VO2 intervals last night after work. Again, not too bad. (1.07,1.10,1.10,1.10) Still trying to find my place on the FTP scale. (My test must have really sucked.) Will keep bumping slowly. I really liked and appreciated AT's advice about hitting the intervals. It just becomes hard to accept .95 when the line is right in front of you. No brick run for me because Friday morning is a group run with friends and they're faster than me. Trying to keep up.
The only times I smile during the brutal 4x4'@Z5 sessions are (a) when it's over and (b) when I remind myself that 99% of my competition isn't doing this.
True. 99%. Big number. Yet, it's the 1% that drives us!
Word of warning. There is a method to the madness of putting those V02 sets on Thursday and NOT Tuesday!
@ Nemo - Bit of an eye opener eh? I'll be getting a taste of that in tomorrow's wko.
Kept yesterday light with a 4 mi run to rest up for the VO2 work today. That choice really paid off as my legs were sore all day yesterday.
I knew that I was waking up to a cage fight this morning, and would need some extra motivation to pull it off. Loaded up some music as well as a movie. I went with the fight scenes from the Matrix. I found that focusing on the music provided the better solution though.
5x4 @ 1.11, 1.12, 1.16, 1.13 & 1.13
Starting to think about testing in 2 weeks. I've just about forgotten how horrible the last one was. My bike wko's haven't been as consistent as in they were in first half of the OS, and the increased run time and intensity have impacted my performance on the bike. This makes it tough to gauge where the line between success and total failure will be. I have 3 more wko's to flesh this out.
As I've been doing FTP work since December, I've incrementally added watts and minutes.
This past Monday, I knocked out 2x 22' (3') @ 98% without too much collateral damage. I'm not sure if this falls under the previous overreaching discussion. I tend to look at this scenario as adding pebbles to my backpack for the last 7 weeks. Maybe I'm just in denial. Time tells.
Anyhow, since the legs handled 2x 22', I felt it was time to bump up the FTP another notch. 3-4% increase.
Tested it with 4x 10' (2') and made notes of RPE and HR. Looks spot on. End of the intervals were tough but not gorilla tough. HR climbs spot on with previous intervals leading up.
So, I'm keeping it.
I think this new baseline will afford me to chance to start building up to the next level with the same workouts you guys are doing.
Hey Shaughn, Not sure. Haven't moved any wko's over to WKO+ in a long time. I'll try to get Dec/Jan moved over this weekend. I really don't think I'm in bad shape with it, especially since running volume has backed off a bit. My recent bad mojo week or two is directly related to coming out of a very stressful work stretch and busy holiday family stuff.
Will be interested to see PMC, though. I've learned that I crump a bit every 5 or 6 weeks and this might go hand in hand with ^.
Thanks for the prompt. As I said, if I get all of my other stuff done this weekend, I'll try to catch up on my log and PMC.
@Chris - That's what I did starting in week 4 of the NOS. I didn't have the base you did, so I put in 3 weeks before monkeying with things. I would bump each week by 5 W, and then started adding time starting in week 6. By week 8 I had a solid target for testing. I was watching my TSB numbers, and observing how fatigue was affecting my run wko's and my family. Being a grumpy or sleepy bear doesn't help out the SAU's.
I expect there's a small difference between us, though. Nailing every single run workout is not, NOT, a priority of mine right now. Consistent running, increasing tempos, but keeping them short & consistent....yes. I'm willing to bet that my rTSS is much less than what/when you tried it. Also, I'm not doing much more than 2x FTP wkos per week. All of my other riding is pretty chill right now. My saturday rides are a split between some ez outdoor riding and some indoor spinning. There's enough hills and wind to tax me a bit with this. Sunday is an ez spin.
Also, I didn't raise the bar after a couple of weeks. I've been working with a tested FTP since the end of November. Started doing the FTP workouts in early December. So, it's been a solid 7 weeks (one week was a wash with fatigue, about a week ago) before I considered bumping up. And, I wait until mid Feb for the next shot. I would tend to think that 3 weeks is too soon for me to adjust up. I'm trying to be more patient than I used to be!
I'm trying to get my FTP up to a certain goal, without too many detractors. Then, once I'm there, I'll start really working on my run for the late season and just try to maintain my FTP while the running tries to sabotage it
Why? Most of my big goals are more about the bike this year. Just mixing things up a bit.
