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2016 IM Texas Week 18- / THE LINE

First things first--- I want to give you huge kuddos for staying in your box as the bike course dilemma unfolded!. GOOD NEWS- the course should officially be posted on the IM website tomorrow! I will post as soon as I see it! JUST REMEMBER- it doesn't matter if they change the course today, tomorrow or during the race- you are TRAINED to execute and that is EVERYTHING! This will give you an advantage over others because most people focus on fitness and not execution. SO PROUD OF Y'ALL!!!

So now about that / LINE.....
Prepare your mental game. In so doing, remember there will be cumulative fatigue building throughout race day. So important to follow your plan, race your race and prepare for THE LINE.
EVERYTHING before The Line is simply about creating conditions for success for when the Line comes to you.

A successful race = a good run. There is no such thing as a good bike followed by bad run, period. In our world, if you showed up with solid run fitness, had a "good" bike and a poor run, we will ALWAYS assume you messed up your bike pacing unless you are missing a limb or are in the ICU with an intestinal parasite.

If you think you can ride faster than we're telling you, prove it by running well off the bike first (preferably not attempted for the first time on race day!).

Ride your "should" bike split vs your "could" bike split. YourCould split is what you tell Timmy you could ride on a good day, when you're out together for your Saturday ride. If you say you "could ride a 5:50," your Should split is likely 6:00 and defined as the bike split that yields a good run (see #1 above).

Don't be a Caboose, be an Engine! Ironman in general, but especially the bike leg, is an exercise in consistency. You don't need straight-A's to win your day, you only have to show up with your C game to be at the head of the class. If you find yourself doing the opposite of everyone else, you're doing the right thing. Lots of people passing you in the first 40 miles of the bike? Everyone else sprinting out of T2? These folks are making your race day easier by showing you what not to do; it's up to you to resist the urge to join in!

Think you made the mistake of riding too easy? You now have 26 miles to fix that mistake. Make the mistake of riding too hard? That mistake now has 26 miles to express itself, to the tune of X miles at 17-18' walking pace vs X miles at 8-10' running pace. Do the math. How is that nice bike split going to look as you are walking/shuffling the last 10 miles of the run adding another hour and forty minutes to your overall finish time?


* TEAM DINNER: There will not be an official team dinner. HOWEVER- I encourage you to use GroupMe which will begin on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of race week to try and get together on Thursday night!

* EN Webinar: There WILL be a webinar for you in the next week or so. As soon as the official date and time are set I will send this info out to you! Thank you!

*** If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. You're almost their rock star EN'rs can't wait to watch you unleash on the Texas course**


  • Very wise message and appropriate for this week! Been watching you peeps and the incredible amount of work that has piled up! From here on in, protect your mind, where it can wonder, thoughts of doubt and remember that you have done the work and you belong at this race!

  • Most productive week of training ever for me last week. Biggest in terms of hrs and TSS. Best metric simulation i've ever produced. taking an easy week to regroup and put some effort in at my day job. nutrition / hydration plan sorted and tested.
    Looking forward to seeing everyone. I noticed that there will not be an official dinner. I am happy to run point on one if yall are interested. I will be getting up there Wednesday afternoon. If yall are interested in a group dinner Thursday night (or maybe a group late breakfast Friday morning?) let me know and I can work on it.
  • @Jimmy - I am in on Thursday night and Friday morning. I will most likely eat my Friday night meal in my hotel, because I am a little picky about that.

    I am with you on the training. My previous 2 Ironmans, I only had 1 or 2 90+ mile rides. I keep losing track, but I've done at least 7 90+ mile or 5 hour rides and will have 2 more (112 mile) after this weekend. The main thing is I feel like every session is quality. I never worked with power zones before EN, and I am pretty sure I never did Z4 or Z5 as hard as I do now.

    I just started reading the race plan forums and am going to start putting mine together. I can't wait to see everyone's!

    I got the green light from home boss and work boss to take Friday off to do a legit race rehearsal / camp weekend. The best 2 weather days will be on Friday (63) and Saturday (64), so I am going to give it a shot.
  • Good to See you on here Shaughn! Thanks for the inspiring words.

