Mark Burdgick's Micro Thread
Hey coach Patrick,
I'm a new EN member, received my Triathlon Season Roadmap and was able to load the Intermediate EN*Half training plan. I am excited about getting started, but had some questions. It looks like the basic pattern is M-swim, Tu-run/swim, W-bike/run, Th-long run, F-swim, Sa-run/long bike, Su-long bike/run. There are specific weeks that have other items, but this looks like the general pattern.
- I am a long-time member of a local Run club and am used to doing my long runs on Saturday mornings with that group. I want to continue doing that. Would it be appropriate for me to juggle the Thu/Sat/Sun schedule to accommodate that? How would you suggest I do that if you agree.
- I also belong to a local Tri-focused swim group. We have organized workouts on various days of the week. Generally, they are 3,000-3,500 yd workouts and are a good mix of distance and interval work. Can I substitute this workout for 1 or more of the swim workouts on the Intermediate EN*Half plan?
- I see that I am scheduled for a Run and Bike test this weekend (part of the Trial Period plan) and at various other points in time in the plan. Can I use the standard TrainerRoad workouts that fit (eg, the 20 min FTP test) for these?
Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks in advance!
The best option is to load the EN*FUll, Minimalist Plan…as that puts the long run on the weekends (Sunday, but you can flip with Sat) and accounts for your Thursday, etc.
Doing your group swims is fine; I think it’s better! My only pushback would be the “longer” friday swims as you enter Race Prep (final 12 to 8 weeks until the race) as those are great compliments to what we are trying to achieve on the weekends re fatigue, etc.
Yes you can use the Trainer Road stuff for the tests…good luck!
~ Coach P