Looking forward to the weekend - running a 10K race Saturday so flipping my Sat and Sunday workouts. Will be a good test. Month ago ran 23:11 5K a month ago so will be interesting to see what kind of pace i can hold.
Hi everyone! Hope you are keeping warm and ready for the cold blast this weekend. Ugh. Looks like the Treadmill for me on Sunday!
@ Betsy - can't say I'm not a little bit jealous with your 81 degrees! Nice!
@ Phil M. - Wow - nice paces going there! I like the plan to watch that speed, and focus on volume.
@ Mark L. - nice run on Wed! By the books:-) Brrrrr on your Thurs. run! Glad you found a hill for your strides:-) Oh - and I agree with your "WOW"! There are some pretty impressive numbers going on here!
@ Gonzalo - you are determined to get all of those runs in, aren't you? :-) Great job! Sorry to hear about your not sleeping though. That just sucks when you're tired and trying to get all of this work done! Maybe you need a couple days of a "reset".?!
@ Edwin - I agree with you on all counts. For me, it's hard to keep to my TRP pace outside because I just seem to want to go faster, but on the TM, it's much more tortuous to just stay at TRP or a little faster. This is all good, because I appreciate it so much more when I get outside! Very smart move on the run and holding back from the Z4 work. I agree with you - as we get "older", you have to think about how much more speed is available to us, and consistency and frequency are more important metrics. I say "older" quotes, because you are way younger than me:-) Thanks for reminding us how to be a smart athlete!
@ Derrek - you're getting some good mileage going there! Weird thing about the HR - sometimes it seems to be higher than it should for no apparent reason (or a good reason like slaying yourself on the bike!)
@ William - Dang, bud! That's some serious running pace that felt effortless. I love those days. I need more of them:-) Great job!!
@ SS - thanks for the team MOJO and support:-) Your runs looked great to me. Nice progressive Tues/Thurs runs and your Wed. long run was pretty amazing! I guess we all have a different perspective of speed, but 10 miles progressive and hanging on is awesome:-) Nice!
@ Scott - more skiing for you? I bet you're pretty spoiled coming back to ski on the East coast vs. that crazy stuff that you and Al were playing around in! Be careful and keep warm. I think skiing all day is pretty much a bike/run workout so I wouldn't worry too much about the runs!
@ Trish - glad to hear your HR is back to normal and your runs are feeling good:-) My basement is too hot - even with the heat turned off, so I need a big fan blowing on me for the bike and the TM!
@ Trent - I don't even know what to say! Holy Moly - those are some fast paces WITHOUT an incline, not to mention 2 - 4%! You are a machine! And some major miles going on this week. Phew! Wish I had your energy/stamina/speed/determination/etc. etc. etc. :-)
@ Ed E. - I'm curious about Trent's pool too:-)
@ Patrick - good luck in your 10K this weekend! Give it everything because you've been working hard!!
So... I had a really good brick run yesterday after the killer Vo2 intervals on the bike. Go figure... I ran an extra mile so I can try and actually achieve my weekly target of 26 miles. Looks like the brick tomorrow and long run Sunday will be on the treadmill since I am not a fan of bitter cold and biting wind. Ugh... It's just so strange to me how after 3 days of hard bike/run WKOs, the last run feels the best! Took today off except for some bands and core - didn't have time for the pool so I'm hoping to be pretty rested for the weekend!
Have a great weekend everyone, and be strong and smart:-)
Ugh- I was enjoying a nice endorphin high yesterday after completing my Thursday VO2 intervals at lunch time. That lasted about an hour and then I came crashing back to the reality that I really do have some sort of virus. Fever, chills, congestion, achy all over. I took a pass on the brick run when I got home from work and went right to bed. No swim/core/ or run for me today either. Just reading all of your posts is making me tired. Great work out there.
Could not go out for the hills today because it was too late. So run again in the treadmill. Fastest pace of the OS so far doing 5.25 miles in 40:28 or 7:46 per mile Will sleep late tomorrow but wake up on time to watch 6 nations rugby matches !
