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2016 IMTexas Week 16- Rest/Run/Swim up a Storm!

Week 16 Rest/Run Focus/ Swim up a storm!
Hey ya’ll!! How did the weekend go? I loved reading about your plans and seeing some more posts in the forum!! KEEP IT UP!!! So this week has a few pretty important notes.
1. Mandatory for Camp Week Completers! You must rest to consolidate the work you have done. If you did NOT complete camp week, you may do the workouts listed beginning on MONDAY.
2. It also is a Run Focus Week! If possible, aim for 6 to 10 miles more than your "typical" week by either inserting another run day or adding a small amount to every run you do. BUT this is entirely optional, it simply plays into the coaches separate build / taper approach for managing fitness by discipline across your Race Prep phase.

This week you will also have another 4200 yard swim (which will be seen in the following weeks as well). These can be used as Swim Race Rehearsals. Here are a few notes about that…..

Anything that takes your mind off of your form is counter productive

Your primary pacing tool is counting your strokes allows you to focus on technique and you will be in a pace where you can maintain

Set yourself up for the artificiality of the chaos the swim start will have on race day — rather than warm up (since you most likely won’t have that on race day) dive in and swim faster to replicate how it will be on race day then drop into your race pace- however pay attention that you aren’t dropping into a pace that is slower than your goal race pace

You will never be able to fully replicate the “washing machine affect” like race day but work on your mental focus for that affect. Focus on your legs and try not to kick too much.

Only swim as fast as your ability to maintain form.

Practice siting : 50 meter pool site 2x per 50
25 meter pool site 1x per 25
OWS use judgement
Only site with your eyes so you don’t drop no chin out of the water
** Alternative **
You COULD just do this--- Train like you Race
Keep crushing it Texas Crew!!!!-- so proud of you all


  • Last week was a very good one for me. Highest TSS ever, biggest ride, and another solid long run in terms of EF. But mostly, I think that I found a schedule that works for the 4 big weeks of an IM build.
    I took a day off from work. I know that not everyone can but for me with my family priorities it really worked well. I took Thursday off and did a big day. 6hr build ride and a short run off. It would have been a very hard sell on a Saturday or Sunday. But on a Thursday I was able to get enough sleep the night before, be there to put the kids on the bus in the morning, then get the session in and be home before I would normally get home from work. I was able to get 21+hrs in for the week and the fam is happy. I didn't have to get up stupid early on the weekend so I was happy. And I had 72 hrs before my other key session of the week so I was ready when sunday morning came to run long. And I just made sure that when I was at work that I was efficient.
    Gonna do it again this week. This time a race rehearsal on Thursday morning.
  • Fun! I had so much fun in Galveston this Sunday. Yes there was wind and thankfully I only had a few squirrely little episodes on the bike caused by it. Unfortunately, while coming back in on the bike course, I passed an accident wherein one of the athletes, possibly 2 were struck by vehicles. What I saw was a female laid out on a stretcher and police directing traffic around the scene. I said several prayers and proceeded with caution. It is always terrible to see this kind of thing and I wish it never happened. Please stay safe out there guys.

    I wish I could have represented EN better with a podium spot but as it stands, I still have something to work toward. However, I did do my best to be a good sportsman as I was wearing my EN gear. I encouraged others, thanked the volunteers and followed the rules. It is a demoralizing story about cheater triathletes.

    Now for run focus week. I am bolstered by my accomplishment of running the entire half on Sunday. So bring on the run. Good times, good times.
  • @Dana - Great work at Galveston and Happy Birthday!
    @ Jimmy - Great week of work!
  • Bib list is up.
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