@ Nemo Sorry. didn't mean to sound the alarm. I am in week 12, so you've got plenty of time ahead of you. I cut and pasted from the NOS thread and should have left that out.
@ Chris - Gotcha. Well then, since I was balancing the run volume and intensity along with the bike, you should be golden.
Sounds like I need to try and ride my tri bike on my bike commute twice a week. I'm pushing as hard as I can for those 4 min, but don't know if I'm getting it done or not. Sure feels ridiculously hard!
Interesting week! Thursday's bike intervals got done - they were hard! I guess they are supposed to be:-) Also had tired legs from Tues. bike test and long(ish) run Wed. Noticed some "pinkish" tone in my urine after the bike. Hmmmmm. (sorry if this is TMI!) Did my run a few hours later on the TM (just 3 miles TRP and some pick-ups).... after which the urine was very red! Off to see the urologist! Got a script for a CT scan Fri. a.m., meanwhile they put me on Augmentin in case I had an infection. Up ALL night vomiting. I thought it was from the Augmentin (might be), but the CT scan showed 2 kidney stones that had been lurking in my kidneys were now in my bladder!! I asked the doctor why I wasn't in excrutiating pain when the kidney stones passed into my bladder. He said "because you are an Ironwoman". LOL In bed all day yesterday and off the meds. Woke up this morning feeling like a new woman! Not sure where those pesky stones are right now, but I suppose I should take a day or 2 off... Maybe..:-)
@carol... Tough as nails... Had a few KS's about 10 years ago... So much pain... When I finally passed it and looked at it... It was soooo small one word came to mind " wimp"... Luckily I've never had a repeat... Get better
I have been eyeing the EN wkos in TR with a bit of fear. that said, oon 4.5 hours of sleep (don't ask) I pumped out three intervals. 15'@.955; 15'@.925; 10'@.785 nap then run!
@Carol - the mere mention of KS sets of PTSD. I carried on so bad in the ER waiting room with my 1st stone, i don't know if my wife was crying or laughing (probably both) I'm sure I frightened everyone in the waiting room. The 2nd wasn't so bad but I was actually operating. At the end of the case the anesthesiologist put an IV in and gave me toradol (better than any opiate for renal colic if your Cr is okay). You would think that would have scared me into better compliance with my low oxalate diet and keep hydrated but as you know it's often hard to do while training in the summer for IM. I passed my 3rd while on the bike leg of B2B. Lot more blood than the 1st 2 episodes but didn't hurt as bad. I chalk it up to be loaded up with endorphins. Currently I'm guzzling water while typing....
Saturday bike is in the books. It turned out much better than I thought it would. I did my normal Strava surf before I started. I was hoping for Motivation but what I got was fear. I saw the WKO that JW posted. Holy cow, 3 X 20', then 6 X 1' with watts that should be illegal for anyone not classified as a pro. Well, I went to my cave and started in. During my warm up, I did 3 X 1' well above 100%. Strangely they felt easier than I thought they would. I paced out the first 20' interval conservatively and even backed off during the last minute. That set up # 2 pretty good and I finished at 245W (0.98 IF). Life occurred immediately upon the completion so I had no chance for the run as a brick. Hopefully, the run will come tonight.
Really have to watch the Sat brick. Went old school today for Saturday's ride(sorry Trainer Road), then ripped off the run, Sunday is my LR day for me so I have to not over exert my Sat brick. I use an abacas to count my laps too !
I felt really good today after the kidney stone episode, other than a mild headache and "fuzzy brain". So this morning I had the strongest urge to pee (sorry), and "kerplunk" - out she came:-) It was the bigger one of the 2 stones (.5 cm); not sure if the little one is still in there or I just didn't feel it come out. Ironically, Turby was training a client at the time who happens to be the wife of my urologist:-) I came out into the gym and showed them my prized kidney stone. She immediately took a picture of it to show her husband! LOL But I digress... I decided what harm in riding the bike for a while and see how it goes? I certainly did feel weak during the warm-up, so my plan was to see what Z3 felt like and go from there. Workout was: 15 min .80, 15 min .85, 10 min .87, 5 min .95. Decided against the run just because... I'm happy with that.
@Robert - I'm not sure how I managed have 2 stones pass without the excrutiating pain everyone describes. I guess I'll take the vomiting over that any day. You are my hero for actually passing a stone on the bike leg of an Ironman and running a marathon after. I think you should tell that story to Triathlon magazine:-) Geez... So I guess it's okay for me to run tomorrow?
