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Who is Racing IMTX 2016



Greetings Teammates! Who is racing Ironman Texas in the Woodlands this year? Roll Call!!! 

Have you checked out the South / Central Campon March 17-20 in The Woodlands, TX ? 

See a recap of last year HERE

Send Coach Patrick a message or comment here if you have questions! Excited to cheer everyone with a big Texas  YEEE-HAWWWW! 


  • Wait, we're having a camp down here this year?
  • I'm Texas bound!! I counted....16 weeks from tomorrow!!!
  • I will be at the camp and the race!  Hopefully I will figure out how to pack my bike in a bike box!

  • Posted By Mariah Bridges on 22 Jan 2016 01:38 PM

    @chris YES SIR! Register before Valentines day and save $50 http://www.endurancenation.us/camps/im-course-rallies/

    If the 2016 camp goes well, please consider for 2017 although IMTX will be April 22 next year.

  • I'm in! Camp is news to me - let me check it out!
  • Yes I am in. Will be my fourth IMTX

  • Hello team and race captain:

    I am in! Did it last year and coming back for more heat!!! I am also coming with my wife who will be competing in her first IM. Crazy!

    Good luck everyone in your winter training




  • WOOOHOO!!!! YES!!! IMTX training is on the horizon!! 

    I am excited to share in this journey with ya'll!!! Let's get PUMPED UP!!!!!! 

  • Yes, I will be there this year! This will be my fourth IMTX.
  • I'm in!  First time racing Texas - VERY interested in the camp!  Looking forward to training and racing with y'all!!!!

  • Just registered for the camp in mid march!  Things get serious tomorrow as i roll into the 2016 Ironman plan from the November out season!  Does anyone know who's this years race captain?

  • @Mark --- so stoked about you being at camp you're going to love it! Race Captain for IMTX is the one and only fantastic Laura Becker! She will be kicking off things soon in the forums and getting you all down to Texas pumped and ready to Texas two-step your way across the finish line.... with an EN gang sign of course!
  • Howdy to all the IMTX racers! I am so PUMPED and grateful to be joining in on this journey as your Race Captain!! This is going to be an EPIC year. 

    Each Sunday- I will be starting a thread in the IMTX forum as a place for your to post your workout reports, questions, comments, mojo anything you got! Each week my post will include information on training, racing, admin stuff important for that week.  This will ensure everyone is on the same page and has all the info they need!! Please know I am HERE FOR YOU. So if you have questions, comments, concerns, need some venting time- whatever! SEND IT MY WAY!

    The posts will begin 13 weeks out from your race, which will be Sunday, February 14th. More info to come then!!

    Happy Training!


  • @Laura - Congrats and thanks for volunteering to be Race Captain!  Looking forward to the training and racing to come!!!

  • Laura, Its so awesome to be racing again with you!
  • I am looking forward to this, my second year IMTX. Bring on the fun. Let me know if you have questions about the area, I have lived here 8 years and may be able to simplify your visit.

  • @dana --- Bummed I won't get to cheer for you on course this year but I will be screaming loud from TOC you might even hear me!
  • Mariah, what is TOC?  Sorry sometimes I just stupid.  What about Camp?  Do you travel with coach for that?  We miss you round these parts.
  • Hi all!
    My name is Sheri- live near Dallas. 2nd go at IMTX. Excited for it, but a bit tired from my training the last monthimage SO great to see others racing IMTX too!!!
  • I am not going to complain about the cold because I know better. However, I will say that today was a good day for Tx wind training. That and I have a lot more work to do if the 112 is anything like todays windy conditions.

    Carry on.
  • I'm in. Just came back from maintenance mode. Looking forward to seeing everyone again.
  • Time to get my but in gear. Half marathon in the books and where did that come from? Last time I looked it was months away. Note to self, this is your life you better get moving or you are going to get rolled over.

    Enjoy the ride everyone.
  • You looked strong yesterday Dana. And a smile and EN gang sign flash too. I wish I would have gotten a picture. You got this!
  • Thanks Chris. I was so happy to see a teammate; it really gave me a boost. You & Christina are doing a great job showing your little legacies how to represent.
  • Had a great ride yesterday, 4.5 hrs., flowed by 50' run. Didn't get the swim in but I was proud of the rest. Went to the doctor this am for a routine check...had to get on the scale. I am convinced the nurse had her foot on the scale because there is no way, NO WAY I am that heavy. Although, it may explain why my runs feel so lumbering. Anybody want to do a body comp challenge?
  • texas is not letting me in the state this year.      maybe next year with the cooler/earlier version.
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