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Introducing the RaceSaver Run Bag (June 30 Order Deadline)

Races are hot. Hotter than usual. And no matter the percentage of humidity or actual heat, the position of the sun or the color of your kit one thing is undeniable — the best place on the run course is the aid stations. And they are too far apart for anyone’s liking.

Enter the RaceSaver Bag. Hands free aid station execution and ice transport.

RaceSaverBag Combo Image

Original Solution is the ziplock bag, as promoted here inside EN. I have used this approach twice (Texas and Kona 2015) and really enjoyed the ice. Okay, not as much as the bewildered looks of my competitors as I am eating ice and pouring cold water on my head at will…but you get the idea!

However, there were problems with the ziplock:

1. It’s not easy to seal the bag on the run. And I didn’t necessarily want to seal it (big bag of air, precious water inside, etc.).
2. It was easily ripped after so much opening and closing.
3. It was really slippery so not easy to hold on to, or to put under my hat or in my kit.
4. It has pointy edges; see kit issue ^above^.

But by far my biggest complaint was that I had lost a hand just when I needed it most.

With a bag of ice, I could only hold one cup of full water, or lose my ice. 

I couldn’t open stuff without biting it, or lose my ice. 

And I certainly couldn’t eat something and then drink something right after with just one hand. 

Messing with the ice bag I could literally hear the seconds ticking off the clock as I did the math of that process across 26 aid stations.

So the best thing EVER had become a liability.

So I set out to make something better. Enter the RaceSaver Bag.

The RaceSaver bag is not intended to be 100% sealed for the transport of liquids; but it can carry water as the ice melts.

The bag closes when full, and you can keep it closed with the toggle.

You don’t need to hold it in your hand as the leash keeps it on your wrist. Drop the ice in and keep eating and drinking in the aid station.

The cold ice is directly against your skin thanks to the nylon…so you are cooled right away.

I personally pull the toggle closed and tuck the bag under the hand strap to keep it in place…but you can do whatever you want.

You can put it under your hat and let the cool water leak out.
You can drop it in your shorts and make sure it stays there with the leash.
You can taunt the competition if that’s your thing…or maybe play the “good guy” card and share.  
And remember — you can always pull it open to get more ice.

Want to Know More?
You can watch the video for basic instructions and ideas for usage:

Order Details
I have 250 bags right now. Order deadline is June 30th for this first ever run. You’ll get your own bag and my undying thanks.

Street price on the bag will be $18 + Shipping, but for this first internal run I can get it to you for $15 which includes shipping (for the US).

Please Note: A few of your teammates are kindly beta-testing the bag; so you should see some feedback coming soon enough.

Questions or Feedback? Please post them here for me to answer..thanks!

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