Awesome workouts coming on this thread! Let's hope we can keep it up:-)
@Carol strong work getting the WKO in after passing the stone. BTW The pain during the IM was nothing like the 1st or 2nd episode. If it had been I would have DNFd for sure.
Late to posting but got the bike and a shortened run as brick done early. Bike went well as My best effort ended up being 2X15' at 1.01 for each. brick run went well although a little rough at the start. We'll see how tomorrows run end the 2nd week of efforts.
@Carol-sorry to hear about the KSs! Amazing that you got on and did any bike today-but thats an IRONMAN!
I Got the bike and run done earlier this morning. Our internet was out (New $400 router fixed that) so no trainer road this am. I followed the garmin 810. 2x20' at .95-1.0, 1x5'@.85 for total 75', cadence 85-90. Felt doable but didn't feel the need to overachieve. Then 3.5mi run. Temps were close to 50 by the time I got out to run
WOW, people continuing to work hard. @trent - seriously strong stuff! @Ed - wowzeee... i did not have much more in than what I gave, that is some crazy strong stuff.. wondering if i am doing something wrong as you guys layout some strong FTP intervals on Saturday!
WOW! You people are monsters! Passing a stone in an Ironman? Passing a stone and then working out? You peeps are crazy! I hope to God I never have to pass a stone. I used to tell residents you could diagnose them from the hallway- people moving and swaying and moaning- only one thing in the world looks like that!
I woke up this AM feeling like crap. Although I slept a full 8 hours (only happens once every couple of weeks!), I woke up and my whole back was achy. Not a focal strain- just achy all over. Didn't want to do ANYTHING! But I decided to give the run a go. It went great! Right in my zones. And my back pain resolved!! Then I came back, had some PBJ, watched some TV, read a Lava article, and then headed out for the bike. First ride on the tri bike since Nov and first one since I put her back together (from flying). That always freaks me out a little...did I miss something? Is she going to fall apart under me? Bike went well, but I guess I have to program the workout to get the IF for certain segments? I admit I have never really paid attention to that afterward. Ugh. More to learn. But I was zones 3.5-5 for the 20 min of "go hard". 0.8 for the whole ride. Stopped at my LBS on the way home and bought the hubs his first bike shorts. Spent the rest of the day goofing off.
Returned to the trainer after a week of skiing. Did VO2 intervals during first 40 min of ARI/GB playoff game. 6 x1.5'(1.5)@ 1.22 IF. Given my on again, off agsin hack of the OS while focusing primarily on skiing thru the middle of Feb, I feel FTP and 120% intervals are most advantageous for me now. I will switch to the 110% intervals when I get back from CO Feb 12.
Slept through my alarm, got 8 hrs of sleep and felt like crap all day. Not used to that much sleep I guess. That meant a late night trainer session would be in store for today. Reading through Stava and in here gave me the inspiration to get it done. No kidney stones were passed during this workout.
I had a pretty solid week of cycling. On Tuesday I did have some issues with my PM and missed most of the intervals… I assure you I was working! Not quite where I want to be.. but I can see myself inching back to that point. I really hadn’t done a whole lot of riding this fall and I’m paying the price now.
In the Thursday session most of my PM problems seemed to disappear… although I did have one substantial drop during the first 4 minute interval. I recorded 255,288,294,294. I think these numbers were a little bit of drop over the previous week.. but those were on some pretty fresh legs so we might as well discount them.
Yesterday’s 2x sessions brought me right up to the edge of my fitness. When I started I was hoping to be able to do 2x20.. but I really wasn’t sure I could handle that much. When I tested to start the OS my FTP was about 20-25 points off where it usually is (252), so I knew it really only serve to get me in the ballpark of the WO’s.. What I’ve been doing to accommodate that is start the interval holding the midpoint of where I tested and where my FTP would be if I were in a little better shape.
To start I did the normal 25 minute EM warmup (I like to be consistent with this even if it drags the rest of my effort down a little bit). The first interval set I zeroed in on 260… holding for the first 10 and then building the effort… I finished the 20 at 267… but it took about all my legs had. Had the 5 minute rest and started #2… I quickly realized I wasn’t getting to 20… so decided on doing the 15… when I was done (and I mean DONE!) I had hit 256. This is an improvement over last week when I only did 2x15… next week I’ll try again to knockout the 2x20…Well see what happens.
