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Nothing Scheduled for Sundays?

I am in the latter stages of my H.I.M schedule and I notice Sundays off.  I understand that this Sunday is off due to the #2 Race Rehersal.  Wanted to know what the reasoning was for the following week.  Just general drop in volume leading to the race? 



  • Scott can you give us a more specific plan name 20 or 12 week and the exact week you are in? Thanks!
  • Sure 2.0  12 week   I am in week 10 before Eagleman.  Since I am brand new to En (joining about 2 weeks ago) I have been training on my own plan and the major diggerences I have noticed is the increased pace and power work relative to just sheer disctance...... Although I love it, my legs, hips are feeling it a bit.  Given some time I know I will adjust for the better. 



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