Joe Hallatschek - GF Wk #6 and 40K TT Option
RnP – I just tested in the Swim/Bike/Run in the Get Faster
Week #5. Swim and run are as good as last year and bike better.

into the Get Faster Week #6 (30 May – 5 June). This weekend I have scheduled a
Saturday bike: MS1 -2 X 12’(4&rsquo

then MS 2 - 5 X 2’(2&rsquo

of 2hrs. After this week, I have a “B”
Race Sprint Tri in the Get Faster Week #7 (June 12) and plan to do a short
taper, which is basically travel to race, race, return.

Question: This weekend I would like to do a local 40K Bike
TT (about 30’ warm up at Z1-Z4 and then 60’ @Z4 ) on Sunday since in the past I
seem to get a boost on the bike for the next two weeks. If I do, what should I
do Saturday? Should I try a short run after Sunday’s TT at Z2? Or, is there something special about this
GF Week #6 weekend workout that I should forget about the TT and just do as scheduled?
Yes to the Sunday TT; for Saturday I'd get in a nice 45' steady run, nothing flashy (say TRP effort). Then warm up well, rip the TT, and recovery monday en route to your sprint.
Please keep me posted!
~ Coach P
Thanks again for good coaching!