Eating and choking on the Bike
I am not sure if this is the right spot for this one, but it is about executing eating particularly on the bike.
I have a difficult time eating solids while cycling (and running), because for some reason, my nose is always full of... well snot. Since I am breathing through my mouth, I always choke if I try to eat solids. I have no problems with gels, but for long course, I'd like to be able to eat a few Amrita bars without having to pull over and eat them or not choke and cough on the bike.
I was thinking of getting something from the drug store that would clear my nasal passage.
Does anyone else have this issue?
Other than a couple of power bars up front, I drink all my calories on the bike. Its just easier for me all the way around in terms of managing things.
Probably not a good idea to try any big new changes this close to IMTX, that can be risky and detrimental. Only tried, true and tested options during your long bikes should be employed on race day.
If you have one more RR left and you want to go the all liquid route using course available liquids, consider testing that out. If you can get away with using what it on the course, your life is much easier and its all just execution at that point.
Good luck bro!
Wow, if you really can't breathe at all out of your nose during the ride, I would look into the source/cause. Otherwise, you're probably going to inhale quite a few TX bugs.
Is it so plugged that you can't close one nostril, blow out the other, repeat on the other side? If you're concerned that you might get snot on your sweet new tri suit, you'll get over it by Mile 10. The IM bike catchers wear gloves for a reason - my bike is covered with snot, pee and (in the case of IMFL) vomit by the time I dismount. And all that fun for the low, low price of $795 ($6,000 training expenses not included).
Seriously, though, if you're really concerned and have no nose-clearing solution, skip the solids and replace with gels and definitely ditch all solids no later than 2 hours into the bike.
Thanks guys! I have no problem with gels. I think I may be one of the few people who actually like them. I have been doing 2 (Hammer apple cinnamon) gels per hour and 1/2 an Amrita bar (and 30 oz of Gatorade Endurance). Per the nutrition calculator, I could add one gel and a salt tablet to replace the 1/2 Amrita bar and be good. I will give that a shot Friday.
I guess it wont be in the 30s in Texas either
. That is probably the main culprit. Most of my long rides have started in the 30s and ended in the 40s.
@Tom - At Texas camp - Coach P recommended drinking 40 oz of Gatorade Endurance per hour (60 OZ in the first hour) plus a salt tablet. He is a bigger guy with a higher sweat rate. Actually, if I did that I would be good and not even need another gel.
@SS - I like the upfront idea, so I can eat one in T1 as well. It may help keep me at JRA to start anyway.
@Mike - Very funny! I think there could be a whole class on peeing on the bike. Unfortunately, most of my outdoor rides have been in winter gear (and too cold for bugs), and I do not want to pee on my pants and shoe covers. I am so happy the speed suit came with a barn door!!!!
Thanks for the help guys!