Bike Power/Fatigue
Ok- just throwing this out there for advice. I know so many of you have worked with power and have been in this sport for much longer than I- so here it is.
Just finished NOS. Had a strong OS (or so I felt) worked hard- missed maybe 2 workouts.... Last 2 weeks of OS my legs were burning on the bike (way more than the usual pain/burn.....primarily on the right side). Hitting numbers was getting more difficult for sure. Did my best to get to last Saturday- the last bike of OS! Worked hard but split the 2nd FTP interval into 2-3 minutes chunks.... woah! BURN/TIGHT LEGS.
Biked today and I could barely hold my FTP for 2 minutes----- WHAT?!? Is this fatigue? Normal? Has this ever happened to everyone??
Just rolled again tonight- IT bands, glute, hammies still tight-
Thank you for any insight you have!!!!!
Concerning your post - no need to hit the panic button just yet. Your body has absorbed an incredible amount of work. I believe your body is telling you to rest. I suggest you listen to it. The workouts during swim camp are meant to provide you that rest. If you feel fatigued dial everything back to maintenance mode; we are all our own special snowflakes and our recoveries are all different. Also, please do make sure you fuel your recovery (and workouts properly) if you are not already. Accumulated glycogen debt is no joke and will leave one listless.
I always try to remember something an old coach once told me - it is not the endless hours of hard/intelligent work that makes us faster and stronger; rather it is the recovery which follows ^this^ that brings us our coveted fitness gains.
Derrek, David, and Edwin- THANK YOU for your replies!! I just did the 1 hour run for swim camp and it felt pretty good.
Which makes me just know- I need to follow swim camp right now. I wanted to do the Tour of Sufferlandria----yeah not a good idea for me right after a good outseason. Swim camp doesn't have me bike again till next Saturday which will be good for my legs for sure!!! This is my first time using power---- trying to learn how it works in terms of training blocks and gains/losses..... .. if that makes any sense.
@ David- Thank you so much for your kind words!! Loved the OS and all the mojo!! Thank you for being part of that journey!!!!