2016 JOS Run Thread Wk 10 - Working together is coming together!
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success!" Henry Ford
I feel as though this quote reflects our JOS Run Durability group since the beginning of the year. Here we are - 10 weeks into the plan, and we are seeing how all of this hard work is paying off. I have heard over and over how you peeps are feeling stronger, workouts are easier, paces are higher, heart rates are lower, etc. Maybe not 100% of the time, but enough to see that we are making progress! I really believe that the MOJO of this group has contributed substantially to the improvements being made and I can't thank you enough for all of your posts and support! Best JOS Run Durability group EVER:-)
Keep up the great work everyone and have a mahvelous week!
Brick after the 3X15's on the bike as 25' and 3.65 miles
Checking in. Last week got off the rails a little as I was off sick from work Thursday and Friday. I took the weekend off as well so only 3 run's last week.
I'm feeling better and got in two 30' sessions this week and back on track.
3.6 Miles in 29:00 w 6x30 strides
@Trent - which Hokas did you get?
My run outside in nice 52 deg. weather. Not clear just a little sprinkle here and there but still nice to be out in just shorts and tee. TRP with final mile push... little over 11 miles in 77min.
Only if there was full sunshine could today's run have gone better. I ran in shorts and a T-shirt. My running shoes had only one 10k run on them. They were light & springy. I set out on my ten mile course and ran the first 3 the same manner as always. Warm up right around my GRP and then let it happen. Today it did. I ran every mile right around my TRP no matter what the hills were. On this course, mile 6 has been a very tough mile. 1/2 mile is uphill. I had only scratched at an 8:00 mile. Today I went 7;48 on it and the GRP was 7:13. I hope everyone had as good a day as I did.
9.3 miles in 1:19 - https://www.strava.com/activities/512844620
I have to insert workouts in a busy conference schedule and dinner/show plans (we just came back from an spectacular Cirque du Soleil show)... was able to get 3.5 mile run in this morning before breakfast and then 2 more miles around 6 PM followed by 30 mins in the gym (spinning bike) where using RPE and HR I estimate I did 15 mins at 1.0 FTP
I am going on a ~10 day trip starting this afternoon to FL for OJ's race, and then to AZ for a training camp with her team. I guess I'll use ellipticals in hotel rooms when running is called for but biking should be ok. Hope to get a swim and my regular bike in today before I go. But my reporting here will be irregular for a bit.
WOW! Is it really Thursday already? And how about this warm weather in March??? I'm LOVING it!! So we switched things around this week to get our first "Hump Day" ride/run in on Wed. Did my long run on Tues. with a couple of Z5 miles at the end:-) Yesterday was the Hump Day Tri (minus the swim)! Great to be outside and on the tri bike for a change! Legs were pretty tired after the Z4 bike intervals, but did get 2 miles of a run in after. Today was Vo2 intervals on the bike - and got a great 4-mile run in after, inc. 5 strides fast. It was 79 degrees when I was done!!! I'm pretty happy about being able to get these runs in this week. No optional run for me tomorrow (pool and Mom's), but hope to get the weekend runs in okay... So far, so good:-)
@ Edwin - yes, it's hard to NOT go out too fast in the shorter intervals! Nice work:-) Sounds like a really awesome run yesterday! #workworks!
@ Trent - Yep, gotta keep listening to the body as the paces get faster! Interesting about the Hoka inserts... I loved my Hoka's until the last pair I got (Clifton 2). I was falling down all the time! Switched back to my Asic's - but I do miss that cushiness. (haven't fallen since - knock wood!) Nice run yesterday, too! 52 degrees and sprinkles - perfect! 11+ miles, 77 mins. Nice!
@ Gonzalo - nice getting that TM run in before heading to Cancun! That is determination:-) Then you head right out on your vacation and kill it! I was curious how you would feel at sea level:-) Okay, now I see that you are actually WORKING! LOL. Amazing to me how you manage to get those workouts in before and after and in-between everything else you are doing! Nice...
@ Gordon - sorry to hear you were under the weather last week. Glad you are on the mend!
@ Leslie - not sure how you managed that 1 miler on Monday after your race! Nothing is going to stop that running streak:-)
@ Scott - gotta love the shorts and tee shirt:-) Nice run on Tues! I laughed at your post about stripping down and going to work early so you could run later when it was nice and warm:-) Smart move - and nice, consistent run!
@ Derrek - isn't it amazing that you can pull off a run like that after getting trashed on the bike? You are definitely getting stronger! I think the Wed. run was a combination of Tues. fatigue and high temps that we are not used to! Nice pace, regardless!!
@ Trish - SHORTS in Michigan??? It is Michigan, right? Holy Moly... And by the way, who needs springy legs when you have " Horses, spring peeper frogs, deer and geese". :-)
@ Mark L. - nice job with that TRP run:-) I just LOVE TRP!