    RR coming up fast!!! (then taper--yahoo!!)
  • @Jimmy, I am definitely up for a team meal. Thursday evening is fine except that is when the athlete welcome dinner is scheduled. I've been to several welcome dinners and they get to be the same routine but if it's your first time then it's worth going to in my opinion. Also, of all the welcome dinners I've attended, the Marriott at IM Texas has the best food! I'm open to whatever works for the majority.

    @Brian, it looks like your arriving Thursday night and Friday morningimage. Just remember there is no athlete check-in on Friday. You can check-in until 5 PM Thursday. Friday is reserved for bike and gear bag check-in.
  • @Tom - I actually get in on Tuesday, but I am staying with my Mother-In-Law's in Katy Texas (Suburb of Houston) Tuesday night and Wednesday night.  She likes to cook for me .  Its about an hour drive with traffic to the Woodlands, so I will be ale to check in and all that good stuff on Wednesday.  I am going to put my bike together there, and maybe do the Tuesday and Thursday mini swim workouts at a local pool.

    @SS & LB - Thanks for your posts!  I'm fired up to...  get back in the box.  I'm looking forward to RR this weekend and practicing your advice! 


  • almost there team!! keep it up!! you are almost there image
  • @Jimmy - I'm in on Tuesday so team dinner on Thursday sounds great!  Count me in.  Thanks!  And congrats on your training progress.  This is a GREAT time to be peaking.  One more week and we can start to dial things back!

    For me the weather forecast for this weekend does not look very promising.  Friday for sure will be 4+ hours on the trainer.  I'd like to get outside saturday or sunday, but i'll need to see how the forecast progresses.  If anything is going to go wrong it will go wrong in these last few weeks so i won't be taking any chances by biking in sketchy conditions.  Hard to have an "incident" on the trainer.  That being said i'm looking to make this week my highest cycling TSS week and i'm shooting for around 650 TSS points.  That's a lot of trainer time if i'm forced to do all the work inside, but the end being in sight is motivation enough to get it done.

    Good luck everyone!  Train hard, stay safe!!!!

  • Good work all. Sounds like there is some interest in some sort of get together. I will bring it up on the forum in a week or so and see what makes most sense.
    Speaking of trainer time, man I have been living on mine this build. Between the weather and the road construction in my area I have been 90% trainer. The hardest part of race day might be not being able to watch Netflix during the bike.
  • Yes! I want to do a team gathering. I went to the dinner at IMTX last year & almost left b/c of so much selling of IM brand stuff. It felt like a giant commercial while we ate. They did have a good speaker though- enjoyed him. So I can give or take that dinner--rather meet ya'll thoughimage

  • My parents will be with me but I'm in for EN Thursday gathering as well. ??
  • Awesome work team!!! Love the focus and excitement!! YES!!! Can you hear me cheering from CT?!? 

    So here is the link on the webinar for TX....


    1. Mon, May 9, 2016 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EDT

  • ok. Looking like a thursday night team dinner. family and friends welcome. I am sure that there are a ton of restaurant options in the area. Anyone have any suggestions?
  • Last year the team had dinner at the Black Walnut Cafe. Really good food, plenty of seating and open. Not sure if you can make reservations but with the size of the group I would definitely check. A bunch of us ended up going back 2 or 3 times to dine there.
  • We ate there at camp this year. Good place!
  • Sorry team but I will not be able to attend the dinner. My wife is also doing the race and since it is her first one, it is best to attend the official Ironman race dinner.

    On a different subject, the week 18 is crazy and Wisconsin weather is certainly not cooperating. It is mid 30's in the morning and mid 40s in the afternoon. Maybe 52F this weekend but could be with rain!!!!! I don't know about you but 5-6 hour bike ride in that weather AND 3 days in a row is not fun! I will most likely opt to do the bike in the basement on the trainer! Sucks! I guess it is part of the challenge. Oh, I assume the weather is an "outside the box" concern.

    Good luck to all for this last crazy weekend, tapering days and the big race.
  • Hey team- where was the link to sign up for the team dinner? And is there a time set? I thought I saw it but can't find it now!

  • Thank u Tom!!
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