Bike Case/
Greetings from Minnesota. Its painful to say the Tri Bike Transport has discontinued its stop to my home state. I now have to find alternative transport to get my bike to IMFL 70.3 in April. My knowledge of bike assembly and disassembly are VERY limited. I have a Felt IA 2. Any recommendations on a bike case that works well with my bike? Thule and Evoc are on my radar after reading the Buyer's Guide from Triathlete
Also, I bought a Tesla and I need a bike rack to put on the roof. I prefer the fork mount style but I'm open to suggestions.
Thank you.
I love my 1Up bike rack, seriously the best hitch mount bike rack made!
But if I needed to get one to roof mount (or anywhere mount), I'd get a SeaSucker. I had a bike racing team stay with me last yr and they had a couple of those that they just stuck on the back door of their van. They were awesome and worked like a charm. Bonus points because you could literally pack them when you travel and use them on your rental car as well...
Hi John. I do get to Minneapolis often. In fact, I'm planning on coming down this weekend for the hockey tournament. I'm staying at my golf club which I believe is not too far from Orono. Windsong Farm? Anyway, I'm planning on dropping my Felt off at GearWest when I get in town for a tune up before my race. Do you need your case before April?
Are you racing Buffalo on June 5?
I live about 3 miles from Gear West. You're welcome to get it this weekend or whenever you drop your bike off. I don't need the case until near the end of May, so as long as you can get it back to Minneapolis by then, it's yours... Send me a PM if you want to borrow it.
@Kyle I am so thankful you started this thread. I hope it helped! I am traveling by air three times this year with my bike and have been very nervous about it (never done it). I did buy a nice used box from a friend of mine. Anyway, I called my LBS and he is going to do exactly what you guys said and teach me how to take it apart, pack it and put it back together.
@ David - Maybe someday I can take it to Dubai or Abu Dhabi!
Hometwon bicycles. They are not really triathlon focused and sell only Jamis bikes, but they do a great job working on my Specialized TT bike and keeping it tuned-up. If I were to buy a new bike or want a TT bike fit, I would go to the Tri and Bike shop in Livonia or Fraser Bike in Canton or Transition Rack in Ann Arbor.
The Pika Packworks pack is outstanding but does not offer the same level of protection as an hard sided case, plus there is less disassembly needed. It is much easier for TSA to unzip it, see the contents and zip it back up again. The main risk with this case as with any soft case is the risk of crushing or dropping during the loading/unloading of the plane.
I tend to use the Pika Packworks case more than the Ironcase overall.
On disassembly - there are a lot of benefits to taking your bike apart and rebuilding it yourself, you will get a lot more confidence about the bolts & components on your bike so that when/if you need to fix something in a race, you are better prepared to do so.