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I am a mess

Well, the title about sums it up.

  • My Son's open heart surgery is in 9 days
  • I am donating blood next week for the surgery
  • I am supposedly participating in the Boston Marathon in 7 weeks
  • I had a bad race in the beginning of January and injured my IT Band
  • I have done barely any training in the last month and a half
  • I have gained a bunch of weight from bad eating decisions and little training
  • I have a plantar's wart that is so bad I can't even walk without pain (being treated by doctor)
  • I have had a sinus infection for the past week and I am now finally on antibiotics
  • I have very little motivation to train at this point

I guess I don't have a question. I am just freaking out.



  • Peter – I think freaking out is quite normal given all that’s going on. Your son and the surgery are all that matter right now. Your last point is key: if the mojo isn’t there don’t force it. Boston will always be there – it’s no big deal if you skip this year.
  • Agree. Get well so you can be there for your family and when you feel that running will decrease your stress then go run. Don't worry about training. Don't worry about your weight but try to eat healthy for your general health.
  • Great advice already given....
    Take care of yourself so you can take of your family.
  • Agreed. Some seasons (or parts of seasons) cooperate with our penciled in Tri Plans, and then some.....it just isn't going to happen, especially when the priorities are so clear.

    The nice thing is that you know what it takes once the skies clear for you. Do what you can to stay in maintenance mode.

    Allow yourself to focus on what's important. Don't beat yourself up over this 'I'm outta shape with some nagging injuries and I won't be ready for Boston' thing.

    I have a couple of similar situations going on but I'm not going to hijack this thread. I'll shoot you a PM.
  • I would focus on your family and get back to eat well, Im sure the upcoming surgery puts a stress on you and bad eating impacts the mental.
    good luck !
  • Peter, Timely post. I was just thinking about you yesterday and looked up your Avalon results just to make sure you were still alive and kicking. Sorry to hear about your "mess". Prioritize beginning with your sons surgery , break it down to one thing at a time, and then keep moving forward. We're all here for support !
  • Just yesterday I was wondering where The Flash had gone.

    Weight, training, racing ... Put that in moth balls. A freak athlete like yourself will have little difficulty getting back in the game.

  • What everyone has already said. Family first. The rest will fall in place later when it's time. You could do Boston in your sleep with exactly zero training, or you can qualify anytime you want in the future and do it then. We do this for fun as a hobby, it'll still be here whenever your body/mind/life are ready for it. Will be keeping you and your family in my prayers!
  • Hey Peter - I don't think I can add anything - but just wanted to show support for you.

    I find the "box" metaphor that we use while we race is a good one for life. You've got a lot going on - just throw everything that isn't critical outside. Do what you can to support your family and do the things that give you energy and lower your stress so that you can get everyone through this.

    We will all keep supporting and praying for you and your family. Everything else will be here waiting when you're ready!
  • Hello Peter...echo everything above. Family is the most important and sending love and support your way.

    Take it one thing at a time and soon you will see you "mess" will begin to disappear. Fitness comes and goes and when ready, you will be top of the charts again.
  • Agree with all the below, family health first, then add the building blocks later for yourself when your head is in the right mindset. Sending positive vibes to you and your family !
  • Peter, ditto about taking care of your family, but don't forget about taking care of yourself too. I feel for you and will be thinking about you. Hang in there and remember that for the time being you can use exercise to relieve stress but don't let the lack of training add to your stress.
  • Agreed with all the great advice ^^^^ With your talent level, a BQ is there anytime you want it. Family is the most important thing.

    On your injury, I'm sure you're getting physical therapy. The thing that I feel has kept me injury free is yoga. I do it every Monday morning or after a race to undo the damage. It might be a good way to aid your recovery and help find mental peace in this stressful time. I know yoga is some hippy shit but it works. image
  • Mojo coming your son's way and yours
  • Thanks everyone for the kind words.

    I have a bunch of sunk cost in the Boston trip so we will go. I want to run it if I can without any time goal. My knee is feeling ok at this point. The stupid wart is the thing giving me the most trouble.
  • Peter...we are here for you buddy. All the best to you and your family over the coming weeks for a smooth surgery and speedy recovery.

