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One more reason not to zone out while running- a swarm of bee's

So, I was doing my 2 1/2 hour run and was about an hour into it.  I was running along a leve that had fields on both sides of it.  I had my hat down over my eyes to catch the sweat and I was looking down at the ground in front of me.  All of a sudden looked up and I was in the middle of a ton of bugs.  Its not unusual to run through a swarm of nats out there, so it took me a split second to realize, these weren't nats... they were bee's.  It was suddenly very dark.  Its amazing what adrenalin can do for you.  I turned around and started sprinting back where I came from.   I even think I was waving my arms.  

I think my thoughts went like this.... "dum dum dum...  boring.....  crap bugs.... wait.... HOLY CRAP these are BEES.   RUN!"

After running 50 or so yards, I turned round to see a huge cloud of bee's.   In a few min. they all flew away and I continued running.

The good thing is that I wasn't stung.

So, the moral of the story  is, don't run into a swarm of bee's.  Its really not that fun!



  • WOW...that's pretty f'in lucky and very f'in scary! I'm glad you escaped unscathed!
  •  You didn't get one sting? Wow! Go buy a lottery ticket, today must Bee your Lucky day

    Thanks for the reminder, next time i see a swarm, I'll run the other way!  I  probably would have done the same thing though

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