:-) At least you had that at one time! Swimming is my nemesis! Glad you got that run in! A run is a run:-)
@Phil M. - Thanks for your kind words:-) That Thurs. brick is always a tough one! Three days accumulated of lots of hard work - it's gonna show up somewhere! Ummmmm.... apparently that didn't affect your 11 pm brick run! Those are some awesome paces.
@Chris H. - "workworks" and whatever you are doing seems to be working! Keep those legs moving!! And please keep "yapping" all you want!
@Leslie - you are one crazy Chica! GET a headlamp! And watch out for the cows!!! I'm picturing all of this and it's pretty scary! So happy to see your Sat. run took care of all your pains and "niggles". Hooray!
@Edwin - I believe a hilly 10-miler more than makes up for that Wed. run:-) Great training for Quassy!! Also great that you kept up the frequency. That's the idea of the run durability, so keep at it:-) Oh - at least you have someone running your state. Ours is off campaigning:-)
@Ed. E. - Dang! That's a LOT of miles with hills. Impressive, for sure. I loved your words: "I like training my mind to embrace and work through that discomfort." That's exactly what we need to do - and thanks for the reminder!! I also may steal your "Keep Rocking those Runs" line for next week:-) Great job on the body comp too!
@Patrick - Congrats on a great FTP test. Pretty awful, isn't it? LOL. Glad you got that out of the way. Watch out for the PF though! Sneaky little bugger.
@Stephan - Consistent and 25 mpw sounds darn good to me! 8:45 TRP and you are not a fast runner? Ahhhhh. Yep, it's all relative:-)
@Trish - welcome home and back to reality:-) Glad you got some hard work in though! Sounds like some tough hills and heat... Good luck jumping back in!!
Okay folks. Sorry if I forgot anyone. I don't think I'll be able to keep up with the individual responses for long, but it sure is fun re-reading all the posts and looking at the "whole picture" of this awesome group:-) Now I will work on our Wk 3 thread!