Group Fitness Instructor in Training
I'm a fitness instructor at my local YMCA and I teach a boatload of classes ranging from intense HIIT classes, kettle bell, TRX and other strength classes to low impact and beginner classes (up to 15 hours a week of classes). I'm flexible in what I teach, so I can (somewhat) structure it to my own training needs, and also market it as "triathlon training". When I need "downtime", I just work a little less, but I'm still "working", some classes are easier to get away with "less work" than others. (I'm also training for a 30K road race in 6 weeks that I neglected to mention, so I squeeze in long runs in my downtime). Also, my indoor trainer for my bike is louder than a freight train, and seeing I teach 3-5 hours of cycling classes a week, I'm wondering if my training plan can be on an indoor cycle, as well as my fit test for the bike. I'm still working on getting my initial tests completed. Santa brought me a new Garmin 920XT, so I have the data, just have to figure out how to access what I need. I'm also a Mom to two very active boys ages 9 & 10 and my husband works 10,000 hours a week, so after these classes I teach all day, I'm off running around with the boys and their sports and life! But I don't want to give up my hobbies. That's not an option!!! Unfortunately, rest time is not an option, either. Any advice on how to fit this all in without compromising my health and sanity?
Since you are in the OS, your training right now is very similar to the work we do on the team (and you do in the gym). I would like you to make sure you are getting in the Saturday and Sunday workouts as written. These are your endurance sessions and are different than your typical class ( of course, if you teach a 90-spin class, I stand corrected! ). Everything on top of that during the week is gravy given what you are doing. When we move to the Race Prep (red) phase, then we'll definitely need to do more to get in the swimming and weekday long run...but we have time until then. Please let me know if you have other questions!
~ Coach P
Stephanie.......Good to know I'm not the only one. I love teaching classes and have the flexibility to gear it to my own needs while meeting the needs of the members. But I get frustrated when I'm sore or tired going into my own training. Some weeks are busier than others, I tend to sub a lot for other people, too. I try to do it all, and thats not always a good thing, either. OH...and then theres the Sometimes I feel like I'm cheating on the husband when I'm out on a long training run while he's at work. I'll hurry home and scurry around getting my "chores" done before the family gets home (or I'll head out before anyone is awake yet). I think there's a touch of resentment of 1) getting out when he's stuck at work or 2) my physical abilities that he's not capable of. At any rate, the struggle is real to balance it all. I've fallen asleep at my sons soccer game before after a long run day. Woke myself up with a loud