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IMTX 2016- Week 19 THE BOX

First things first- the bike course. Not a good solution- but it is what it is. Huge shout out to Mark for posting the course in the Execution forum. There is some GREAT feedback there about how to execute on this new course. Check it out here! http://members.endurancenation.us/Forums/tabid/57/aft/20838/Default.aspx#226671
The biggest thing to remember is that you are TRAINED and ready to EXECUTE this race. This is a situation that is tough to deal with but as a team it’s important to remember to stay positive and keep your best foot forward...which is NOT easy. Looking at posts on FB and other social media outlets...there is a bunch of negativity just floating everywhere…. And understandably so. HOWEVER- if you let your mind believe and go down that road...it will be hard to recover.  Your MIND and ATTITUDE play a huge part in this….SO lets keep our AWESOMENESS GOING!!!! buddha.jpg
This week think about YOUR box, what you learned in RR1 and RR2 and how you can keep the box as large. Remember you are not out there trying to make anything happen on race day. You are keeping that box as large as you can for as long as you can, you're focused, calm, collected and executing ninjas.
All day long you are going to race inside a box defined by what you can control. Ask yourself "What do I need to do right NOW to create the conditions for success at The Line? Is what I'm doing right now counter to this goal?
Advice: On the swim, the Box is the space your body occupies in the water: focus on your form and the rest will come. On the bike, the box is probably about one aid station long. On the run, the box begins as 2-3 aid stations long but often diminishes to "from here to the next lampost/manhole cover/mail box." Regardless:

Keep The Box as big as you can for as long as you can.

Keep in The Box only the things you can control. Let go of the rest.

Exercise this decision-making process inside your Box: Observe the situation, Orient yourself to a possible course of action, Decide on a course of action, Act (OODA Loop).


  • last week was a catch up week for me after a big camp week the week prior. logged a total of 4 naps. 3 of them at the office over lunch. Ready for 1 more race sim on tuesday then taperville for me. had my bike course tantrum. toyed briefly with going to lanzarote a week later. according to the travel websites it isn't nearly as expensive as I imagined. But ultimatly i am sticking with texas because even with the new course it still satisfys my original reasons for signing up for this race - 1) a chance to execute better than I did in 2014 2) a chance to put another punch in my card towards legacy.
    Lanzarote next year!
  • Thanks Laura. There is a lot of negativity on the web but in the end we either decide to race or not to race for ourselves. That is always an individual decision based on our commitments, our dreams and the reasons we set out to do IMTX in 2016.

    In my case, I have been doing a LOT of soul searching this weekend. I have done IMTX 3 times before but have never trained as hard and focused so much on the race as I have this year so I had high ambitions to take a significant chunk of time off my PR. I am not looking to place or to qualify for Kona, I am simply racing against myself. So with the shorter bike I feel that my primary reason for doing IMTX is no longer valid no matter how well or poorly I do on the day.

    So I have made the following decisions:

    (1) Do IMTX anyway - its a terrific event in a fantastic location, the new bike course will add a completely different feel to the race (irrespective of distance) so the usual challenges of headwind and chip seal road surface are not going to be affecting us this year (right?!). New challenges of a very high number of corners and a completely different wind direction will make it interesting. I will miss the wonderful Texas scenery but maybe there will still be some sights on the ride. 

    (2) Sign up for another late season IM in 2016 - Late on Friday eve after a few glasses of wine (first alcohol for a month, I have been really serious about IMTX!) I signed up for Ironman North Carolina in October, there are a lot of races still open this year, my wife also does IM and she is doing Mont Tremblant this year so I looked for something that allows us to train at different times, hence I chose NC. It means more cost but I can drive there so the total cost compared to IMTX (flights, Tribike transport etc) is lower.

    If I had decided to not do IMTX I could probably get a refund on my hotel but the rest of the cost is already sunk, so if I signed up for a different race around the same time or maybe a half (St George anyone?!) I would be adding a great deal of additional cost anyway.

    This weekend has been a very satisfying Race Rehearsal weekend, I cut short todays ride due to the new shorter bike course and er, did todays ride on a fat bike...other than that it has been a solid weekends endurance and confidence building riding, swimming & running over three days.

    Jimmy has a good point to make on the reasons for doing IMTX this year. An Ironman is an Ironman, both from an achievement point of view and also the full experience and enjoyment/satisfaction. I am not sure if two IM's in one year count as two towards legacy but I guess I will find out. So my A race has moved away from IMTX this year to North Carolina in October which I would not have imagined being the case only 72 hours ago but there it is.