Good work this week everyone… While I don’t post as often as I maybe should here… I am watching you all kill it on Strava…
OS Training & the self coached athlete - I thought I would make a few comment regarding the Out Season training program. This is my 3rd EN OS and each has been a challenge. Although the volume of work is reduced, the intensity is much higher than any other time of year. Also, even though the volume is reduced, this training is taking place during some of the busiest life activity time of the year. That of course adds to the stress. My own experience with OS training is that even when I can get to every WKO in a week, they are often not when I am physically peak. Some of my WKO's are very early in the morning. This is not the time I am going to have good success with the Z4 or Z5 WKO. Others occur late in the evening. Although I feel I can get the high intensity stuff done, I know I don't perform my best. During the previous two Out Seasons, I saw postings from a variety of athletes. Each year there seems to be a small core of athletes who post regularly. I think that many are missing out on some of the best EN has to offer. We have some terrific members leading the OS. I think that everyone should follow their lead and grab the Mojo that is out here. If you have a question or comment about the workouts, post it. Personally, I gain great energy from the group. I know I am not the best athlete or the smartest member. I also know that I have never been ridiculed for my posts or my performance. I also know there are some members whose knowledge is off the charts and freely answer questions. Anyway, Train smart, train consistent and beat that gorilla.
@Ed... I agree wholeheartedly... Last year was my first OS... I recognized quickly who the leaders ( by example) were and just locked into what they were doing. I don't think a day of it went by without me saying " what did Doug Johnson do today?"... It definitely gave me the strength to move forward when times were toughest. I guess you're going to be filling that role this year... Keep killing it!
Good morning all! Ed C., Ed E., thanks for those posts and nice job getting it done yesterday. Saturday's are the longest workout on the OS schedule. They are tricky. They fall after 5 days of work for the week and the day before the tough long run.
I had a quality Week 6 trainer FTP session yesterday and a quality 60 minute run in the afternoon. We had cold light rain and 31 degree wind chills for the run and the entire day. But after seeing Steve's picture and noting that Carol can do bike test while simultaneously passing kidney stones, I was left with no excuses. I knew Ed C., Ed E. and Phil would post great workouts as well. I read our captains performance and, out the door I went for the afternoon run.
I often defer the Sunday longer run to afternoon to allow for more recovery time.
Between Betsy and Carol I'm giving week 2 to the Chicas peeps!
True. 99%. Big number. Yet, it's the 1% that drives us!
@ Nemo - Bit of an eye opener eh? I'll be getting a taste of that in tomorrow's wko.
Kept yesterday light with a 4 mi run to rest up for the VO2 work today. That choice really paid off as my legs were sore all day yesterday.
I knew that I was waking up to a cage fight this morning, and would need some extra motivation to pull it off. Loaded up some music as well as a movie. I went with the fight scenes from the Matrix. I found that focusing on the music provided the better solution though.
5x4 @ 1.11, 1.12, 1.16, 1.13 & 1.13
Starting to think about testing in 2 weeks. I've just about forgotten how horrible the last one was. My bike wko's haven't been as consistent as in they were in first half of the OS, and the increased run time and intensity have impacted my performance on the bike. This makes it tough to gauge where the line between success and total failure will be. I have 3 more wko's to flesh this out.
This past Monday, I knocked out 2x 22' (3') @ 98% without too much collateral damage. I'm not sure if this falls under the previous overreaching discussion. I tend to look at this scenario as adding pebbles to my backpack for the last 7 weeks. Maybe I'm just in denial. Time tells.
Anyhow, since the legs handled 2x 22', I felt it was time to bump up the FTP another notch. 3-4% increase.
Tested it with 4x 10' (2') and made notes of RPE and HR. Looks spot on. End of the intervals were tough but not gorilla tough. HR climbs spot on with previous intervals leading up.
So, I'm keeping it.
I think this new baseline will afford me to chance to start building up to the next level with the same workouts you guys are doing.
all about progress, not perfection.
@ Nemo, Phil, Chris, Jay, Scott D., Robert - you guys are killing me! How am I supposed to keep up with you monsters??!?
@Chris - what is your TSB today? That might be one way to understand your overall cumulative load assuming baselines are accurate......