@Ed and others -- sorry for late reply , busy week. The pool is a Michael Phelps swim spa. It has a hot tub incorporated in the end but is separated by clear acrylic so separate temps for each section of water -- one for swimming, one for hot tub area. The new Phelps spas are now just like endless pool but faster and better since has hot tub option and programmed swims from an iPad that will control the unit... pretty cool!!! After using it more I'll do a write up for everybody.
Now for the hurt'in run I put on myself after the 90' hammer bike session. Was going for 9 miles+ as it should have been with paces but doing as brick right after I knew it would be tough. started out trying to hold 6:49 pace on the mill but HR was skyrocketing so had to hold back some, first mile in 7:08. picked it up after that and got back to Z2 pace by 25 minutes then started seeing spots and very funny so took a 1 minute walk break and got in some water, took back off at Z3 and started feeling better and finished the last 4 miles under 6:30 pace with the final mile at 6:22 to redeem myself from the walk. Total was 8.8 miles for the hour but okay with the results even though little short of goal.
I'm not sure what ethic origin the name Prough (German?) is but I'm sure it must translate into gazelle. If those are your z2 and z3 paces I would hate to see z4 and z5
Windy and cold 10K in the books! Probably cant complain when 40s is freezing but it was cold. Really happy with my run - 47:48 for a 7:38 pace but really consistent run - pretty sure the second 5K was faster than the first 5K. Definitely pushed it at the end. Very satisfying. Now to roll and relax before my bike/run workout tomorrow.
Had a great bike and followed that up by a really good brick. After riding so well I didn't know what to expect from my legs. I've been running well and faster (not super fast, just more like my old paces from last season now that the hr seems to have settled down) so I had 3 zones I'd pulled from the calculator to work with. I was conservative and did the middle one. My hr approved and I was quite comfy during the whole run, pushing the pace just a wee bit in the last 6 or 7 minutes.
I used my recovery boots while watching the olympic marathon trials later in the afternoon. Super excited for Desi Linden, who I see occasionally on the local metro park trail just flying by with her Hanson Runner teammates. I know she's not a native Michigander, but she's ours now!
Long run in the books ... and inside on treadmill since -8 windchill outside. Can't believe I just about ran 13 miles on a treadmill but helped me to get it done and almost a total of 48 miles of running for the week. The 2X1 mile intervals at 6:22 pace felt like a normal pace and HR for a HM so maybe I'll shoot for 6:20's pace in the half coming up in few weeks on Maui. Runs are becoming easier to manage better paces that is for sure.
Ran on the mill but after the second TH repeat (effort felt spot on for 8:34's) my left knee started talking. Hopped off, stretched a bit, then started up again and the chatter continued. Stopped at 1:05 and rolled a ton. I had serious butt time in the car yesterday and will again today which never feels good to me. I'm doing some yoga poses after my car nonsense this evening and hope that niggle goes the heck away!
It's great seeing runs getting done. To me this is the hardest time to stay motivate...it's freaking cold outside and I hate running on the TM over several miles. No run on Friday due to swimming and getting home late. According to my -24 TSB, I needed the break. Saturday's brick run was on the TM, 4 miles as a progression run. Sunday's long run was outside with temps in the low teens and with 8 mph winds, the wind chill was in the single digits. Managed a decent good effort run with strong mile intervals. My hands were the only part uncomfortably cold, even with hand warmers. I overestimated my route and ended up with 12.6 miles in 96 minutes: 4 miles at TRP, 3x1 mile at ~6:20, 4 miles at TRP. I ran 5 times this week for a total of 31.6 miles.
Week 6 is done, was able to get in 6 runs this week. Was unable to get the mojo run brick done for Saturday though. In all I had 2 solid LR's of 16 and 14 miler at low side of TRP 8:49 - 8:34. The brick runs were solid at TRP and above(8:34 - 8:20). As a side to Edwins Croucher's thought's on speed work/age. I recognize my body does react to speed work in a good and bad way. When I run I can run hard but my hammies say thing's differently as I load up on my trg time and mileage. So I have backed off on the Z4 in the sake of run fitness and consistency. This week was a mileage build week, last week 49 miles this week 52 and Week 7 will be another build week. OA I have run 236 miles in the first six weeks AVG 7.15 mi per run Hopefully smart running will be on my side to keep the injury free bug going. Ok peeps time to put your thinking caps on. I ran 52 miles this week "How many Jumbo jets did I pass on the runway?"