    Jimmy - I have friends in Europe who have done Lanzarote and loved it :-)

  • For me, the training it takes to be consistent leading up to race day is really the IM in and of itself.

    Race day is indeed a very special day, however, it is just the execution of what I have sacrificed for and worked for over the past several months.

    No way I would miss race day, even if the bike course was a little shorter and it was my first time.  You show up and complete that course on race day and you are an IM!  A few miles less on the course (which is really your taper coming into the run anyway) makes no difference.  You still have to execute and battle through that run and it will feel just as tough as if you had biked those few extra miles.

    I recommend you guys go into this respecting it as any other IM in all respects, pacing, nutrition, execution, etc.  Protect your mind from wondering into those negative areas between now and then.  Pay BIG attention to the message in the opening thread from Laura this week. So important and easy to underestimate.

    Find strength in supporting your team mates from here to the finish line.

    I'll be watching and praising all virtually from Dallas.


  • Awesome thoughts guys.  Yep, we've got this.  #letsdoit!

  • Very nicely said Shaughn. I can not agree more that the biggest challenge is the training and it is typically where it filters the Ironman wannabes. The race should be a celebration and execution based on the effort invested (and partly genes). Cheat the training and it will show in the race (which is always equal to all). We are trained and will equally compete. I have been happy and proud of every race I have competed, from Olympic to ironman races. My satisfaction probably comes how I self-assess my training effort, how I executed my race and how fit I feel (not the distance).

    Let's all be proud of our training ACCOMPLISHMENTS. I would like to add one more thought and one wish: Don't worry about a few miles; make sure you are very careful particularly during the bike section AND do not crash! Make it to the finish! This is a lot more important.

    Take care everyone

  • Dropped my bike off for TRI bike transport yesterday. See you in Texas my trusty steed!
  • My workout instruction for tomorrow is confusing. In the description, it says first 60 minutes at TRP and than 20 minutes at Z3. In the details, it says first 60 minutes at Z1 and the last 20 minutes at Z2. Anyone knows what to do? Typical doubts a few days from the races!!!! image

    PS. Long and tough swim this morning. Looking forward to the taper!!!!

  • @Frederick, I'm on the advanced plan which says 60' at TRP, then 20' at Z2 which is what I plan to do. The description of progressive pace run below it is confusing saying to start at Z1. I'm assuming the description is just generic stuff the coaches put in there and don't necesarrily change it week to week. When in doubt I always go by the workout instruction.
  • For anyone interested, Dana Lyons, from Finish Strong Coaching, is posting videos of the bike course to their Facebook page. There is no sound to the videos until the end, where Dana will give you some tips on that section.

  • @Tom. Thanks so much. FYI, I also sent a text to Coach P. and he replied saying 60 min Z1 and 20 min Z2. PS. I am also on the advanced. Just to laugh at us, I want to bet with you that earlier in the training, we would not even bother to ask or question and would have decided to try Z2 and Z3, maybe z4!!!! But at week 19, I want to taper baby and will try anything even asking my mom!

    Take care everyone.
  • Hey y'all - please take a second to fill yourself in on the team dinner spreadsheet in the IMTX Forum. I will wait till the end of the week then make us a reservation.
  • thanks for posting this chris. It is interesting stuff. The pavement quality looks really good. Much much smoother than what I am used to in Boerne. Looks fast. But it also looks technical. And it looks hard to keep safe from a traffic management standpoint. Lots of residential roads and a metric ton of intersections to manage. I hope WTC will be prepared! This is getting me excited! ready to get out there. Could be a fast course.

