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IMTX 2016- Week 11- Another Big Day!!

Howdy TX Team!!! We are onto WEEK 11! WOOHOO!! And its got some awesome training---- with ANOTHER BIG DAY!! So how is everyone feeling?? Speak up and post- whats rockin and whats not. We will keep each other goin..... 

So here it is.........“Big Day”

Things to pay attention to


Watching your pacing (are you making mistakes early on?)

Don’t “rest” in-between but no need to go full fledge tri geek and set up transitions where you sprint from event to event

What coaches want to see this week is us talking about how we are going to prepare. Post your “big day” check list here, a chance to even practice your “race plan” and “race report”

Let’s not wait until after the big day to start discussing what we did or didn’t do. Lets plan it out, write it out and discuss it now so we can help each other. Then debrief the awesome Texas Crew after the big day on what worked and what didn’t.

This will set you up for your race rehearsals closer to race day.

****There is still time to find a friend who is racing Texas and give them the best gift you could give someone— no not a power meter, a free 30 days of Endurance Nation. Sharing is caring! (you get a Free month when they sign up also)**** give them friend@endurancenation.us email and we take care of the rest!

Ya’ll are EN rock stars!!


A little motivational clip for you if you're in need 



  • I noticed the bike wko on Wednesday does not have the 3 X 5' at 110% after the 2 X FTP intervals.  I'm not complaining, but do you think that is an accident?

  • @Brian - I think it's correct.  I remember reading the first half of the IM plan will have VO2 in addition to FTP work on the wed bike.  I think the reasoning is something like as volume increases there is a need to back off on the intensity.  We still have the FTP work to contend with, but by removing the VO2 we should be able to absorb the increased volume on the long run and weekend rides.  At least that's my story and i'm sticking to it! 

  • @Mark - Thanks! My legs are very happy to hear that!
  • Week 11 and all good - had to learn how to create TrainerRoad workouts for this week's long rides, looking forward to some warmer/dryer weather in the coming weeks to get back outside and get my bike off the trainer. I am running out of DVD's to watch each week and need to get back to remembering how to balance. All outdoor riding so far this year has been fatbiking in snow and mud - so no chance to get aero there... (and no - none of it counted to the workouts!)

    Decided two weeks ago to tryout/relook at different saddles - good idea or bad idea? (probably bad...) which is a lot easier on a trainer. So my highlight of last week is I can now switch out and torque up a saddle in <30 seconds (good but still not fast enough to prevent TR going into auto pause) <br />
    This is my first year in EN and love the training program - my earlier IM training has been either self made up or Don Fink books, the EN training is certainly mixing it up a lot more than I have experienced before. Very excited for May...
  • Great work this week team!!! Who is ready for their big day?!? Got a plan set up? Let's hear it!!!
  • Yes Laura - still wet in NE Ohio so this Saturday will be a four hour trainer ride.... DVD's at the ready... followed by a run outside
  • I am pretty excited that I am going to get to ride outside with a good group that will push my pace.  It is going to be just above freezing in SE Michigan when we start, but it should be 50 to 60 degrees by the time we finish.  I will not be able to swim before, since we are meeting very early, and my pool (YMCA) is far away.   

  • I will miss the camp this week as work has me in Europe all week.

    Is everyone on Strava - are we all keeping track of each other?!

    Those of you going to camp this week I am envious - have a terrific session all!
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