2015/16 NOV OS Running- Lucky Week 13!
Sorry for the delayed start to this thread- sitting in the airport in Orlando leaving a great January Volume Camp behind! I survived, but standing up whenever I sit down is quite the challenge! This morning we topped camp off with a gorgeous 10 miler on clay roads. I ended up with 22.5 miles from Friday-Monday, so I'm happy with that! This week will focus on recovery for me, and then a just for fun half marathon this weekend.
Can't believe this is the second to last week already. Just like before test week, reflect on where your paces are at to start anticipating your test next week. Also, fatigue is super high right now, so injuries like to pop out. Self care people! And also remember that after next week you need to take a little downtime. Keep up the good work friends!
Unplanned family trip to the snow took out all of yesterday opportunities for a long run. Instead if skipping, which I should have done, I moved it to today. My motivation was pretty low this afternoon, even as I stared at my wko clothes, ready to get suited up.
68' for 8.28 miles
2 mi wu
MS- 6x400@ Z5 -Ouch
3 mi - mixed bag on tired leggs. Finished @ TRP.
The Wed long run went better than I expected, as a few extra pounds have been clinging for dear life somewhere on my body. I think I was able to overcome the extra weight due to the conditioning of the OS miles. The Z3 push at the end turned into a Z4 result, without a ton of extra effort. I missed this mornings brick run due to illness, but hopefully I feel better this evening and can fit in the bike/run.
I was looking at my PMC today and saw that my CTL (proxy for fitness) is 15.5 points higher this year than last year. I think that's due to the run durability and more consistency. My goal for the year is to ramp that up 10 points per month. That would put me at 30 points higher than I've ever hit by my AAA race, IM CDA, at the end of August.
My Sunday run was able to be done outside! I was pumped about that, for a January workout. Got 9.5 miles total in the 75 mins, with great times for the 2 Z4 mile splits. Went slightly above pace for both, with the second one the fastest. I am not quite sure what to expect for the run test next week, but I feel like I should not lose any speed, and may get a few seconds faster with the 5K. I don't have any local 10K's or Half Marathons to end the OS on, so a test will have to do for now.