As a side the Northeast is in a cold spell as we all know and up North it has been bitter cold at times reaching -31 F, avg -23 F OA, brrrr !
Week 7 is about to reap your fitness rewards embrace it, winter is here ugg !
Long run done early today. I can see some progress with my 10+weeks of long slow pace running with targeted heart rate control. I did almost 7 miles today. First 3 long slow pace but easy to control HR and pace actually fastest for a while, down to actual LSP. Then I put on big girl shorts (yes, its gorgeous short/tank running weather here) and finally did the 2x1mile at z4 (the most I'd done until now was 4x0.5mi). I do believe RPE was down and my HR was in high z4 and not what I saw in the past as stroke-out z5! Not gasping at all after the effort, as in the past.
I've been averaging 4 runs per week and not getting (what I just actually noticed today) the prescribed base of 26 miles/week in. I am going to make concerted effort to get 5 runs per week from here on out and closer to that 26 mile goal.
In VT for a long weekend (5 days... ) was hoping to run daily.. but that broke down today.. I did try to ski yesterday, temperature dropped from +8 to -5 during the day. After lunch, I got to the bottom of the North Face and there were only 6 people getting on the lift... no one else in sight... I have been here for over 20 years, have never seen this on any weekend, never mind President's weekend.. so, said, why am I the only person out here... went back to the lodge & went for a 5ish mile run in -4ish temp... dressed right & felt good, lots o hills... today's -22 kept me inside... Tomorrow's another day
Wrapping up Week 6 here on a chilly Sunday night. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone:-) Just took my Mom out for pizza so that made her happy. Me too!! I got my 8 miles in today on the TM, including the 2 * mile Z4 so I actually hit my target of 26 miles for the week! First time I've actually gotten all the runs in:-) I wasn't sure how my legs were going to be after the 3 * 15 min Z4 on the bike yesterday, with the 4-mile brick after. It took a couple of miles to get my head wrapped around the idea, as well as the legs loosened up - but it happened! Turned out to be a decent run while watching the Jesse Owen documentary. Awesome!! So - as usual, some fantastic running happening in the haus!
@ Robert - sorry to hear about your "bug", and hope you are feeling better! Smart move to just go to bed and rest!!
@ Gonzalo - looks like all your hard work is paying off! This is about the time when you start to reap your rewards:-) Nice run today as well:-) Enjoy your rest day tomorrow!
@ Trent - Now if I had some xtra $$$ and a place to put it - that swim spa sounds mighty awesome! Yes, please keep us informed how you like it. As for your run yesterday.... I'd be seeing spots too if I ran that fast! LOL. Seriously, glad you took a mini-break which seemed to give you another gear, so to speak! Dang!! Then we get to today's run.... seriously? As I mentioned somewhere, this is about the time in the OS when you start to reap the rewards of all the hard work. Sounds like that is definitely happening for you:-) Since your mile repeats are more than 2 min/mile faster than mine and they feel like HM pace to you, I'd say GO FOR IT! LOL! I'm pretty impressed with the 13 miles on the TM, although you were probably on it less than I was for my 8 mile run today:-) It's really fun for all of us to see your numbers! Keep it up:-)
@ Mark L. - 4.1 miles is still 4.1 miles, with or without Z3. I usually just see what I've got on those Sat. runs - sometimes it's there and sometimes it isn't. I hope it's a teeny bit warmer in Va. than here in N.J.! Well, after reading your post today, sounds like it's pretty darn cold down there too! Nice run today! Sounds very similar to mine - except yours was faster:-) LOL
@ Patrick - Congrats on your 10K race! Sounds like it was perfectly executed and your hard work is paying off. Nice!!!