Hey Shaughn, Not sure. Haven't moved any wko's over to WKO+ in a long time. I'll try to get Dec/Jan moved over this weekend. I really don't think I'm in bad shape with it, especially since running volume has backed off a bit. My recent bad mojo week or two is directly related to coming out of a very stressful work stretch and busy holiday family stuff.
Will be interested to see PMC, though. I've learned that I crump a bit every 5 or 6 weeks and this might go hand in hand with ^.
Thanks for the prompt. As I said, if I get all of my other stuff done this weekend, I'll try to catch up on my log and PMC.
Keep up the great work!
Update on my fan situation. My husband fixed the damn thing! So no new fan for me yet.
I expect there's a small difference between us, though. Nailing every single run workout is not, NOT, a priority of mine right now. Consistent running, increasing tempos, but keeping them short & consistent....yes. I'm willing to bet that my rTSS is much less than what/when you tried it. Also, I'm not doing much more than 2x FTP wkos per week. All of my other riding is pretty chill right now. My saturday rides are a split between some ez outdoor riding and some indoor spinning. There's enough hills and wind to tax me a bit with this. Sunday is an ez spin.
Also, I didn't raise the bar after a couple of weeks. I've been working with a tested FTP since the end of November. Started doing the FTP workouts in early December. So, it's been a solid 7 weeks (one week was a wash with fatigue, about a week ago) before I considered bumping up. And, I wait until mid Feb for the next shot. I would tend to think that 3 weeks is too soon for me to adjust up. I'm trying to be more patient than I used to be!

I'm trying to get my FTP up to a certain goal, without too many detractors. Then, once I'm there, I'll start really working on my run for the late season and just try to maintain my FTP while the running tries to sabotage it
Why? Most of my big goals are more about the bike this year. Just mixing things up a bit.
@ Chris - Gotcha. Well then, since I was balancing the run volume and intensity along with the bike, you should be golden.
Interesting week! Thursday's bike intervals got done - they were hard! I guess they are supposed to be:-) Also had tired legs from Tues. bike test and long(ish) run Wed. Noticed some "pinkish" tone in my urine after the bike. Hmmmmm. (sorry if this is TMI!) Did my run a few hours later on the TM (just 3 miles TRP and some pick-ups).... after which the urine was very red! Off to see the urologist! Got a script for a CT scan Fri. a.m., meanwhile they put me on Augmentin in case I had an infection. Up ALL night vomiting. I thought it was from the Augmentin (might be), but the CT scan showed 2 kidney stones that had been lurking in my kidneys were now in my bladder!! I asked the doctor why I wasn't in excrutiating pain when the kidney stones passed into my bladder. He said "because you are an Ironwoman". LOL In bed all day yesterday and off the meds. Woke up this morning feeling like a new woman! Not sure where those pesky stones are right now, but I suppose I should take a day or 2 off... Maybe..:-)
I pumped out three intervals. 15'@.955; 15'@.925; 10'@.785
nap then run!
Sat. bike done, Wu then two sets: 20' @ .99 and 20' @ .82. Felt good.
Run done as a brick.
Saturday bike is in the books. It turned out much better than I thought it would. I did my normal Strava surf before I started. I was hoping for Motivation but what I got was fear. I saw the WKO that JW posted. Holy cow, 3 X 20', then 6 X 1' with watts that should be illegal for anyone not classified as a pro. Well, I went to my cave and started in. During my warm up, I did 3 X 1' well above 100%. Strangely they felt easier than I thought they would. I paced out the first 20' interval conservatively and even backed off during the last minute. That set up # 2 pretty good and I finished at 245W (0.98 IF). Life occurred immediately upon the completion so I had no chance for the run as a brick. Hopefully, the run will come tonight.
I felt really good today after the kidney stone episode, other than a mild headache and "fuzzy brain". So this morning I had the strongest urge to pee (sorry), and "kerplunk" - out she came:-) It was the bigger one of the 2 stones (.5 cm); not sure if the little one is still in there or I just didn't feel it come out. Ironically, Turby was training a client at the time who happens to be the wife of my urologist:-) I came out into the gym and showed them my prized kidney stone. She immediately took a picture of it to show her husband! LOL But I digress... I decided what harm in riding the bike for a while and see how it goes? I certainly did feel weak during the warm-up, so my plan was to see what Z3 felt like and go from there. Workout was: 15 min .80, 15 min .85, 10 min .87, 5 min .95. Decided against the run just because... I'm happy with that.