    Once that is all behind you BOSTON will be a good relief valve for you. Take it easy. Have fun. Soak it all in. Give lots of high fives. Get a kiss from a Wellesely girl. It's by far the most fun I've had at a marathon and was by far one of the worst finishing times I've ever had.

  • Enjoy the trip, do the expo, soak up the atmosphere, but pull the plug on the race, or at least on any performance goals. That should reduce the stress on you while you concentrate on family and getting back in shape. I had a huge plantar wart on the ball of one foot when I was in High School and by the end of the track season I could barely run. The doc removed it with some kind of acid application and I was out of running for a bit, but I've never had one since, and that was over 40 years ago. Best wishes on a 'speedy' recovery!
  • Peter,

    After the first two on the list take care of the infection so you can be there for your son.  Beyond that controlling the eating and weight gain and the rest of it will sort itself out.   

    I'm sure the motivation to train will return when things are back to normal.  Here's some EN mojo for your son.


  • Thinking of you and your family. The box analogy is great - focus on the really important stuff and relax through the other stuff.
  • Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Take care of YOU so you can take care of THEM. The rest (training) will always be there when you're ready. Deep breath. You focus on having your kiddo's back and know that all of us have YOURS.
  • As the others have said, this is a game and when compared to the importance of family it becomes meaningless. Thoughts and prayers to you and those you love.

    Plantar wart: I've had several bouts. First was decades ago and had 1 nickle sized wart surgically removed from the center of my right heal. Not fun. Then about 10 years ago I started getting a few on each foot. Tried any/all OTC treatments which succeeded in making things worse. By that point there were dozens on each foot! Eventually I planned to have about 35+ removed but my new Podiatrist wanted to try a few oral remedies first. After failing the first trial, she had me start Tagamet (OTC antacid). Within 2 weeks there was a noticeable change. After a month all were nearly gone. At 2 months I couldn't find any trace! Have not had any since and I am so glad I didn't' go the surgery route. Ask your Dr and give it a try.

  • This is all just a game. Nothing matters except being there for your son and your family. 

    Period, full stop.

    But please post some pics of Fat Bearded Peter, because that's just damn funny!!

  • This is me back in my homeless configuration along with this little weasel that decided to be born with heart defects!

  • That got an "Ahhh, oooo mmummm!" from my wife
  • What a great photo!
  • First, I am sooo proud you!

    Second, you are likely still faster than me. So, there is that.
  • That's the cutest "little weasel" I've ever seen! You've got a huge team in his corner and we'll all be sending mojo on his big day. Thoughts and prayers all the way.

    And you, Peter, could throw on a pair of sunglasses and pass for the Iron Cowboy at the moment. Not that you'd want to. :-)
  • Best of luck Peter. Hope the winds turn in your favor soon!
  • Hoping you and your little weasel are well! image
  • Thanks everyone! The surgery finally happened and everyone is doing well. Originally the surgery was scheduled for March 7th, but then it was moved to the 10th. We showed up on the 10th and handed the baby off to the surgery team, but it was scrubbed last minute because of a suspicious rash on his torso. We then rescheduled for March 24th. It was actually nice it was rescheduled because in that time he started crawling and learned to lift himself to a standing position on furniture.

    The surgery finally happened on the 24th and he did really well. We spent 4 days in the ICU and 1 day in the general heart ward. He was only on pain meds for 3 days. He is now back home crawling again and playing as if nothing happened. The surgeons and cardiologist say that the surgery was a great success.

    My foot is also finally healed. I tried the tagamet that was suggested, but also kept going back to the Dr to debride the wart and apply sodium hydroxide to it. I also killed the bejesus of it using 40% salicilic acid. I am not sure what finally cured it, but I am glad it is gone.

    I am still going to do Boston but will totally wing it. I did a 13 mile run a week ago. I am going to jog 18 miles this weekend and then show up and see what happens. I am really just going for the jacket. Thanks again everyone!


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