@ Trish - sounds like you are getting really strong and back into your comfort zone! Hooray:-) I was actually on my treadmill watching the Olympic trials! So exciting to watch (even if they are running twice as fast as me:-)) I was happy for Desi as well, especially after her 2012 Olympics. Mostly I was happy for Meb - because I actually met him once and he's just crazy good for a 40-yr old! As for your run today, that DARN knee! It's frustrating for me because I start reading about how great you are doing, then that stupid niggle shows up! Smart call to end it then and there!
@ Derrek - You're right in there with Trent! Geez.... I'm quite impressed that you ran outside, but even more impressed with your run today! Nice week you've had! Lots of quality and quantity. Can't ask for more than that?!
@ Steve - It was nice seeing you briefly on Brenda's video on our "Tri Chick" sight:-) Seeing you always makes me smile, especially after the IMCHOO drama. Geez.... Anyway, I know you are training for Boston and getting lots of running mileage in. SO SMART of you to push that speed work aside for better consistency and less chance of injury. Turby had his very best (2:57) marathon when he did NOT do any speed work! His philosophy is that you are training for a marathon, not a 5K - so there is no need for half-mile or mile repeats when you are running so many days in the week and are just asking for an injury! Oh - and I have NO idea how many jumbo jets you passed! LOL
@ Betsy - I'm so happy right now:-) I swear, these coaches certainly have this OS figured out. Week 7 is when we should start feeling like everything is coming together and you are right there! Congrats on your 2 * mile in Z4! You are totally where you should be now! I think this may be the first week where I got all 5 runs in and actually met the 26 mile target. I do have to mention that I wasn't exactly thrilled to read about your shorts and tank tops after the frigid weekend we all had up here! LOL. Nice job, Chica! Keep up the great work...
@ Scott - you just caught me before the Sunday night deadline:-) I've been thinking of you up there in Vt and wondering how the hell anyone can ski in that weather?! Very impressed with your run yesterday. I would have been in the lodge drinking Hot Toddys:-) Hope tomorrow is better for ya!
Okay folks. That's a wrap! See you in Week 7 in a few minutes:-) NICE JOB everyone!
Friday run here was good again Did about 7 mi, gradually ramping up from MP to TP because, unfortunately, hills were not an option.
Saturday brick run was routine, but I wasn't going to do an hour (and didn't).
Sunday, however, I was a bad, bad boy. I took my daughter to open swim because she couldn't go to regular swim practice that day due to a conflict. I looked at her workout briefly and figured I'd stay and do it with her. Well, I should have read it more carefully and thought about it more. I'm swimming fairly regularly anyway, but this kicked my ass. If you don't think 28 x 25 on the 1 minute isn't hard, you haven't read the next sentence that says "super fast with a parachute" for half of them and "super fast" for the other half. And you didn't read carefully down below that where the IM sets came in. We ended up doing about 4000 yards and I had to take a nap. :-)
I did my time on the treadmill later in the day, but there was no way I was going to be able to do the written workout. I went about 75 minutes at that Z1Z2 midpoint after warmup, then just about died trying to do a mile at TP, and cooled down.
Lesson learned. On the other hand, I wouldn't trade those couple hours sharing a lane with OJ for the world.
Hi everyone! Hope you are keeping warm and ready for the cold blast this weekend. Ugh. Looks like the Treadmill for me on Sunday!
@ Betsy - can't say I'm not a little bit jealous with your 81 degrees! Nice!
@ Phil M. - Wow - nice paces going there! I like the plan to watch that speed, and focus on volume.
@ Mark L. - nice run on Wed! By the books:-) Brrrrr on your Thurs. run! Glad you found a hill for your strides:-) Oh - and I agree with your "WOW"! There are some pretty impressive numbers going on here!
@ Gonzalo - you are determined to get all of those runs in, aren't you? :-) Great job! Sorry to hear about your not sleeping though. That just sucks when you're tired and trying to get all of this work done! Maybe you need a couple days of a "reset".?!