@Robert - I'm not sure how I managed have 2 stones pass without the excrutiating pain everyone describes. I guess I'll take the vomiting over that any day. You are my hero for actually passing a stone on the bike leg of an Ironman and running a marathon after. I think you should tell that story to Triathlon magazine:-) Geez... So I guess it's okay for me to run tomorrow?
Awesome workouts coming on this thread! Let's hope we can keep it up:-)
@Carol-sorry to hear about the KSs! Amazing that you got on and did any bike today-but thats an IRONMAN!
I Got the bike and run done earlier this morning. Our internet was out (New $400 router fixed that) so no trainer road this am. I followed the garmin 810. 2x20' at .95-1.0, 1x5'@.85 for total 75', cadence 85-90. Felt doable but didn't feel the need to overachieve. Then 3.5mi run. Temps were close to 50 by the time I got out to run
@trent - seriously strong stuff!
@Ed - wowzeee... i did not have much more in than what I gave, that is some crazy strong stuff..
wondering if i am doing something wrong as you guys layout some strong FTP intervals on Saturday!
WOW! You people are monsters! Passing a stone in an Ironman? Passing a stone and then working out? You peeps are crazy! I hope to God I never have to pass a stone. I used to tell residents you could diagnose them from the hallway- people moving and swaying and moaning- only one thing in the world looks like that!
I woke up this AM feeling like crap. Although I slept a full 8 hours (only happens once every couple of weeks!), I woke up and my whole back was achy. Not a focal strain- just achy all over. Didn't want to do ANYTHING! But I decided to give the run a go. It went great! Right in my zones. And my back pain resolved!! Then I came back, had some PBJ, watched some TV, read a Lava article, and then headed out for the bike. First ride on the tri bike since Nov and first one since I put her back together (from flying). That always freaks me out a little...did I miss something? Is she going to fall apart under me? Bike went well, but I guess I have to program the workout to get the IF for certain segments? I admit I have never really paid attention to that afterward. Ugh. More to learn. But I was zones 3.5-5 for the 20 min of "go hard". 0.8 for the whole ride. Stopped at my LBS on the way home and bought the hubs his first bike shorts. Spent the rest of the day goofing off.
1x20'@ 1.02 & 1x21'@ 1.00
Short brick run to follow
In the Thursday session most of my PM problems seemed to disappear… although I did have one substantial drop during the first 4 minute interval. I recorded 255,288,294,294. I think these numbers were a little bit of drop over the previous week.. but those were on some pretty fresh legs so we might as well discount them.
Yesterday’s 2x sessions brought me right up to the edge of my fitness. When I started I was hoping to be able to do 2x20.. but I really wasn’t sure I could handle that much. When I tested to start the OS my FTP was about 20-25 points off where it usually is (252), so I knew it really only serve to get me in the ballpark of the WO’s.. What I’ve been doing to accommodate that is start the interval holding the midpoint of where I tested and where my FTP would be if I were in a little better shape.
To start I did the normal 25 minute EM warmup (I like to be consistent with this even if it drags the rest of my effort down a little bit). The first interval set I zeroed in on 260… holding for the first 10 and then building the effort… I finished the 20 at 267… but it took about all my legs had. Had the 5 minute rest and started #2… I quickly realized I wasn’t getting to 20… so decided on doing the 15… when I was done (and I mean DONE!) I had hit 256. This is an improvement over last week when I only did 2x15… next week I’ll try again to knockout the 2x20…Well see what happens.
Good work this week everyone… While I don’t post as often as I maybe should here… I am watching you all kill it on Strava…
Good morning all! Ed C., Ed E., thanks for those posts and nice job getting it done yesterday. Saturday's are the longest workout on the OS schedule. They are tricky. They fall after 5 days of work for the week and the day before the tough long run.
I had a quality Week 6 trainer FTP session yesterday and a quality 60 minute run in the afternoon. We had cold light rain and 31 degree wind chills for the run and the entire day. But after seeing Steve's picture and noting that Carol can do bike test while simultaneously passing kidney stones, I was left with no excuses. I knew Ed C., Ed E. and Phil would post great workouts as well. I read our captains performance and, out the door I went for the afternoon run.
I often defer the Sunday longer run to afternoon to allow for more recovery time.
Between Betsy and Carol I'm giving week 2 to the Chicas peeps!
Happy Sunday!