2016 vs 2015 last race rehursal for IMfull Intermediate training schedule observation
Looking at week 18, last race rehursal for IMFULL intermediate. I notice a big change in the volume from 2015 training plan for that last rehursal, 2weeks before race.
Swim 90 min, bike 112miles, run 60min
Saturday bike 112 miles, 30 min run
Sunday bike 45-56 miles
Just checking that I'm reading this correctly.

Thanks Michelle
Swim 90 min, bike 112miles, run 60min
Saturday bike 112 miles, 30 min run
Sunday bike 45-56 miles
Just checking that I'm reading this correctly.

Thanks Michelle
Let's see what Rich says about the "optional" nature of the Sunday ride, etc...
These changes are a result of the experimentation that PnI did with our training this summer, specifically, tapering the swim, bike, and run at different rates. So we start bringing the volume of the running down first, then cycling, with this last big weekend, then finally a minimal taper for the swim.
Note for Saturday:
Coach Notes:
Ride as much of the 112 as you can. Beginner athletes should get in a minimum of 56 miles, with advanced athletes or those with high race goals riding closer to the full 112.
Note for Sunday:
Coach Notes:
no more than 56 miles...your last big ride before race day!
I'll expand these notes to add to more detail but I'm hesitant to call this "optional," because I'd really like people to extend themselves a bit...because we did that and it worked.
Thanks again!,