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IMTX 2016- Week 15

Week 15- Camp Week/ Race Rehearsal
Ok IM TEXAS Crew- You have made it to WEEK 15! WOOHOO!! With each week comes a little more excitement for the BIG DAY! So let’s talk about this week.  If you didn’t do camp week at the IM TEXAS camp with Coach P- then this is your opportunity!! If you did do camp week- you can do it again or talk to the coaches about what else to do in the micro forum. Remember to pay extra attention to the Coach Notes in the plans.  They will give IMPORTANT information about this week. ALSO- Coach P did a great video about how to approach this week of training- check it out! I would recommend if you have specific questions for Coach Rich or Patrick, GET THOSE IN THE MICRO/MACRO forums NOW! Don't wait to ask them a questions on Friday night for Saturday morning!
Things to Remember:

Rest! Cumulative lack of recovery can impact race rehearsal - Can take a break Monday or Thursday if you need 

Workouts that are focused and require the most dedication:

Good interval bike
Good Interval run

Think at the start of this week.

What do I need this weekend to get ready. Get your equipment dialed in.


Get out there and JRA - 1 hour 1.5 then to steady pace

Fueling plan

Run - first three miles LRP plus 30” per mile. First three miles to settle in - mark the transition and take stock of how you feel

Post in the forums what your plan is and how your week goes!! We are all here for each other- so let's try and keep the mojo goin team!!!!
Keep on CRUSHIN’ it Texas Team!!!


  • Ran in 85 degrees yesterday & felt accomplished until I noticed the humidity was only 25%. Remembered last years IMTX & had some mental challenges to overcome. I slowed a lot on the run-more than had planned- So this year I have given myself mental permission to run as slow as I need, but keep running. Yesterday I did a little of that slower pace for a short while in the heat & imagined being on the back of the run course in the heat with my thoughts & gave myself the permission to slow down, and only walk the aid stations. Trying to get that visualization & mental strength now. Thanks for the support ya'll!!! Sheri
  • MISC. one last thing-- if I was to order an EN tri top, how are they sized? Larger, smaller, right on?
  • yes. the weather is a real crap shoot in may. Last week was a good one. Had a very solid 17mi run from an EF standpoint. Swimming well.
    I am taking this thursday off from work to get a 6hr build ride in. My family is starting to revolt a bit on my weekend training hours. No that I blame them so I am going to take a few strategically placed vacation days during the week while the kids are in school to get the long camp sessions and race rehearsals in. 1 day this week, 1 day next week and 2 spaced out by a recovery day th week after next. Not exactly as written in the training plans but it will get the job done. Really not sure where all the time went. This one is almost upon us!
  • Well it looks like the weather is going to force me to do a camp weekend on the trainer.  Zwift has made it much more manageable, and I take breaks every hour to help break it up.  If any of you are planning the same this weekend, let me know.  We are probably at different W/KG, but at least we can look for each other. 

    I cannot take Friday off work, so I am going to do Saturday and Sunday long rides and do the long run on Monday.  Hopefully the weather here will turn by the time we do this again on week 17.  It looks like we may have a nice weather next weekend, so I will finally get outside.


  • Last Sunday was TERRIBLE! A complete waste. It was about 30 degrees with 50 MPH winds. I hope this weekend is better, but it looks like snow again in the forecast. What?
  • @Terra - Had to laugh when i read your post.  I've been there too many times and there's always that moment where you ask yourself "what in the hell am i doing out here?"  2hrs of focused work indoors on the trainer is always a better option than being outside and miserable for 4 hours.  Good luck this weekend!

    @Brian - I'm in the same boat - Can't take off friday so will do RR and brick on Saturday and follow it up on Sunday with IM distance swim and about 3 hours of ABP.  The weather at least on Saturday looks pretty good so planning to head to Boulder to do RR on the IM course.

    @Jimmy - I have already scheduled some time off for the end of April when we do our last RR and final weekend of training before taper.  The last 4 weeks before IM always get a little tricky to balance between work, family actives on the weekend and increasingly longer bike rides.  Trying to be as available as possible when i am around to alleviate at least some of the tension.  Some days are more successful than others!



  • It is Thursday and tomorrow is day one of big RR weekend. I plan to swim, bike on the trainer, and run. Then I have to prepare for a trip to Galveston on Saturday morning so my kids can run the Iron kids and my husband and I can check our bikes for the 70.3. We will then drive back home, drop the kids for sleep overs, pack the car and go to sleep. Up early the next day for a drive back to Galveston for the race. I expect wind and that is going to suck.