@ William - Yep, I try to keep up with the eccentric heel drops due to a recurring left calf strain. Seems to help! Might be a perfect time to give it a little rest! Good luck trying to get some workouts in - but mostly good luck to OJ and her team:-)
Okay folks... Have a GREAT weekend and Happy Running:-) And let us know!!
Next run in Hawaii... Hopefully not too jet-lagged to do long run on Saturday as I have an epic bike planned on Sunday
Bricked after the bike today, but indoors on the mill. Fast strides were hard.
On Tuesday I felt highly unmotivated to run, but forced myself out the door anyway. My pace plan was Z1 with a mile or two at TRP. No z4 intervals today.
First mile felt terrible, just achy and sluggish. The second mile was better, but not sure I was going to make it through the hour planned today. Pacing wasn't bad though a z1 & TRP.
My pace just naturally picked up in the third mile and I closed it out with 400 yds at Z5, just for giggles. By mile 4.5 things were humming along, and I realized that I am on pace for a 10k PR. So push on I did, finishing the last 1.5 miles at a 6:55 pace
Grabbed that PR (45:49) by 40 seconds. Nice.
I caught up to my boss who was heading back from his run, and finished out the hour.
Yesterday was to be the week's long run of 80' for 10 miles. The wind was a blowing at a steady 20ish mph, so the progressive pace on tap was going to be tough. Started out with two co-wokers for an easy warm up and then got to work. Managed two miles at TRP, with the final 5 min at Z3. Almost had to cut the run short due to an abdominal muscle cramp, but it subsided after a bit of rest. Still ended my run 1.5 miles short.
Did the saturday bike and brick today ... the run was hell. But as I posted in the bike thread, I looked supercute in some newer run togs and made the best of it...and it was in the sun outdoors.
It is worth noting I've run more miles this week than since IMCHOO prep last summer, so theres that.
Happy Friday All!
Here's how I know I'm built for endurance... 1st hill repeat (2 min)..."OMG, this SUCKS!!! Maybe the fatigue from the race and a normal training week is catching up to me. #2- OMG this still sucks! Maybe I can take a pass today and only do 4 instead of 9. #3- well, huh. This is sucking less. #4- well crap- this kind of feels good. #5- I feel great! And I'm getting faster. I'm over half finished. #6- how am I still liking this?! #7-8- gosh dang, I suck a lot less than I thought I did. #9- it's over already? Hope tomorrow's run goes well."
Today I planned to take things a little easier on the run. The VO2 max bike yesterday was a battle and I want to attack the Saturday bike. I opted to skip the hill work and just run 10K. I started easy and ran the first mile about 10 seconds slower than my GRP. Everything felt good and when I made the turn around during mile two, I was cruising 10 seconds faster than the first mile. My HR was still low so i decided to make this a progressive run decreasing the pace per mile by 10 seconds each mile. Everything through 5 miles went really well. When I hit mile 6, I was not sure I wanted to push for the next 10 seconds. When I checked my watch 1/2 mile later, I was running 20 seconds faster. I eased up a bit and finished that mile 12 seconds faster than my goal pace. Temperature during the run was 40 degrees. It was cloudy and there was a wind. So, today was not a shorts & T-shirt day but it was a good day still.
Good to compare to my runs last Thursday at sea level in and around the hotel
4 miler Thu morning -->https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/1082289510 --- 7:48 min/mi
10K Thu afternoon --> https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/1082289544 --- 7:50 min/mi
Tuesday-never found time for the bric
Wed-only had 45' to run in am and worked late into the evening
Thursday-short 15' post ride bric
Friday-entire rest day-came down with the viral crud (didn't even do core which I just finished today before posting)
Sat-did get in a 45'bric. All LSP trying to keep HR down which I wasn't successful at.
I am hoping the congestion will be clearing for the 400m repeats tomorrow!
I've also backed way off on my running this week. I don't think I can call it slacking but it feels that way emotionally. I've been sticking to the RD plan since November never skipping a run workout. The past months I've built up to @30 avg week volume. Last year I was around 21 avg. Up until this week, i had been feeling strong and motivated with my running. Last Sunday's long run went well with the 400s. I even had a decent 30 minute run on Tuesday at lunch and a solid output (but really challenging) on the bike that evening with the new FTP numbers.
Wednesday, I lost steam and didn't even attempt the run. I was feeling fatigued and my sleep was suffering. Thursday, I tried to go out and run for 30 minutes, and ended up run walking with my run barely in zone 1. My heart rate was super high and I was tired. Scary for me after so many solid weeks. I skipped the bike that evening and didn't run on Friday. My bike ride yesterday went really well, but I decided to skip the run and make this a recovery week. Since the bike went well, I was feeling more optimistic. I will see how today goes. I may shorten it or lower intensity if my heart rate is still high when I run. We shall see.
My guess is that my running body just needed a break this week, and the higher FTP numbers took a little more out of me.
UPDATE from today's run: https://www.strava.com/activities/516134715 starting to feel better, still decided to skip the 400s and not raise the intensity too much on this 50 year old body. Pleased though that I could run it at TRP or better. That run on Thursday really discouraged me.