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How To Post A Video to the Forums

Seems like every year we have folks who can't get his done...so here you go...video from Coach P is here to show you how, instructions are below for YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. 

Coach P Instructional Video (opens in new tab / window)



  1. Start a really insightful, witty forum thread on Endurance Nation.
  2. Go to the video in YouTube you want to embed.
  3. Copy the Video ID from the address bar. For Example -- In this address, the code is in bold: www.youtube.com/embed/nGlPBQ1W0-A 
  4. Go back to your post to where you want to put the video and type BLAH.
  5. Go to the bottom of the post and click on the HTML link.
  6. Find the word BLAH in the code. 
  7. Replace the word blah with this code: [iframe width="560" height="315" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" frameborder="0" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/YOURVIDEOID"]
  8. Get your Video ID and replace the phrase "YOURVIDEOID" with the code.  Also replace the [ at the beginning with <</strong>  and the ] at the end with  >
  9. Click the Design Link, and your video is there. 
  10. Finish your post with a flourish, and click submit.

Sample YouTube Video...




Embedding a Facebook Video
  1. Find that awesome Facebook video you can't get enough of, and click on the work "video" in the title (next to name of who posted it) so it opens in it's own window or tab.
  2. In that window, click in the address bar and take the numbers at the end of the address between the / and the /   -- For example, in this link we are looking for the bold numbers: https://www.facebook.com/mashable/videos/10152691166574705/
  3. Go back to your post to where you want to put the video and type BLAH.
  4. Go to the bottom of the post and click on the HTML link.
  5. Find the word BLAH in the code. 
  6. Replace the word blah with this code: [iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.facebook.com/video/embed?video_id=VIDEONUMBER"]
  7. Get your Video Number from ^above^ and replace the phrase "YOURNUMBER"  Also replace the [ at the beginning with <</strong>  and the ] at the end with  >
  8. Click the Design Link, and your video is there. 
  9. Finish your post with a flourish, and click submit.

Sample Facebook Video...


Posting a Video from Instagram
  1. Find the video you like on Instagram via the WEB interface (www.instagram.com/), not in the APP.
  2. Go to the address bar and copy the URL without including the taken by piece. For example in this address you would only copy the bold + red stuff: ?taken-by=worldtriathlon
  3. Go back to your post to where you want to put the video and type BLAH.
  4. Go to the bottom of the post and click on the HTML link.
  5. Find the word BLAH in the code. 
  6. Replace the word blah with this code: [iframe src="YOURVIDEOURLembed" width="400" height="480" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true"]
  7. Get your Video URL from ^above^ and replace the phrase "YOURVIDEOURL"  Also replace the [ at the beginning with <</strong>  and the ] at the end with  >
  8. Click the Design Link, and your video is there. 
  9. Finish your post making sure to deny any use of slick Instagram filters to make your stuff look more epic, and click submit.

Sample Instagram Video...


  • LOL good one Coach P.... Nice video but I didnt see any instructions on how to post a video...

    I apologize for being technically challenged and yes I am one who every single year complains that I cannot post a picture or a video....

    However I have no issue's sending a picture or video via email.... Or just the other day I completed a ride with Heather.... While I waited outside the house for her to catch up in the window of about 2 minutes I was able to download my ride from Garmin 520 to STRAVA and post pictures to said ride? The EN website needs to be that simple for idiots like me!
  • Edit to above... Instructions are now visible... initial view of the post was just a Blue Ridge Video...
  • Tim, working on it...this for you...not an april fools joke...give me a few...found a funny video and got distracted!!!! image
  • Thanks Coach P.. actually was able to post video's.... I am still picture challenged, as they always appear to large on the DASH and seem to fail in the forums... Coach R sent me instructions in the past but I failed......
  • Tim, okay..usually that's because the resolution of your camera is so high that the picture is gigantic.

    How are you uploading? From your phone/tablet or your computer?
  • Can we wikify this post or maybe "pin" it somehow so we can easily find it again when we need it?
  • I love EN. EN provides an incredible user experience from the coaches, to the WSM, to the rookie. 

    I respect this is a triathlon house and not a tech house. But the effort and knowledge it takes to post a picture/video here is crazy. I support Tim on this one!

    If I pay more monthly would it be possible to dedicate said funds to creating a simple user experience when posting pics and videos?


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