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Huge cramp after swimming

Yesterday when I pulled out from the pool, I got a HUGE cramp on my left leg, starting in the foot and going to my left butt.

It was so intense, I almost fade, it was awful, I wanted to puke and im really tolerant on suffering and enduring.

Since then, my left calf is still really hard. Ive drink alot of water during the day, my left leg feels like I ran a triple marathon in 3hours.

Anybody had this kind of issue ? what did you do ?

I am going to swim again tonight.



  • I have been there. Did you run or ride before you swam? That is when I have the most cramping issues. Deep massage of the cramp and rest is all I did.  Good luck.
  • Yes I run to and from the pool everytime since 3 years.

    will try the deep massage

  • Hello Francis - I've noticed certain movements requiring significant knee bend cause cramping after a swim session. I presume the cramp hit right after you bent the left leg and stood on it upon exiting the water. It's happened to me a few times (it's especially embarrassing when you fall back into the water with a cramped leg and the lifeguard scrambles to see if you need help. done that.)

    Sometimes I can link swim cramping to a nutrition or hydration issue. Eating something shortly before the swim helps.
  • For me, I get these if I go into the swim under hydrated.  I get the cramps in my calves, hamstrings and even my toes at times.  I always bring bottles to the pool and drink during my swims as a well.

    I will most commonly get the cramps if the swim is my second workout for the day.

    Hydrate well before and during if you can with some type of sports drink and you will find this helps tremendously from my experience.


  • There's no doubt that running beforehand will contribute to this, but it shouldn't be the issue if you've been doing it for 3 years. I am not a huge swimming cramper, but I've had enough to know. I think Shaughn's experience is very much like my own.
  • its still hurt when im touching the areas but I can still run/bike.

    I was so scared to get out of the pool last night LOL !
    Thanks all for your comments, but drinking at the pool is something I already do. Its more about the soreness after 3 days that I am worry.

    @ Paul ! hahah thats so funny (from the outside image
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