Sheri's Micro Coach P
Hi Coach P--
Hope you got your house flooding & repair all worked out. Did ya'll have to move out for a couple weeks?
Training for IMTX full swing now. I'm struggling with being so so tired. I will start the week ok, but then over the course of the week the get worn out--and have to drop stuff.
I guess I need to know if I need to drop to another plan (beginner or minimalist) or if I should take out a couple runs or just slow the runs down??
I feel like I'm getting stronger, but I had to drop friday's ride this week & the optional run on Thur too.
What do you think?
thanks so much
sheri devore
We need to adjust that week..what happens if we dial down the Tuesday run (Make it HMP); and make Wed bike only, no run. Would that do it?
Dang. did you have an upstairs water heater? That's what my other friends had & their house flooded - it was about 4 mo for them too. Hopefully the time will pass quickly!
I can try that. Since I don't workout on Sunday, I start the week with Tuesdays workout on monday & so forth.
I did my run yesterday- just slowed it down a bit. I'll try just biking today & see how that feels. I'll let you know if I am able to hold the schedule this week.
One last thing- looking at my schedule. If I take out that run off my tue--I won't have any bricks. Even my Sat shorter ride doesn't have any runs after it. What do you think?
Two more things to think of:
1. Nutrition -- are you fueling these workouts? All of them need to be fueled, so if you are water only or thinking it's "not long enough" to warrant nutrition you could be selling yourself short.
2. Sleep -- how are you sleeping? What's your average a night of sleep? That too, if unchecked, could be hurting you!
Nutrition for anything an hour or shorter is just water. I do take supplements before & after to support adrenals & mitochondria & now electrolytes.
Do I think I should add stuff for my 45 min workouts? Gel?
Average night sleep is 6-7 hrs.
Thank u!!
2 things:
I was listening to an old podcast from 09 about race pace and vdot etc. I have not done a lot with my vdot, but I do know my last 5K time trial race I did in Nov was too fast for me to hold those paces in out season training. Now, that I'm in full swing IM training I've just slowed down a bit without a lot of exactness (think I missed a 5K test recently). Where do I find vdot info & how do I use it to pre dict things for IMTX this year?
also, I adjusted my workouts as you suggested last week (leaving out my run following my hour bike & slowing my first run of the week (my monday)). Felt better this week but I've been fighting a virus & last night it flared up. Today is supposed to be that run/long bike I keep missing, but there is no way I can do that today. (No fever, but sluggish, a little chills, tight neck, upset belly). Last week when my symptoms where not as bad I dropped my fri & did the 2nd ride on Sat only (ABP ride). I had a hard time keeping up but still got it in. Now, I'm wondering if I should even do that--but at the same time I'm missing precious long bike time which is starting to catch up to me already.
What do you think? Thank you!!
As for the race execution stuff, we actually use HR now for Run Race can go to school for that right here:
I hope you feel better soon!
Question: A last minute chance to go out of town this weekend with hubby has come up. I have a plane ticket & am going. What do I do about my big day?
My last big day I was sick so it really was more like a small get through it day.
I possibly might have time to do what needs to happen, but will be in an unfamiliar place without bike & not sure about pool??!
Probably thur I can bike. Do the 4 hr amount?
Yes that will be perfect! Good luck.
~ Coach P
I can't access the heat run pacing page. Is there another location or way to get that info, instead of going through the race execution area?
1. Did my first long run (instead of split) today. My garmin said 10.8, strava said 11.1 miles-so a bit short of 12 either way. The part I had trouble with was hitting the numbers. I started at 10.08 mi/min, & stayed about 9:45mi/min for an hour, then tried to drop to a 9:08 isn, but didn't have that much to give, so I kept about 9:30, until about 20 min out, then it was all I could do to keep below 10. I just started using BASE salt & my belly was a bit upset--not sure if that was why, but I felt like all my other fuel was right on so I'm wondering if maybe my yesterday Tue interval bike & run was too much?
