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IMLP 16 Wk 9 Training May 1 - May 8



You are NOW officially in Ironman Training! 

At 12 weeks out from your race, Coach Rich and Coach Patrick have now crowned and officiated you into IM world. Most of you are coming off OutSeason, some maybe Bike Focus, Run Focus, ect.. some of you tested in the last couple weeks and now it is official. The great thing about Endurance Nation Ironman training is, you don't have to kiss your family friends and coworkers goodbye for the next 12 weeks. With effective training for the "everyday athlete" you should still have time for a life outside of compression socks and power meters! 

Make sure to watch the videos, podcasts and blogs that are attached to each week of training on the website. They are located on the right side of the your training page.  CHECK THEM OUT! Maybe listen to them as you stretch, roll or recover or as you fuel up for a workout.  

Thanks for checking in and introducing yourself!! So now lets hear it, make some noise.... Any questions for the team? 

Like my picture reminder says.... MAKE SURE TO REST! As the 5th discipline in IRONMAN training, it often gets overlooked. Remember to rest. Your body (and your family) will thank you! 

Peace, Love and Sweat! 

- Your trusty Race Captain

Don’t forget to post on your workouts and keep us in the loop! If you have a pic or video to post remember to use #EN4Keys! Let’s seem some SWEAT! HERE WE GO!!



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    Let's try to get everyone doing LP in here!!!
    Tough day 1 to this week. Per last week's post, last week was essentially my first week swimming after 6 months of PT for complications in healing from Rotator Cuff Surgery in Dec '14. Had a breakthrough swim of 3000 yds on Saturday, did a light weight body conditioning wko yesterday and nailed a solid 3200 yards this morning...

    Running not so much. Following the coach instruction that this is the 1st run to get dropped if fatigued, I jogged it in with a measly 1.25 miles... Better to have good intervals tomorrow...
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    Good first week on the IM plan here so far for me (though I'll admit it's only monday image ), I'm morphing over from the 1/2IM plan so I had 2700 yards with lots of sprints this morning. Thanks to the advice of folks here on the Critique Swim Videos thread, the Swim Speed Secrets book, and a coached session-- I swam the cumulative 800 sprinted yards all at 5-8 seconds/100 yds faster than I've ever swum any single 50 yard sprint. That along with a couple fear-overcoming bike rides this weekend (tackling the Quassy course Sat and showing up for a fast paceline ride with a LBS on Sun) has me super excited for what's to come.

    Run today- commuted home and went the hilly way in prep for both Quassy and LP. Hoping the peroneal tendon hangs in there after the stress, my weekly mileage is only at 15 right now but trying to ramp up responsibly and ignore the fact that the plans are calling for 25 or more miles per week...Speaking of, off to foam roll and self care!

    @Scott- good idea jogging easy today, not to overdo it. Hope the shoulder hangs in there and builds back up with the rest of you.

    What is everyone else up to?
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    Hi all -- good to be back on the forums after a long break post-OS. This will be my second IMLP (and IM #6) after taking part last summer. Stoked to be staying at the Hampton Inn right across from Mirror Lake this year too.

    Training has been going well for me generally. This is my first year using Training Peaks premium and I am obsessed with my CTL (Chronic Training Load). I'm approaching 100 and am not really sure how that stacks up relative to others, but it beats the hell out of any previous CTL in my recorded training history.

    Also very happy to have acclimated to treadmill running this winter to the point that I actually look forward to hopping on the "Dreadmill"...less admin time, optimal podcast listening, and the possibility of the late-night trip to the garage where we have our TM set up. All of this means I've been running more frequently than ever before. Set a new half-Mary PR a few weeks ago which is always fun.

    Swim is also coming along. Switched up my stroke (mostly improving the catch) based on a couple impromptu lessons I got over the winter. I feel like I'm often excited about my swim progress only to be let down by my actual race time. I just tell myself that even if the swim time doesn't reflect increased swim fitness, the benefits come out in the bike/run legs.

    Got some bike volume and intensity in over the weekend with 4 hours on Saturday and 2.5 hours Sunday morning. Really loving the time on my first-ever road bike and getting back into "aero shape" on my TT bike.

