IMTX 2016- Week 10
Week 10-- Focus: Split Long Run
Greeting EN Texas athletes! I LOVED seeing your posts last week about your killer training…you're all RAMPING UP, burning a hole in Strava and posting some great stuff on social media!! Now that we have a laser focus on IM Texas, lets keep that up! It’s FANTASTIC! Remember…… #EN4Keys
This year the coaches made big changes to the OutSeason training plans, adding a significant "run durability" component by adding running frequency. So now as you head into the IM Full plan you will notice the following…….
Split Long Run: in weeks 9 through 12, the long run is split into two Thursday sessions. The coaches experimented with this in 2015 and found they were able to run both runs a faster average pace and put up higher single day mileage, with less recovery cost vs a traditional one-session long run. Then then enables...
Additional Friday Run: the ability to put in a run the day after the long run allows us to significantly boost the run volume, and therefore the run durability component, of the long course training plans.
Saturday Pre-Ride Brick Run: this run, added to the plans years ago, remains a running staple.
Sunday Post-Ride Brick Run: an extremely valuable session for helping our athletes dial in the critical first 4-6 miles of their running race execution strategy
So this week- let’s focus on that split long run and report back on how we do!
Remember…..your race day run should be:
Sustained Pace
No one run will make or break your race but how you look at pacing will.
Focus on sustainable pace.
Set yourself up like a rock star---
Eat and Hydrate during your workout
Recovery Shake immediately after
Compression socks or resting in the first half hour window after. Aim for at least one minute elevated resting legs per mile. i.e. 10 mile run, 10 minutes legs elevated, compression socks and resting.
Recovery sets you up for the weekend volume rides
****** You all are rocking the Texas forum!! I’ve already heard from multiple people how much the feedback and daily training discussions are helping. You're building friendships that you will LOVE to have out there on race day. The more you know each other the more you might be able to help, and this is the beauty of EN. We are all one big endurance racing family! If you need ANYTHING from your trusty Race Captain…...I'm here! ******
Admin check in: Make sure you are following all social media for EN and Facebook!!!
Hey Y'all.....Thought i would check in to share how things are going. Weather here in colorado has been pretty good the last few weekends so i have been able to do my long rides outside. However, as volume has started to ramp so has fatigue. Today's bike wko was HARD. Power was off and it was a struggle to even hit FTP on the VO2 intervals. I know from experience the trick is to not get too high or too low about any singular workout. Overall, i feel like i'm on a pretty good trajectory heading into the texas camp but i'm not afraid to take a rest day if needed. How's everyone else feeling?
@Mark - Feeling pretty good here. I was thinking on Sunday that I do not remember feeling this good (or not too bad
) after two long bike rides and run (14.5 hour week). Usually, by Sunday evening I can barely walk. The big difference with this plan for me is there are 2 workouts a day, but most of them are an hour or less. I do one in the morning (except Wednesday) and one in the evening. I seem to be able to absorb that volume a lot better.
I've only been outside on the bike once, but it looks like our weather in South East Michigan is going to be a lot better next week. My goal is to be riding outside after I get back from camp in a few weeks. I've been playing with Zwift, and it seems to help make the time go by.
I have not been hitting the power targets for the 3 X 4' Vo2 intervals on the Wednesday workout (this week was better than last), but I definitely hit the heart rate targets. My number one goal on those is to get my heart rate in that zone for most of the interval. If I do that, I know the power will follow in a few weeks.
The other thing I found interesting was the sweat test protocol. Did you guys do that? I found that I am not taking in enough fluids. It looks like I need 30 to 34 ounces per hour. I also did the nutrition plan calculators and am going to try some new things next Saturday. I've been following the UCAN super startch approach for a couple of years, and I just don't think that works for me. I am going to give the traditional sport drink and gel approach and see how that goes. I would love to here what everyone's nutrition plan is.
@ Laura- I've been fighting this virus for a while now. Started a week & 1/2 ago with a tight neck & some gurgle belly--just little things. I've seen my body slowing down a bit, but have kept on doing the workouts b/c I really didn't stop doing much of anything. I dropped my Fri workout (SAT run/bike) to be able to do a decent Sat ride(EN's Sun ride-I've bumped my week forward a day b/c I take Sun off) , but even that was a bit of a struggle.
So last night I felt like this is at a new level with a headache, really tight neck, sick belly, stuff in throat, zapped energy. On a scale from 0-10 (10 being emergency room) I'm probably 6, but no fever. Just tired & all that stuff. I'm getting concerned b/c I'm missing my long rides.
What should I do?? Normally I get stuff & it's gone in 2 days max, so no big deal, but this is really affecting things. Any advice?
@ Jimmy- WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME!!! We are SO excited to have you aboard!! Here's to a great weekend of training!
@ Sheri- UGH to being sick!! I know that is NOT fun--but your body is telling you something. I see that you reached out to Coach P in the Micro and that is exactly the place to do it!!!! He will be the one to set you in the right direction regarding training. Until you hear back- its gonna be how you feel and making the decision--- Can you ride and make it less intensity? You have to take care of yourself! In order to get to the start line- gotta stay healthy!! Have you ever tried zinc? More for colds- but its good stuff. And an amazing WSM once told me that probiotics and L-glutamine of 2,000mgs daily can help keep you healthy- L-glutamine is given to cancer patients who are on chemo and immuno-compromised. It's pretty effective with regard to improving gut health and preventing infection. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY stay positive!! We are still in week 10. Keep your mental game up!!
And I also wanted to clarify- that I am Race Captain for you AMAZING- rockin' peeps and I will be with you every step of the way- but I am not racing IMTX. This allows me to get you info and focus on helping you get to your A race---- So seriously---whatever you need team!!
@ Mark, I struggle with the VO2 intervals as well. Although, admittedly, I accidentally did the week 13 Wednesday bike workout (2X20' instead of 15', 10' ftp). Must have been low blood flow to the brain when I was looking at the training plan - oh wait, that's what happens during the intervals! I guess I forgot to flip back to week 10 after looking ahead on my iPad.
Second week of doing the split run followed by the run on Friday. So far so good. Legs are tired before I start but once I get loosened up it's been going well. Side note- does anyone really change out their shoes every 300 miles?
Hello IMTX team. Happy this week is in the books! Another 1000TSS (1052TSS to be exact) week. This EN plan is definitely a notch above my previous training plans and it appears to be working. I start every day never sure I can do the workouts as prescribed but somehow, I have always been able to. It speaks of the good science behind the plan. Good job coaches! Today was actually a lot easier than last week and I could have gone a little harder but was happy to not suffer as much. This weeks 3 hr bike ride was 8 bpm below last week! Being in WI, I am still riding in the basement and have not yet switched to the aero position. I will be suffering when I go down! PS. I started cutting down on the beer consumption; it might be a reason wire this week has been a little easier.