What do you think? Is it more important to do the full distance 12 or try to hit goal speed numbers? I realized once I was on the run, maybe I should have been using heart rate instead, but it was too late to try to figure that out by then.
Seems the long workouts I keep coming up short on--that's a bit concerning.
sheri devore
IMTX 2016!!!
My swim pace & endurance has been slowing for a while now. I feel like I'm putting everything I have into the bike & run I have nothing left for swim ( which used to be my strength). I've never been as slow as I am now. Recently I've started using the pool buoy for my legs to get more of a rest during the swim, but I'm concerned that when I swim on race day probably without a wetsuit- my legs won't be used to the kicking anymore & the very thing I'm doing to save my legs now will bite me later.
What do u think??
I want a negative split run. Does the whole run have to be perfect? No. But does the last 1/3 have to be faster than the first 1/3 -- I hope so! So let's adjust your pacing by HR, and your expectations to match what I am outlining _here_ so the runs finish well. There could be a myriad of things from other nutrition to pre workout nutrition to just general fatigue...i don't think it's _just_ BASE salt. You do want to be drinking as on race day -- I do 4oz of fluid per mile or 1/2 a fuel belt...just to prepare for TX!
As for the swim, I think it will come around for you in the final two weeks. Swimming well now when the bike and run goes up....well it's not easy. You are in a period of adaptation and that speed will be hard to find. My I am okay with 50% of your swims being PB, or at least the ones after the hard runs!
You can use it now and try to phase it this week say you swam 9000 yds total with 4500 pull next week you could shoot for 4000 pull...then 3000, etc...
But some days you just need the buoy!!!!! And paddles!!!! And WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
My current bike pacing for distance seems to be 17 mph ( killer racing depleted), 16 mph always pushing & a little tired after, 15 mph easy- next day recovered. So I'm wondering- for my first 112, would it be better to goal pace 15? And would that mean race day could still be faster than that or should an aim for 16 be better?
Thank u!
Given that this week is camp week, I suggest you start off with a more conservative option. I would rather that you have the opportunity to do all of the training sessions this weekend versus doing one and being exhausted. It will also give you a good baseline for how you can approach restate. With the data and information you gain from your big day, you will be able to determine the best plan of attack for your race.
Smart in your first RR, a bit harder in #2!
~ Coach P
I did tweak things like we talked b4- make my Monday run steady & take out the off the bike tue. Any other ideas? I'm really concerned. I feel like the fatigue is about to take me down!
Really it's your call...if you can get through the weekend, then you can chill out most of next week (Mon thru Fri) and we'll get you back on track.
If you need to adjust these sessions that are due this weekend, we can do that as well...
I guess I am saying you choose the rest (sooner or later) and tell me what you can do this weekend, and we can go from there!!!
I decided to do it but I've modified it. On the ride yesterday I got dehydrated- and ended up with 90miles of easy pacing. Then cut the run ( which was great) to 55 min b/c I felt nauseated. Today I did 35 miles bike/ 20 run. My body needs to recover- trying to drink more but can't get enough & awesome bowel issues. I'm going to play tomorrow by ear. May do it or wait till Monday.
I feel like I've done the actual race in how worn out I am??--
So now I've had a run through- the 2nd one of these big race weekends- I'll be able to tweak this & get everything in.
~ Coach P
Wondering if I over looked it or if it really is missing?? Oh and btw I switched up my hydration electrolyte powder & am back to happy bowels again! Yay
Coach Rich will let you know about Friday...I assume it's a swim...
Hi Coach--
After my 90mile ride friday, I came down sick. Rested Sat, Sun & feeling a bit better Monday- today. Went out & tried to run my long run & got 1/2 way into it & decided I needed to stop. My heart rate was spiking and I felt weak. Then I'd walk, it would come down & I'd run (slow) again & the cycle would do it again.
I'm mostly concerned about my RR coming up Friday. My goal is to be healthy when that gets here-- any words of wisdom here to calm a crazy mind.
BTW I usually get this type of thing a day or 2 out of race day- Not while still training.thanks