  • The good news is there is no chip seal! You will encounter cobble stone periodically. Chris is right mostly flat the hills are on the feeder roads.
    The opening of the course is on good roads with a wide shoulder
    • Six Pines, Timberloch and Grogan’s Mill are the same as last year. Stay on Grogan’s Mill vs. taking the ramp onto Woodlands PKWY.
    • Right on SawMill, which is an intersection.
    • The next light brings you to Left on Sawdust Rd. It is a fairly busy road but will be well managed early in the morning.
    • Follow that around to S Park Dr. This is Not an intersection but just before a busy intersection; it is a tight Right turn and has cement curbs with no shoulder; two lane road.
    • Westridge Rd. Budde Rd, and Pruitt Rd. are two lane roads which are short with 90* turns nice back road to avoid traffic.
    • Flirting with major highways begins now. Right on I-45 feeder road. It is especially important to be aware of automobiles on these roads. The pavement is in fair condition, and expect hills in the form of entry and exit ramps.
    • Right on Crossington Way is just before the Grand PKWY & before the climb up the entry ramp for the PKWY. Look for it on your Right (90* turn), there is no sign; it is a two lane road.
    • At the stop sign take a Right onto Energy Dr. There is decorative cobble stone around this area.
    • Left on Springwoods Village PKWY at a light – Right onto Holzwarth Rd. This is new construction so the ride should be peaceful. Don’t get to excited about racing yet there are still a number of turns to be made.
    • Right on The Grand PKWY Feeder will take you up a ramp, then Left “U-turn” over Grand PKWY (which is currently closed) Left on Grand PKWY feeder and then up another ramp and Right on I-45 feeder.
    • Left on Spring Stuebner will take you under I-45. This is a very busy intersection - pray.
    • Right on W Hardy Rd. is yet another feeder but more of a two lane, farm to market road. Left on Caroline is right after and takes you over the first set of Rail Road tracks.
    • Right on Aldine Westfield is a two lane road with no shoulder and construction. Again - Pray.
    • Left on Spring Creek I never saw it so I skipped Birnam Woods BLVD. It is probably better that way since the flow is counter-flow of traffic.
    • Left on Cypresswood Drive is where I would race. This is a residential neighborhood with shade and older roads in good condition; smooth. It is a long, flat, winding stretch and a good place to enjoy the ride.
    • Left on Cypresswood Loop at Equestrian Center will slow you way down. It is probably the tightest turn of the day on a downward slope onto a road that is covered in sand, dirt and rocks due to recent flooding. They will need to do some major work to clean this up. As of today it is a mess! You go under the road and back up the other side. Quick little heart rate spike.
    • Left on Cypresswood headed to 1960.
    • Right on 1960 but stay to the right because it is a busy 6 lane road. IM rides on the the shoulder. If you choose to pass outside the cones (cones are questionable) be sure you are clear. This is a long stretch of flat, open road with lots of sun.
    • Right on Hardy toll rd. feeder/ Hardy Rd. Left on Hardy Rd. “U-turn” and come back to 1960. Go back over the Rail Road tracks.
    • Right on 1960
    • Right on Cypress Slough (Cypress Preserve Park). Nice newly constructed roads. The road was closed so I had to turn back to 1960.
    • Right on I-45 feeder. I believe Cypress Slough will keep us off of much of this which is good because it is full of cars & there is no shoulder. Driver awareness is questionable.
    • Right on Spring Park Center, residential road with concrete curbs and cars parked on the road.
    • Left on Spring Point Dr. Residential with some shade.
    • Right on E Cypresswood Dr. Right on Exit towards Hardy rd.
    • Left on W Hardy rd. Narrow two lane road with no shoulder, a farm to market/feeder road that parallels the train tracks.
    • Left on East Louetta Rd
    • Right on Lexington Rd.
    • Left on Spring Cypress Rd.
    • Right on I-45 feeder
    • Veer right towards U-turn under I-45
    • Right on Spring Stuebner Rd. This is a long flat area as well.
    • Right on Northcrest Dr. which goes under the Grand PKWY, over rail road tracks and into an established residential neighborhood. There were cars parked on the street, lots of stop signs and 20 MPH. Follow this through the golf course.
    • Left on W. Rayford Rd. Pass the first Agusta Pines entrance and carry on to the one with a stop sign.
    • Right onto Agusta Pines PKWY. These residential roads are for driving not parking and are clear and smooth with Big Texas Houses.
    • Left on Agusta Pines Dr.
    • Right on Strake
    • Right on Creekside Green Dr. This one goes right by my house, you may attempt the EN Gang sign if you wish.
    • Follow this down and around the traffic circle which dumps you out on Left on Creekside Forest dr.
    The videos that Chris posted show this section. This is up to mile 50/55. I should have gotten pictures of the washed out turn but didn’t. They will get that fixed.
  • Dana, great detail on the new course. Thanks for the "research". Are there any sections that you can recommend riding next week when we arrive? Sounds like much of the course is on busy streets, lots of intersections and no shoulder making for difficult safe riding.
  • @Tom, yes. Take Lake Woodlands to Left on Cochrans Crossing dr., Left on Flintridge, Right on Gosling. Just before the fire station on the Left side of Gosling cross over to have a wider shoulder or use the pedestrian path to get over the long bridge. Immediately after the bridge cross back over Gosling to take a right onto Creekside Forest Dr. At the Traffic circle take the first Right on Creekside forest Dr. Follow that up and over Kuykendahl Rd. Stay on Creekside Forest, Left on Blairs Way, Left on Wendtwoods, Right on Creekside Green Dr., come back over Kuykendahl Rd. back out to the traffic circle and toward Gosling Or...
    ..Right on Strake, Left on Agusta Pines Dr., Right on Agusta Pines Pkwy, Left on W Rayford, Right on Northcrest Dr, turn around at Spring Stuebner Rd. and head back.
  • blarg. picked up a cold and sinus infection friday. resting and taking antibiotics. plenty of time to recover.
  • Get well soon Jimmy - adrenaline will keep you going on the day anyway

