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IM Texas- Admin Info and Homework 2016

Hello AMAZING IM Texas Racers!!!
WELL here we are! 13 weeks from the race! I am PUMPED to join you on this journey as your Race Captain! Please know I am HERE FOR YOU. So if you have questions, comments, concerns, need some venting time- whatever! SEND IT MY WAY! Next week we will start weekly training threads but before we do that, I want to get some of the administrative homework out of the way.

Check out the EN camp (BEST camp for the race and sign up today to SAVE!!!): HERE

View, Share, Read etc our IM TEXAS landing page: HERE

Check out the IM Texas Master Racing Page: HERE

On Social Media? Follow, Share, Spread the word about training with EN using #EN4Keys and tagging us on all platforms:

Twitter - @teamen ---- Instagram - @teamendurancenation ------ Facebook - www.facebook.com/endurancenation

Use email friend@endurancenation.us to get a friend to train with you and EN (they get 30 days FREE and you can earn referral bonuses)

Nudge all current EN members that you know are racing IM Texas to chime in on the weekly forums

Check the box to follow the entire IM Texas forum so you don't miss a single announcement

Friend Mariah on Facebook so that she can tag you in pictures and race recaps the week after your race on the EN page

Your training hashtag is #EN4Keys and of course tag us if you wish, let’s tell the world!

Charge all your swim, bike and run electronics, tune up that bike, stretch out those legs and prepare that mental game and order the nutrition you need because we are about to dive head first into EN training.
Starting next Sunday night I will post the weekly forum with the training dates, some mojo, advice, admin notices and general EN awesomeness. Whether you're a veteran EN member or newbie, this is the magic of training with the team. We will keep each other motivated, have a place to talk about our daily training ups and downs, get questions answered, answer fellow teammates questions and make some friends along the way. The more everyone participates the more everyone will crush this race the Endurance Nation way!
If you have any questions about race weekend, Endurance Nation, whatever it is------I your trusty Race Captain extraordinaire will be here to answer any and all you can throw at me- just send me a message or post it here!!
I'm sure I have left some things out but no need to worry, we have plenty of time to IRON (see what I did there) all that out before race week.
On your mark.... get set.... GO!


  • Super excited!! Thank you, Laura!!!
  • Well that got me fired up!  Thanks Laura!

  • FYI- There are only 4 spots left for EN Texas Race Camp and the deadline is 2/26 contact myself or Coach Patrick for details! Would love to see you all there!
  • I have three 90 min. Rides this week. I am looking to get outside, possibly on the course anybody want to join me Thursday or Saturday?
  • Thanks Laura. Did my 1000 yard TT test today as the end of the february TT challenge. No my fastest of all time but definitely an improvement from 2 weeks ago. A little anxious about the bike test on tap for tomorrow!
  • So - the training camp next week will be the first time that I am shipping my bike - or bringing it on a plane with me rather. My bike guy said that getting it back together is not as simple as a mountain or road bike, and asked if there would be anyone there to assist with this process. Does anyone have any advice? How are others addressing this? Thanks!
  • @ Terra - I just read through the documents we received this weekend.  You may want to call Bike Land TX ­­ (281) 362­-9253 and see if you can stop there on your way in.  My LBS is going to show me what to do, but you never know.  If you have time and call ahead, that may be the best option.  I may do that as well tomorrow.

    I am also going to take lots of pictures and mark my seat post, head set and aero bars.

    This will be my first time (packing my bike and checking it) as well, so other people may have better advice.  I have also heard that it is helpful to have an extra derailleur hanger. Also, I have heard is is best to carry on your pedals.  If something happens and you have to rent a bike, at least you will have pedals to match your shoes.  Oh, also carry on your helmet and shoes.

  • Just so that you know, there's 2 other camps (that I know of) in town next weekend. Thus the LBS's will be busy. If you intend to take your bike to any of them, call ahead.

    Bike Land is good. Nice guys and seem to do pretty well. Bike Lane is the best LBS in the area, but you'd have to call ahead, and they still may say no. They're pretty busy, and make a conscious effort to take care of the local riders first. Bicycle World might be a good option, but they are about 15 minutes away from your hotel. They just opened up about 6 months ago, and I've only been in there a couple times.

    If you need to work on your bike yourself and find that you need an extra tool or something, I'm about 10 minutes away from your hotel and would be happy to lend a hand. I'm not bike mechanic though. I've also got a few bikes on hand that I'd be happy to lend out if something happens. Seriously, let me know what you need and if I have it, it's yours for the weekend.
  • @Terra - What kind of bike case are you using?  There is a lot of variability between different cases in terms of how much disassembly is required.  Some of the hard sided cases like the Trico you just remove the pedals and you're good to go.  I have the Ruster Hen House and i even need to remove the front fork to get it to fit inside its 2 bags.  I am by no means a bike tech but i'm happy to lend a hand if you need some help.

  • Chris and Mark, thank you so much! I am going to my LBS on Friday. I will learn a bit more about what is required in the process. They are boxing it up for me - I'm not using a case. The last guy I dated was/is a pro mountain biker. I just asked him what I should do - being that he travels internationally with his bikes all the time. He said that a bike box is my best bet. To call my bike guy and have him box it up, etc. for me. So, that's what I did...
  • There is another shop that may be able to reassemble your bike for you or fix/tweak as needed. He did my retul fitting and assembled my bike for me. Jorge at CicloCorse ciclocorse@yahoo.com, tel: 832-848-1457, cell: 832-715-9371. Just FYI
  • For the race, do people plan to ship their bikes ahead, or bring them with them on the plane? I am just curious as to what others are doing. Thanks!
  • @Terra, if you're comfortable assembling your bike, then carrying it on is about the best option. If not, then a service like Tri Bike Transport is a really good option. My wife has used them twice (going to Florida and Cor D'Alene) and has been very happy with it. I think Tri Bike Transport makes you take your pedals off, but otherwise, they ship the bikes totally assembled.
  • I have always brought my bike to Texas on the plane in a case.
  • @Terra, I will use Tri Bike Transport whenever possible. Saves lots of time and headache of flying with my bike so worth the added expense in my book.
  • I'm confused. What hotel is everyone staying at? I booked my hotel a long time ago without any idea where everyone would be staying. I had booked at the Candlewood, so I would have the ability to cook my own food. The training camp information sheet says Courtyard Marriott - which there are two - with Hyatt Place stated right underneath.
  • @ Terra - I sent your question to the group on the group text app.  hopefully you got it.

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