@ Edwin - I agree with you on all counts. For me, it's hard to keep to my TRP pace outside because I just seem to want to go faster, but on the TM, it's much more tortuous to just stay at TRP or a little faster. This is all good, because I appreciate it so much more when I get outside! Very smart move on the run and holding back from the Z4 work. I agree with you - as we get "older", you have to think about how much more speed is available to us, and consistency and frequency are more important metrics. I say "older" quotes, because you are way younger than me:-) Thanks for reminding us how to be a smart athlete!
@ Derrek - you're getting some good mileage going there! Weird thing about the HR - sometimes it seems to be higher than it should for no apparent reason (or a good reason like slaying yourself on the bike!)
@ William - Dang, bud! That's some serious running pace that felt effortless. I love those days. I need more of them:-) Great job!!
@ SS - thanks for the team MOJO and support:-) Your runs looked great to me. Nice progressive Tues/Thurs runs and your Wed. long run was pretty amazing! I guess we all have a different perspective of speed, but 10 miles progressive and hanging on is awesome:-) Nice!
@ Scott - more skiing for you? I bet you're pretty spoiled coming back to ski on the East coast vs. that crazy stuff that you and Al were playing around in! Be careful and keep warm. I think skiing all day is pretty much a bike/run workout so I wouldn't worry too much about the runs!
@ Trish - glad to hear your HR is back to normal and your runs are feeling good:-) My basement is too hot - even with the heat turned off, so I need a big fan blowing on me for the bike and the TM!
@ Trent - I don't even know what to say! Holy Moly - those are some fast paces WITHOUT an incline, not to mention 2 - 4%! You are a machine! And some major miles going on this week. Phew! Wish I had your energy/stamina/speed/determination/etc. etc. etc. :-)
@ Ed E. - I'm curious about Trent's pool too:-)
@ Patrick - good luck in your 10K this weekend! Give it everything because you've been working hard!!
So... I had a really good brick run yesterday after the killer Vo2 intervals on the bike. Go figure... I ran an extra mile so I can try and actually achieve my weekly target of 26 miles. Looks like the brick tomorrow and long run Sunday will be on the treadmill since I am not a fan of bitter cold and biting wind. Ugh... It's just so strange to me how after 3 days of hard bike/run WKOs, the last run feels the best! Took today off except for some bands and core - didn't have time for the pool so I'm hoping to be pretty rested for the weekend!
Have a great weekend everyone, and be strong and smart:-)
Great work out there.
Fastest pace of the OS so far doing 5.25 miles in 40:28 or 7:46 per mile
Will sleep late tomorrow but wake up on time to watch 6 nations rugby matches !
Now for the hurt'in run I put on myself after the 90' hammer bike session. Was going for 9 miles+ as it should have been with paces but doing as brick right after I knew it would be tough. started out trying to hold 6:49 pace on the mill but HR was skyrocketing so had to hold back some, first mile in 7:08.
Legs pretty cooked after bike session. Got the run done outside, cold and windy, but no mill at the house.
Got in 4.1 mi. at a TRP to Zn 2, Zn 3 just didn't happen.
I used my recovery boots while watching the olympic marathon trials later in the afternoon. Super excited for Desi Linden, who I see occasionally on the local metro park trail just flying by with her Hanson Runner teammates. I know she's not a native Michigander, but she's ours now!
Sun. run done. Been pretty good about running outside, but this morning it was 12 deg. and breezy, wimped out and ran on TM.
Zn 4 miles @ 8:30 pace, felt pretty good HR only 152 bpm. Total- 8 miles.
No run on Friday due to swimming and getting home late. According to my -24 TSB, I needed the break. Saturday's brick run was on the TM, 4 miles as a progression run. Sunday's long run was outside with temps in the low teens and with 8 mph winds, the wind chill was in the single digits. Managed a decent good effort run with strong mile intervals. My hands were the only part uncomfortably cold, even with hand warmers. I overestimated my route and ended up with 12.6 miles in 96 minutes: 4 miles at TRP, 3x1 mile at ~6:20, 4 miles at TRP. I ran 5 times this week for a total of 31.6 miles.