    Now, a few non EN people think I am crazy, but that is because I am. Embrace the crazy. The thoughts running through my head to mentally prepare for this are: #1-this is RR week and day 2 does suck; theoretically it is hardest workout of all training. B-Would I want to go into IMTX with poor fitness? No! And another thing-Day 2 is where the "magic happens"...my mantra for the day. Last- Have some fun with your fitness. So I am both excited and apprehensive about the conditions, namely the wind. Friday has all but lost it's sting for me with Ironman 70.3 to look forward to.

    I probably won't be able to check back in till Monday so good luck to every one this weekend. Remember this is all just a game, so lets go have some fun.
  • Disclaimer. I wanted to mention that I am aware that racing a half in rout to a full is not recommended. Decision were made before I read that recommendation and I have set my expectations to realistic. Carry on.
  • @Dana - I am fired up now!!!  There wont be many people at Galveston that did a big day on the Friday before! 

  • Good luck Dana!

    Record warm temps predicted for today and tomorrow here in Oregon just in time for race rehearsal #1. Of course there won't be the humidity but at least it will be a chance to practice hydration to some extent.
  • Anyone else do the camp weekend? I did my race rehearsal Friday. 112 outside in some nice weather followed by the 6 mile run. Saturday wasn't sure how I would do sitting on my bike for another 112 this time on the trainer (allowed me to get started before it was light out thus saving SAU's!). I was surprised at how I was able to maintain my power. Gave a virtual wave to Brian Hagan on zwift! Followed that with the 3 miler and then today did the long run. Just need to tweak my fluid and calorie intake a bit for the next RR especially with the warm temps anticipated in Texas! Hope it went well for everyone else!
  • @Tom, Thanks for the "Ride on" on Zwift. I was on so much, I can't remember if that was Saturday or Sunday.

    I had every intention of doing a modified version of the camp week. I did the longish swim Friday evening. My pool is too far from my house and does not open till 7 on weekends, and I needed to be done on time Saturday for another commitment.

    Saturday I did 100 mile / 5+ hour trainer ride on Zwift (with a small break every hour to keep sanity) and then did a 6 mile run, that was probably about an hour after.

    I got up Sunday and planned on doing it all over again on, but about 1.5 hours in I started experiencing some pain in my knee. A friend texted me to see if I wanted to do a trail run, so I got off the bike and did the run (I do not feel the thing in my knee when I run). The run was just over nine miles and my legs were spent when I finished. It turned out to be a technical trail run with the snow and rain on the trail.

    This coming weekend is supposed to be gorgeous, so I plan to ride lots of miles outside! I am also going to do the 2 X 20' FTP outside as well!

    Happy training everyone!
  • The good news is that regardless of which direction you ride around here in the Woodlands, it's flat with a few rollers. Keep training and count on the heat and humidity to be the things that eat your lunch, not the bike course.
  • I did a modified Camp Weekend also- learning was my goal this time around. I did an hour trainer warm up before light friday then 5 hours outside with a couple of tag-teaming friends. Then drove home and ran 6 miles. I felt amazingly strong on the run for how I felt coming off the bike. I'm having a little bit of trouble with balancing minerals & electrolytes & staying hydrated (one of the major tweaks for here on out). Friday, I did 2 & 1/2 hr bike & 20 min run. My body felt like it had been through the actual race. Knowing what I know now, and knowing myself- I am excited to have another go at that in a couple weeks!! Feeling stronger every day--Sheri
  • Hello team,

    Sorry for not communicating more often. I can't seem to find the time. Busy work, 4 kids (second kid graduating HS this year and chasing college options), wife working crazy hours, IM training for both my wife and I. Been sick off the training for 7 days and had to miss training last weekend due to travel. It looks worst than I describe i ! I have been following 100% the plan except what I mentioned above. My wife will be very strong (first ironman for her). Because of my travel plan last weekend, I am doing the RR weekend in week 16 (now). Today was my second time outside and I was happy to get out of the basement. It is tough to maintain aero position and I think it is the main reason I lost energy during the last hour. I am also testing taken more calories. I tried 450/hour and was a little too much (I weigh 180lbs and read about Coach Rich's hourly intake).

    I have no clue how my legs will feel tomorrow. With sickness and the 2 week swim camp, I feel I have lost on my FTP and probably need to adjust my power a little lower.

    We are almost there! Let's keep the focus and motivation. We like it so much, we want to repeat it again!

    Be safe!

  • WTF?

    Q3. What bikes are known NOT to work with disc covers?
    We can custom trim a disc cover for almost any spoked wheel, but some TT and TRI bikes that have narrow chain stays are known not to work with disc covers: The following bikes are known not to be compatible with the AeroJacket.

    Blue Triad SL
    2009 Cervelo S3
    Kestrel 4000 TT
    2009+ Scott Plasma
    Specialized Transition
    Trek Speed Concept
    Quintana Roo Dulce

    I have a Speed Concept. Does anyone know about Wheel Builder Covers and Speed Concepts?
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