    This morning, I got in the 2800 yd swim and a solid 40 minutes on the TM. Looking forward to going longer in the pool tomorrow morning and keeping the mojo going.
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    Hello everyone!!! Carol- sounds like that swim stroke work is really paying off for you! Nicely done.

    I did a "Big Day" on Sunday so Monday was a rest day for me. Got 2500 meters of the swim done this morning before they pulled us from the pool due to T-storms. Always a challenge!

    Looking forward to hearing how everyone is doing. I'm a week ahead of the rest of you (doing Roth), and I found that first week bump in volume was a bit tough.
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    Good Start to the week yesterday. 2200 mts in 1 hour completing all of MS1 and 70% of MS2 just before pool closed... my swim need a lot of work but have been through this before
    Just before the swim I had done 5 miles in 39:30 including 8mins at 3% incline, that is solid z2 work as per the plan
    Looking forward to more work tonight !

    Good to see this group taking shape!
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    @Mike, I'm also a little obsessed (in a healthy way of course) with watching my CTL accumulate. I wasn't inputting stuff into training peaks before january so it started me artifically at 0, but it's been going steadily up to it's current position at 80 since then. Although it's gotten a bit harder to make it go up in the last couple week since the training volume leveled off a bit, I don't expect that will last image This is the first time I've used the metrics, so will have to start to pay attention across the years--I'm taking the advice not to try to compare numbers to other folks but i am curious if there is a "normal" range! The little bit of googling I've seen people have said their pre-IM CTLs are anywhere between 110 and 140. I've also been holding steady with form between -30 and -40 and fatigue between 80 and 120 for the last several weeks.

    This stuff is fun for data-driven geeks.
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    Trying to get the swim program going, only week two in the pool, on top of yesterday's 3200 reported ^^up there^^ I got 3300 done today, I definitely cheated my way through the last few sets with pull buoy. Trying to do solid work and feel that is going on per the swim thread I just read.

    @Mike W - I am also starting to get anal about CTL. How does one accurately set the swim metrics? pace per 100? for what distance? I just went with what my average 100 is in a 3000 yard workout, clearly not my T-pace which would be slower and generate a higher TSS I would imagine..
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    Well here we are first real week for me setting up for IM Placid trg. Brenda and I slipped down to Placid over the weekend and met up with past EN peeps Pete Joachim and Greg Basset. Weekend of trg was awesome. I did my first run post Boston on Sunday a loop on the course and a run up the bears and onward to a climb of the ski hills ugg that hurt. Biking, well Saturday a loop of the course to get aquainted to the terrain and see what was new over the winter. Bottom of Keene is roadwork in progress minimal but not like Texas.Took advantage of Tues workout and did an FTP test/ride. From an indoor to outdoor a bump of 23 pts feels about right for where I am at right now. Back in the pool holely freakazoid gotta get focused on that. Well that's it this week so far. Will be back to Placid the week before Memorial weekend(Cdn 24 W/E). So a couple of weeks of focused trg then a good test weekend back in LP to see how things are shaking out, cheers peeps !
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    Swim & run done today. 3400 yds in the pool and 6 miles on the 'mill, including 2x1 miles @ Z4

    @Scott -- I can't remember what I used for threshold pace for swimming. Pretty sure I just added a few seconds to the pace for my 1000 yd TT

    @Carole -- there is a way to do an import of your historical Garmin data into Training Peaks. Let me know if you're interested in doing that and I can look up the process which wasn't difficult but required some free software IIRC.

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    In my case 2200 yds and 4 miles for 2nd consecutive swim/run day

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    @Mike- thanks for the offer for tech help to import old wkos! I did consider doing that, but according to dcrainmaker it overwrites anything else you have in your account... I had some manual entries, and for a lot of my OS workouts I went analog with no watch/edge anyway so just figured I'd leave it alone. The mobile app allows you to manually set a starting CTL, and it didn't seem to make too much of a difference to the current number--there's an ever-growing mass of data overwhelming whatever small number I might have started out with.
    Data geeks unite!
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    I'm taking the advice not to try to compare numbers to other folks but i am curious if there is a "normal" range!