Week 6 is done, was able to get in 6 runs this week. Was unable to get the mojo run brick done for Saturday though. In all I had 2 solid LR's of 16 and 14 miler at low side of TRP 8:49 - 8:34. The brick runs were solid at TRP and above(8:34 - 8:20). As a side to Edwins Croucher's thought's on speed work/age. I recognize my body does react to speed work in a good and bad way. When I run I can run hard but my hammies say thing's differently as I load up on my trg time and mileage. So I have backed off on the Z4 in the sake of run fitness and consistency. This week was a mileage build week, last week 49 miles this week 52 and Week 7 will be another build week. OA I have run 236 miles in the first six weeks AVG 7.15 mi per run Hopefully smart running will be on my side to keep the injury free bug going. Ok peeps time to put your thinking caps on. I ran 52 miles this week "How many Jumbo jets did I pass on the runway?"

As a side the Northeast is in a cold spell as we all know and up North it has been bitter cold at times reaching -31 F, avg -23 F OA, brrrr !
Week 7 is about to reap your fitness rewards embrace it, winter is here ugg !
This week was 5 runs for 34.4 miles. A little less than last week's 37
Looking forward to rest day tomorrow
Long run done early today. I can see some progress with my 10+weeks of long slow pace running with targeted heart rate control. I did almost 7 miles today. First 3 long slow pace but easy to control HR and pace actually fastest for a while, down to actual LSP. Then I put on big girl shorts (yes, its gorgeous short/tank running weather here) and finally did the 2x1mile at z4 (the most I'd done until now was 4x0.5mi). I do believe RPE was down and my HR was in high z4 and not what I saw in the past as stroke-out z5! Not gasping at all after the effort, as in the past.
2x1mi @z4 (-10s, -3s)
I've been averaging 4 runs per week and not getting (what I just actually noticed today) the prescribed base of 26 miles/week in. I am going to make concerted effort to get 5 runs per week from here on out and closer to that 26 mile goal.
After lunch, I got to the bottom of the North Face and there were only 6 people getting on the lift... no one else in sight... I have been here for over 20 years, have never seen this on any weekend, never mind President's weekend.. so, said, why am I the only person out here... went back to the lodge & went for a 5ish mile run in -4ish temp... dressed right & felt good, lots o hills... today's -22 kept me inside... Tomorrow's another day
Wrapping up Week 6 here on a chilly Sunday night. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone:-) Just took my Mom out for pizza so that made her happy. Me too!! I got my 8 miles in today on the TM, including the 2 * mile Z4 so I actually hit my target of 26 miles for the week! First time I've actually gotten all the runs in:-) I wasn't sure how my legs were going to be after the 3 * 15 min Z4 on the bike yesterday, with the 4-mile brick after. It took a couple of miles to get my head wrapped around the idea, as well as the legs loosened up - but it happened! Turned out to be a decent run while watching the Jesse Owen documentary. Awesome!! So - as usual, some fantastic running happening in the haus!
@ Robert - sorry to hear about your "bug", and hope you are feeling better! Smart move to just go to bed and rest!!
@ Gonzalo - looks like all your hard work is paying off! This is about the time when you start to reap your rewards:-) Nice run today as well:-) Enjoy your rest day tomorrow!
@ Trent - Now if I had some xtra $$$ and a place to put it - that swim spa sounds mighty awesome! Yes, please keep us informed how you like it. As for your run yesterday.... I'd be seeing spots too if I ran that fast! LOL. Seriously, glad you took a mini-break which seemed to give you another gear, so to speak! Dang!! Then we get to today's run.... seriously? As I mentioned somewhere, this is about the time in the OS when you start to reap the rewards of all the hard work. Sounds like that is definitely happening for you:-) Since your mile repeats are more than 2 min/mile faster than mine and they feel like HM pace to you, I'd say GO FOR IT! LOL! I'm pretty impressed with the 13 miles on the TM, although you were probably on it less than I was for my 8 mile run today:-) It's really fun for all of us to see your numbers! Keep it up:-)
@ Mark L. - 4.1 miles is still 4.1 miles, with or without Z3. I usually just see what I've got on those Sat. runs - sometimes it's there and sometimes it isn't. I hope it's a teeny bit warmer in Va. than here in N.J.! Well, after reading your post today, sounds like it's pretty darn cold down there too! Nice run today! Sounds very similar to mine - except yours was faster:-) LOL
@ Patrick - Congrats on your 10K race! Sounds like it was perfectly executed and your hard work is paying off. Nice!!!
