2016 JOS Bike Thread Wk 14 - "The Line"
If you are still here hanging out in the OS - Congrats... You've made it to the line! (or beyond!)
the next two weeks have BIG wkos in them... Lots of long intervals to seal up all that hard work... Spring is springing (so was a violent snow flurry this morning) and the desire to put that fitness to work looms, as well as the mental need to have a break from the trainer. You should be seeing lots of good results as you start to ride with your friends...
keep it going, 2 more weeks left!
It's been great hanging out/training with and learning from this awesome group triathletes! Thanks for the mojo, inspiration and motivation to stay strong the past 14 weeks and thanks Scott for your leadership. I wish everyone the best in their season and hope to see many at a couple races this summer.
I am in taper mode for a MTB race on Saturday. I also have had a horrible cold & feverish feeling for the last two days, so getting on the bike in of itself was a major accomplishment 3x8@FTP & 12.5 @ 80%
Great job and good luck with your tests, everyone!
I got in the 2x8' ftp and since I've been struggling with the kickr and bailed on a lot of wo's it was tough. I got the same weird annoying cadence issue again in the third set and just got off the bike not wanting to strain my back again.
Due to the above cluster I won't be "testing" this week. I will attempt another ftp workout and just spin out if I can't. You all will have to be monsters on my behalf!!!
I was drained by the end of last week so took Monday and Tuesday completely off ! Had a trip to Mexico city in the middle so it was good.
Today I jumped back and did a 12'+20'+12' FTP workout followed by 9' at 85%. Hit 1.01/1.0/1.0/0.86 in 1hr 20 and was pleased
Thinking that I might want to test next week to give the OS one more week and compensate for the couple of workouts that I could not complete on time...or maybe I test Friday...decisions....decisions...
Final results: Weighed in at 138lbs. and NP was 268 watts for about 4.3w/kg. This was what I hoped for by end of season and although not my highest w/kg (4.5 in glory days) It's the highest ever in a long time and as an old guy. I would say that the OS and staying at it methodically and not missing workouts helps us learn to hurt. The hurt was there but its what I've already known for 14 weeks now so it helped push that little more. Needless to say, I've got some real hurt'in workouts coming now at the new levels!!!
Although felt pumped after test I opted not to run as the dizziness hasn't stopped!
I'm behind on posting but have had a good week:
Tuesday I only had time for 2x8: 1.04, 1.06. I actually got 2.5mi run in the evening.
Today-did last OS test-as always a little late on the bike but finished (and was 10' late to work
My plan had been similar to Derek's. First 5' at a few under goal W, next 10' at goal and last 5 'all out'.
Old FTP 155
Lactate done at goal-171 but huge decrease in threshold HR-down from 170 to 155! I credit all my stupid slow running at goal HR for that. I will be checking labs in a month but hoping for a correction in stress hormones (also sleeping more will help with that too)
20' test:
161, 168, 168, 175. New FTP 159 or 4 W increase.
I have been training at much higher cadence this year. 5' test@ 95, 20' test at 92. I much prefer this over low 80s now.
Also, have focused on rule 20 over the OS:
'if your quads burn, shift forward and use your hamstrings/calves' -or as I like to think about it, using all my large core muscles in that posterior chain (glutes on up). I think focusing on relaxing the quads is a big big help. And also, trainer roads admonishing
Me to 'breath and exhale fully'
It's been a great OS and fun following everyone's progress! Good luck in all your races!
Great job everyone! Looks like there has been some awesome work done here. I know you all have motivated me.
Tuesday was a solid 3x8@1.0, and 20@.80.
Test day today. 10w bump from last test to 231...which is 2w better than last year's outdoor FTP...sweeeet; this whole OS thing works!
And I think I nailed just about my perfectly paced 20 min test. https://www.strava.com/activities/538760761/overview. Never shifted gears, just very slowly upped the cadence while concentrating on my breathing.
Congrats all on a great OS, and I wish you all an incredibly successful and injury free race season in 2016. Your mojo has been a great contributor to my getting it done in the OS, and I hope to see you all out there at some point. On to Quassy!
I will probably to the Thursday bike ride tonight, but if I don't I swear I will not feel guilty. Sometimes, you gotta listen.
EN works so well for me because I easily get bored and burned out. So, I have to break things up, which is consistent with RnP philosophy. Thus, I'm spending these early spring weeks racing some road races (including a HM), some bike events, starting to find some form/speed in the pool and then heading off to Blue Ridge Camp for 30k of climbing. After that, I'll bury myself for a month to get ready for Raleigh 70.3 (where I hope to surprise a few folks who didn't start training until March
I'll be waiting in anticipation to see all your upcoming race plans and reports, if for no other reason than to see how this hard work translates into race results.
@Trent - wow! Your competition is about to drop their jaws. Hope I am not seeing you anywhere soon... or should i say, seeing your dust tracks!
Rather than calling everyone out, just great seeing the lifetime High's & great results. It was truly a great honor to be the thread captain and share in the training with a truly exceptional group of people, Mike R, Jenks, Trent, Steve Ross, Shaughn, Ed, Derrek, Carol, Betsy, Leslie, and other's i've missed. I truly enjoyed and learned from everyone in this OS.
my last week was a bit arduous. Sunday afternoon I came down with a bug. Plan was to be a taper week, I basically missed Sunday's run, and all other runs... got the bike in on Tuesday and no test yesterday as I am doing a 62k MTB race tomorrow.
If I had to guess power, I'd say that given where my HR is on my 247 intervals, i might be at 250... that would be a lifetime trainer high. I also came off a cruise ship xmas week clocking in at around 168lbs. I have been focused, but not obsessive, about body comp and got on the scale for the first time in 6 weeks this morning at 156. I have 15 weeks until LP & know I can get down 15 lbs if i really focus (and weigh myself regularly) that would get me to almost 4.0 w/kg...
looking forward to seeing everyone on the various IM forums, Strava and at the races! Stay positive, crash free & healthy!
I did get 2 good bike WKOs in this week after almost 2 weeks off the bike (Florida vacation). No testing for me yet, but hopefully I'll be getting outside for the next one.
You and all those that contributed to the thread were inspiring!
Good luck Scott in your MTB race and to all, in your races this 2016 season. I am looking forward to amazing finishes from all of you!
After my 5 W gain on my test, 12 overall for the JOS, I took it easy yesterday and did the 60' ride with only .85 sprints:
5', 13', 13' all at .85+1W followed by a 2mi LSP run.