    Take that advice and multiply it by 100. Watching the little blue line climb can be intoxicating and addictive. But don't follow that blue line into a brick wall or try to reach some "magic" number. The "right" number will be different for each person based on what they can handle. And even for each individual that's gonna be different depending on their own physical situation (age, health, etc). For example, in 2008 my peak CTL before IMMoo was 112. In 2010 that number only climbed to 83 before IMMoo, and then in 2013 (when I was injured and couldn't run) I barely made it to 70 before IMMT. In 2015 it was back up to 84 before IMMD. So even comparing just my own numbers, it's a little hard to say what the "magic" number should be.
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    Just lurking here....

    On CTL for reference, Most KONA AG qualifiers are averaging CTLs in the 140s.......as NEMO mentioned, it is an individual measure and should be used with caution.

    @Scott - use your 1,000 yd TT 100/yd time in trainingpeaks for an accurate measure on swimming fatigue.  That's what I have been using.

    Nice reading all the work here that is ramping up!


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    WOOHOO!!! Way to Go team!! I am so excited to be here! Really looking forward to this journey with you!! Been battling some nagging "issues" but things are looking up and I'm feeling excited and in the right direction. My schedule for April was insane so things were all outta whack but I stayed consistent. This week so far so good! for those doing Quassy or another 1/2 coming up- I switched from the HIM plan into the IM plan so Thursday runs are split long runs again- I was up to 115 min runs on Thursdays in the HIM plan. Anyone else in the same boat? guess I'm just a little nervous for Quassy..... Lol
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    Today is my first time doing the "Run Split" type of long run. Run#1 down, Run #2 will happen after work. Feels a bit strange to me. I kinda like just getting the whole thing done and dusted before work so I don't have anything else hanging over my head the rest of the day.
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    oh, SS is in the Haus! Some great mojo will be flowing...
    so, yesterday morning I had bike issues, flat on my trainer tire.. .Couldn't find my Garmin to run, so fixed the flat, had no issues with the FTP intervals, they were hard, but the appropriate HR ranges, etc... the VO2s, they were another story.. the RXd 5' intervals were not happening. I managed a 2' followed by 2 x 2:15 all at 110%.. THAT sucked...
    Searched for my Garmin (is there a condition for having the distress of not finding your Garmin?) so much so that I drove 45 minutes out of my way to work to stop at my GFs house to look for it there!
    Came home from work and found it mixed up in my bedding.. go figure.. Went out for a brick, slogged through it... legs very heavy, felt like I was overreaching somewhere...
    This morning I went out for the 1 hour run and felt spry...my last 20 minutes are uphill on a 1.5-4% grade and I managed to hit those at Z3 pace!!! So that is a good run! Looking forward to tonight's 2nd run!

    @ Carol - this is where good testing and good interpretation of your workouts comes in. As long as you basing your training on valid test #s you are competing with yourself..

    I did a trail 1/2 mary a few weeks ago... I was shelled from having done a 100k MTB race the week before.. I walked the last 2.5 miles of this "race" thinking about my downstream training as more important... I actually finished 5/18 in my AG and realize that if I trained for this thing and did it on fresh legs, I'd certainly be on the podium and could possibly fight for the win... At the end of the day, compare yourself to YOU, I often tell people, I am only racing one competitor, the man in the mirror and he is one tough fighter!
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    Hey team! If you are looking for a little background on the rational behind the "Split Long Run" on Thursdays- check out this new Wiki post by Coach P


    Off to do my second run!
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    @nemo - thanks for posting, clearly there are alot of new resources I need to look at in the haus!
    WOW - lots o running = lots of fatigue!
    Did my Weds run in the evening followed by split runs yesterday = 19 miles of running in a span of 24 hours!!! This morning I felt like staying in bed, kids were with me last night and I wanted to spend bkfst w them, so I still forced myself to the pool, did a 2500yd Wko & planning on a 2nd 2500 Wko this afternoon! Apply the split run to the swim?? !!!

    @Carole - you might want to experiment with ^^this^^
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    LOVE this weeks posts!! YOU guys rock! So excited to be on this journey with you. 

    HEYYYYY SS!! Always love your posts and positive attitude!! 