@ Trish - sounds like you are getting really strong and back into your comfort zone! Hooray:-) I was actually on my treadmill watching the Olympic trials! So exciting to watch (even if they are running twice as fast as me:-)) I was happy for Desi as well, especially after her 2012 Olympics. Mostly I was happy for Meb - because I actually met him once and he's just crazy good for a 40-yr old! As for your run today, that DARN knee! It's frustrating for me because I start reading about how great you are doing, then that stupid niggle shows up! Smart call to end it then and there!
@ Derrek - You're right in there with Trent! Geez.... I'm quite impressed that you ran outside, but even more impressed with your run today! Nice week you've had! Lots of quality and quantity. Can't ask for more than that?!
@ Steve - It was nice seeing you briefly on Brenda's video on our "Tri Chick" sight:-) Seeing you always makes me smile, especially after the IMCHOO drama. Geez.... Anyway, I know you are training for Boston and getting lots of running mileage in. SO SMART of you to push that speed work aside for better consistency and less chance of injury. Turby had his very best (2:57) marathon when he did NOT do any speed work! His philosophy is that you are training for a marathon, not a 5K - so there is no need for half-mile or mile repeats when you are running so many days in the week and are just asking for an injury! Oh - and I have NO idea how many jumbo jets you passed! LOL
@ Betsy - I'm so happy right now:-) I swear, these coaches certainly have this OS figured out. Week 7 is when we should start feeling like everything is coming together and you are right there! Congrats on your 2 * mile in Z4! You are totally where you should be now! I think this may be the first week where I got all 5 runs in and actually met the 26 mile target. I do have to mention that I wasn't exactly thrilled to read about your shorts and tank tops after the frigid weekend we all had up here! LOL. Nice job, Chica! Keep up the great work...
@ Scott - you just caught me before the Sunday night deadline:-) I've been thinking of you up there in Vt and wondering how the hell anyone can ski in that weather?! Very impressed with your run yesterday. I would have been in the lodge drinking Hot Toddys:-) Hope tomorrow is better for ya!
Okay folks. That's a wrap! See you in Week 7 in a few minutes:-) NICE JOB everyone!
What a great week 6 running for the Jan OS peeps! Looks like most closed it out strong!
Friday TRP work for me:https://www.strava.com/activities/492024721 ...around 5 miles and a bit like lead legs after Thursday bike work.
Saturday Z2/Z3 work: https://www.strava.com/activities/492782112 a total of 7 miles with 5.5 averaging Sub - 8 min miles.
Sunday longer run: https://www.strava.com/activities/493660752 which felt ugly at start but got better after mile 3. Gave myself 4 X 1@ Z4.
Weeks 9 and 10 each hitting 1,000+ TSS on improved week 8 testing baselines...... I'm feeling it waking up today with a -15 TSB!
Happy training all!
Saturday brick run was routine, but I wasn't going to do an hour (and didn't).
Sunday, however, I was a bad, bad boy. I took my daughter to open swim because she couldn't go to regular swim practice that day due to a conflict. I looked at her workout briefly and figured I'd stay and do it with her. Well, I should have read it more carefully and thought about it more. I'm swimming fairly regularly anyway, but this kicked my ass. If you don't think 28 x 25 on the 1 minute isn't hard, you haven't read the next sentence that says "super fast with a parachute" for half of them and "super fast" for the other half. And you didn't read carefully down below that where the IM sets came in. We ended up doing about 4000 yards and I had to take a nap. :-)
I did my time on the treadmill later in the day, but there was no way I was going to be able to do the written workout. I went about 75 minutes at that Z1Z2 midpoint after warmup, then just about died trying to do a mile at TP, and cooled down.
Lesson learned. On the other hand, I wouldn't trade those couple hours sharing a lane with OJ for the world.