    Dana - thanks for the terrific course detail!
  • Jimmy you're going to be perfectly tapered! Dana - thanks for the deets. Sorry I won'g make dinner - hafta pick up hubby at the airport.  ONE week to go... #letsdothis!!!

  • @Dana - Thanks for the detailed course recon.  It's hard to follow reading it....It must have been hell trying to drive it!  It will be interesting to see for myself but i'm certainly hoping on race day it will be well marked and well managed by race officials.

    Just a heads up to anyone looking to swim next week.  I reserved a lane from 8-9am wednesday, thursday, and friday at the pod aquatic center.  It's a 10-15 minute drive from the race venue and there is no limit to the number of people we can put in the lane.  I figure if we get enough people we can forget about circle swimming and just swim up and down the lane next to each other for some open water practice.  Seriously, if anyone is interested just show up and the lane is under my name.



  • @Mark- thanks for reserving a lane. I will probably join you on Wednesday and/or Thursday.
  • Finish Strong coaching has been posting video to the FB page. That is helpful but it is hard to visualize the inclines on the video. Other than that they are the best representation and do a way better job of explaining the course than I do. Overall, I think the bike course is going to be fun and fast. I also have a good feeling that it will be clearly marked and easy to follow. Stay in your box and enjoy the day. My goal is to not overwork the bike so that I can actually run the run. I tend to make this mistake, over and over.

    I am excited to welcome you guys to The Woodlands. I wish I could be your personal valet to enhance your stay, but you are supposed to be off your legs and staying away from crazy anxious people, so that is out. My husband and I plan to drive the course on Thursday so keep that in mind if you want to ride along. Have a good Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. See you soon.
  • Thanks Dana - this is v useful. The bike course this year has added a ton of excitement to the race, it will be a different challenge than expected and different to prior years, going to add to the days fun for sure. See you all later this week
  • @Mark - I am definitely in for Friday - I am going try for Thursday too.

    I do plan to see my family on Thursday at some point... I am trying to do both, with the Team Dinner and assembling my bike. Le sigh - we will see how this all goes. I am trying to figure out my personal schedule in correlation with the schedule that I have to adhere by, and not get stressed out in the process. My bike bag still has yet to arrive from the U.K., tho it appears to now be in NY somewhere, sorted. Looks like I am taking Ophelia on the plane with me, and not shipping her.

    Does anyone know how the expenses fair for oversized luggage vs sporting equipment? I am flying United. It is $150 or so for sporting equipment - a standard rate I learned from my last flight for the camp.
  • Terra - United have got a lot firmer on the bike baggage charge in the last two years. Before that I would ship my bike in a Pika Packworks bag (always on United) and only got charged $100 on one or two occasions out of many where they didn't bother with charging anything. Now they are always charging $150 each way domestic.

    If you try and fly with it as oversized baggage rather than declared as a bike there is always the risk they don't take care of it in the same way but even that is open to debate. United will tell you their liability is specific to bikes so if you declare it as something else and there is a problem they may not be helpful.

    In all the times I have flown with my bike on United I have never had a problem, both with my bike in a bag and also sometimes in a hard case. I have always declared it as a bike.

    Which bike bag have you got coming from the UK?!

  • @Julian - I decided to get the Evoc bag. http://www.evocsports.com/bike/bike-travel-bags/bike-travel-bag
    I chose this specifically because I also ride XC and DH, so I wanted something I could use for any of my 6 bikes. I would like to go to Whistler next summer. Their bike park is amazing!
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