    @ Nemo- thanks for the link on the split run! Got it done but i was lacking motivation for run #2! Was a crazy busy day and didnt get to it till late. But non the less its done!

    So need some last minute advice---- I was asked to join a group ride tomorrow and they are doing 90 miles. There is a cut out to get me back earlier--- but I'm thinking it might be fun to do? But it would obviously take me longer time than the WO on our plan----you think its ok to add some cycle volume in? Just wanted to get some of your thoughts!

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    Laura- what has your max ride distance been in the past 8 weeks or so? How big of a bump to 90 would this be for you? You gotta think about the recovery cost and how it might impact the Saturday ride or the rest of next week. Always fun to challenge yourself- but be cautious about too much too soon.
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    @ Nemo- I have done a bunch of 60 mile rides followed by 30/40 the next day. You make a really good point.....think that would be too much too fast? 

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    Laura- you probably already made your choice, but yeah- I think it's too much too soon (or it would be for me). I love riding with others- and I'll try to arrange company when I can. But we are all in "Game On" mode now- so last minute changes to the plan can cause friction or trouble you weren't expecting.

    Normally when I ride with others- I'll be the one to set the plan. I let folks know up front what I'm doing (X route, Y level of effort, starting at Z time). Most of the time I don't have anyone who wants to go quite so far (or so early) so I work out a plan where I get my "work" part of the workout done first, and then have them join me for the "ABP" part of the ride. That way- I'm not hogging the front of the paceline and not worried about sitting in.

    Today was a perfect example. I got a late night text from friends inviting me to join them on a 60 mile "lighthouse" ride. I opted to stick to my own plan instead because 1- they weren't starting until 8am and 2- I knew riding with them would mean sacrificing getting the 5x20's done. OBX is a small place, so I was pretty sure I'd see them at some point. Sure enough, after 3 of the 20' intervals I bumped into the group. Rode with them for about an hour (using that as the ABP time) and then split off to finish my last 2 intervals. So I got the workout done- not exactly as written, but pretty close.

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    @Laura - probably too late, probably too late to chime in, but I'd agree with Nemo on this one.. if you had a solid base, no big deal, but what about the downstream wkos...? Problem I have riding with groups is that much of the group is faster than me and I am working harder than I should be and baking myself for getting in as long a ride as a want, or not executing solid intervals that are important in structured training, and not being able to execute my run or my next day's intervals... It's a vicious cycle when you get on it.. Training for IM unfortunately means often riding with people that get what you are doing, are willing to say, ok - meet here at x time..., etc..

    Update -
    yesterday rode 3.75 hrs, first 2.5 with 2 friends both faster than me and caused me to really work the hills hard and bake myself. Never got the run in.
    today, rode 3x25 intervals on the drainer since it was cold and raining out. Went to the pool to do some drills, got a thousand yards in for a 12,000 yard week! pretty good since I first got in the pool three weeks ago, now if I can hold that AND build the run/bike to where it should be, we'll be in good shape!
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    Nice work this weekend, Scott.

    Quick update from me on the last few days...

    Thursday: first split long run; heavy legs for the morning run and tough to get on the TM for the evening run. Will take some getting used to vs. doing it all at once.

    Friday: solid 3rd swim of the week; was able to hold my T-pace thru the longer intervals, which i can't recall doing in previous spring builds. maybe the stroke work over the winter is working??? Swim yardage was 9400 yds which is a high for me since getting back in the pool this year. Finished with a 45 min TM run at the gym

    Saturday: excellent and tough 4hr ride in rainy conditions. Took the road bike out, as that has disc brakes and gives me great stopping confidence in wet conditions. In spite of the weather, I was hooting and hollering on the climbs and descents. Listened to the Hamilton audio book for the first half of the ride and then popped a caffeinated gel, turned on Spotify and watched the watts shoot up! 30' TM run watching Vevo music videos with my daughter before heading out for the ride

    Sunday: no biking for me on Mother's Day but the whole family ran a 5k. On heavy legs, I ended up with a 19:35 for 8/772 OA but missed the M30-39 podium as I was in 4th place...Finished the weekend with a family walk into town and back. Booked a spin class tomorrow morning to make up for the missed bike volume

    Have a great week all!
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