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2016 IMLP Training May 22-May 29

Another "Big Day"

Second “Big Day”

Things to pay attention to

  • Nutrition

  • Watching your pacing (are you making mistakes early on?)

Don’t “rest” in-between but no need to go full fledge tri geek and set up transitions where you sprint from event to event

What coaches want to see this week is us talking about how we are going to prepare. Post your “big day” check list here, a chance to even practice your “race plan” and “race report”

Let’s not wait until after the big day to start discussing what we did or didn’t do. Lets plan it out, write it out and discuss it now so we can help each other. Then debrief the awesome Lake Placid Crew after the big day on what worked and what didn’t.

This will set you up for your race rehearsals closer to race day.

Going to be firing up our Team Dinner information soon too, so be on the lookout for that, Thursday evening before race day is the normal, then of course you have Four Keys Friday morning (this year we also will have a sponsored swim course preview before 4Keys) 

Ya’ll are EN rock stars…. soooo what’s on your mind?


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    @Mariah -- thanks for posting and firing up this week's thread.

    Started the week with a much-needed rest day on Monday -- have been chasing a constantly increasing CTL on Training Peaks and needed to back off a bit
    Yesterday was a 60' spin and 45' on the TM
    Today was back in the pool for 3,000 yds and a 30' run in Central Park -- absolutely perfect morning for running here in NYC -- 63 & Sunny!
    Looking forward to the long run(s) tomorrow and more bike volume this weekend

    Happy training all!
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    Crazy that we're two months out (-1 day image ). I'm having to shuffle all my workouts around as usual this week, just trying to keep everything reasonable and not have back to back hard days or back to back swim days. The last two weekends have had social long rides (100 miles and 90 very hilly miles), and while they were a little more than what was on the plan they were really good chances to practice pacing and intensity across the day and see what the after effects were. I hit the first one a little too hard so it took a couple days to recover, but the second ride was spot on with no residual fatigue, so that was cool to see.

    This week- long swim yesterday steady 5x600s was a big mental challenge in the pool. The speedwork I've been doing has led to faster sprinting splits, but my steady pace is exactly the same as what it has been. Sigh. I plan to OWS to start this weekend so my first time in my wetsuit isn't at Quassy 1/2.
    Today split long run 6.5 and 5.5 miles, 1 of 2 down and feeling good.
    This weekend up in the air, maybe big day Saturday but all depends on weather and if my partner and I travel--if so might need to split it up and swim Friday. Trying not to get too attached to the plan but do my best at fitting things in and keeping balance.
    Hope it's going well for everyone!
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    ok... somewhat broken week as I slammed at work...
    Given that I am going to Aspen for the Truscott camp next week, I am trying to get a solid week in and not do the testing.

    I am pretty confident about my current #s. I was 247 on the bike indoors and felt that was high, but my FTP usually jumps 10 or so watts outdoors & I am holding steady at 254 on the road bike... Going to go for an FTP test a week and a half after I get back from ASE...

    run numbers... Pretty confident on my Slow Vdot number given intervals I did last week.. :-(
    did 4200 yards & a 5.5 run on Monday after a productive weekend.
    Took of yesterday, just didn't feel it.

    Was on the bike OUTDOORS at 5:30 am this morning... Did a 16' & 12' FTP Intervals, followed by some solid hills (got a PR and moved up the ladder on a very tough local strava segment, so that felt good! 1.5 hrs on the bike.. Gonna run tonight & amp up for tomorrow's long runs.

    Will make up Tuesday's swim on Saturrday early, before I leave for the aeroplane
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    I'm on the "Big Bike Week" which means tomorrow before work I'm doing a 2 hour ride. That will be a first. I've done 2.5 hour runs before work and 90 minute bricks. But somehow 2 hours of riding before work seems like a big jump logistically. Luckily for me I can ride from home and I work from home. With the holiday weekend I considered pushing it out - but the weather later this weekend looks iffy- and I'd rather have it done!

    Everything else is going well. I feel on track for my swim, run, and even weight. It's just the bike right now that needs some focus and work so this "Big Bike Week" came at the right time.

    Oh- and I found out what the nutrition will be at Roth- something called 32Gi. So I ordered a handful of their gel packs to try out before race day. You can't buy them here in the US- so they had to come from Germany! The shipping cost more than the Gu!
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    Hey Everyone -

    Just ran the numbers and we have 30 athletes on EN that I KNOW of racing IMLP this year..... Where is everyone?! MARCOOOOOOOO
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    POLO!!!!!!! Woo hoo!
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    Did TOC last week with 1800 TSS (31 hours of bike with a little running). Monday off. Tuesday easy swim. Weds easy bike easy run. Thursday I was back at it. Split run of 11 miles and then 8 miles hitting my zones. Second part of split was tough to start but had a caffeinated gel at 2 miles and TRP the rest of the way. Swam this morning then went straight for another run which also started out hard and then fell in to slightly below TRP. Looking forward to a flat Bike tomorrow on my Tri bike. I have to work on positioning and nutrition. Also trying to set up prep and taper for Quassy and LP camp.
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    @rob - strong stuff! the TOC looked epic this year!
    I continued yesterday with a strong early am 1:20 run and I struggled through a VERY flat 6 mile run at night.
    today i started out with a 4300 yd swim including the set at 3500 yds. Good confidence builder since i have a lingering shoulder issue.
    This afternoon I went biking with a buddy. First jaunt on the tri bike this year.. was wicked H+H out there.. definitely got a touch of heat stroke... off to Aspen tomorrow! (where i hear it is snowing at elevation)
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    Been fighting a cold all week and it's pissing me off. I took Friday off as a hard stand down and felt a little better yesterday so I did my long ride/run. Blew so much snot I cleared out my tear ducts! Today woke up feeling like ass again. Taking another rest day. This sucks.
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    Posted By Mariah Bridges on 26 May 2016 04:33 PM

    Hey Everyone -

    Just ran the numbers and we have 30 athletes on EN that I KNOW of racing IMLP this year..... Where is everyone?! MARCOOOOOOOO

    Rich is one... just sayin... haven't seen him mixing up with his teammates for his race day...

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    Sorry - I'll try harder :-)
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    @Rich - will you try this hard when you aren't being stared down by me on the couch...

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