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Coconut/Coconut Oil--Good Fat or Artery Clogging Poison in a Jar?

We're discussing diet soda, so let's talk about this too.

Anyone have thoughts about coconut oil and coconut products?

I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism. My metabolism is rock bottom, and the thyroid issue has kicked me around but good. In researching dietrary changes I can make to support my body and thyroid function, I came across a lot of info on coconut oil and it's health benefits. It's supposed to help with weight loss, boost metabolism, and can be used to pre-load  a "clean burning fuel" before training.

This is what I have read. True or false?

Coconut oil is 92%saturated fat, made up of medium chain triglycerides. Most fats are built up of what are called long-chain triglycerides (LCT), which put alot of strain on the body and require alot of energy to digest. The body dumps the LCTs into your blood stream where they travel throughout your body evenly dispersing, creating stored fat or lipids.  When they reach the end of their journey they are converted into energy. Medium chain triglycerides, I have read, completely skip this process. Tthey go directly into the liver where it is ALL converted into energy.  Hence, it is supposed to help increase energy levels, physical endurance, and is not stored to any significant degree as body fat.

It seems that the more alternative POVs purport this info about coconut oil--and I have NO problem being alternative. Below are a few links from Mark's Daily Apple blog, author of the Primal Blueprint about coconut, along with a few others. OTOH, the Mayo Clinic and Dr. Oz say nuh-uh, it's a bad sat fat, end of discussion. I would love to use it, if the good claims are true and the stuff is helpful. What do you know/think? 









Dr. Oz


(I can't find the original, but this will give you the gist.)












  • Linda, I haven't yet read the links you provided, nor do I truly 'know' anything about coconut products. All I can do is relay my experience. I lived in the Philippines in 1982/83. When I went there, I was 60 lbs. heavier than when I came home. Of course, it had to do with change of diet, fresh fruits, veggies, humid climate, etc. However, I drank lots of 'Buko juice', which is fresh coconut juice, from green coconuts. Also ate lots of fresh coconut from the green coconuts. I LOVED it! I don't feel that it hurt me one bit. I have a can of coconut juice in the fridge, which I intend to drink soon. Will be interesting to read the links, and to hear other opinions.
  • Linda

    I also have not had a chance to read the lonks. Tosca reno in her clean eating books and recipes also discusses and uses cocnut oil and coconut butter in recipes.

  • Just wanted to add that the links are by no means all I have read. It's just a few touch points. There is TONS of stuff out there, and it's hard to know what to believe. Here's an article in US Nes and World Report.

    Do Coconut Oil and Coconut Water Provide Health Benefits?

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