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2016 IM CDA- Week 9- HERE WE GO!

WOOHOO!!! I am PSYCHED for this group!! TONS of awesome EN'rs doing this race and many with great knowledge to share! I can tell this years CDA group is going to be Epic!! Remember to keep the chatter going in here...use each other! It's what makes this team great!

You are NOW officially in Ironman Training!
At 12 weeks out from CDA, Coach Rich and Coach Patrick have now crowned and officiated you into IM world. Most of you are coming off HIM Plan, maybe Bike Focus, Run Focus, ect.. some of you tested in the last couple weeks and now it is official. The great thing about Endurance Nation Ironman training is, you don't have to kiss your family friends and coworkers goodbye for the next 12 weeks. With effective training for the "everyday athlete" you should still have time for a life outside of compression socks and power meters!
Make sure to watch the videos, podcasts and blogs that are attached to each week of training on the website. They are located on the right side of the your training page.  CHECK THEM OUT! Maybe listen to them as you stretch, roll or recover or as you fuel up for a workout.  
Thanks for checking in and introducing yourself!! So now lets hear it, make some noise.... Any questions for the team?
Like my picture reminder says.... MAKE SURE TO REST! As the 5th discipline in IRONMAN training, it often gets overlooked. Remember to rest. Your body (and your family) will thank you!
Peace, Love and Sweat!
- Your trusty Race Captain, Laura
Don’t forget to post on your workouts and keep us in the loop! If you have a pic or video to post remember to use #EN4Keys! Let’s seem some SWEAT! HERE WE GO!!


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