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How to establish FTP on Computrainer

Hi, I am a newbie, and trying to determine how I can transf. CompuTrainer data into WKO+ v3.0 site.   I read and read about how you can measure FTP, but I haven't been successful.... since I don't own a power meter, I am trying to accomplish that with CompuTrainer. I tried to use both 3D and CS, and I just can't convert the file into the txt file to download to WKO site. Someone helpful in the Newbie site told me that I didn't have to convert the file into txt, and should be able to pull that directly into WKO+ site, but I am getting error messages that WKO+ site doesn't recognize my 3dp file.  I also don't see any file extension cdf (file type created in CS) in WKO site as applicable file type, so I think I will need to convert that to txt file which I am not successful even with the instructions avail. in EN site.  Is it not possible to use CompuTrainer to get FTP? What is the alternative way to do that? Thanks for your help!


  • You should be able to export it using the Coaching Software. When you do a ride, it it saves it in the "perfs" folder. You then use coaching software to export it to text. You can then import to WKO+. If you don't have CS, then you can download it for free from the RacerMate site here www.computrainer.com/html/coaching_software_support.htm.

  •  Yasko, No problem using the CT to determine FT. After saving the file using the Coaching Software, it needs to be exported to an ASCII format. The manual is here, and what you are looking for starts at about page 18.


    Once you have the file, it should import directly into WKO.  If you can't get it into WKO, respond back and I'll get specific directions.



  •  Yasko, these guys make it sound easy. And maybe you've already figured it out. But it took me hours and hours of head banging against the inscrutable world of Windows and the Computrainer manual. Some English major needing a job should re-write that thing. And Windows ... well, I've been using using a Mac since 1984.

    Anyway, here's my route to getting the Computrainer workout file into WKO+. The first part of this route appears on page 20 of that manual; then go to page 7. Then, you have to go to Training Peaks web site to find out how to bring it into WKO+. I'm assuming you have saved the workout at the end, possibly by pressing F1, or clicking "Yes" when you're asked to save. (See page 20.) Then, close your Computrainer software (that noise you hear is me grinding my teeth.) Open the Computrainer CS software. (See page 7 - at the bottom, saving and exporting). Under the file menu, choose Export ... First, select "Export Options ...." In the dialog box that appears, make sure the the following are checked (this info is from Training Peaks web site): Time, Speed, Power, RPM, HR, Miles, Load, Cadence [how is that different from RPM???!!!), Comma Delimited, Short Format, and use 15 for the Toss Rate (Rec. by training peaks, I use 10 myself).

    Once those options are set, you don't have to do it again in the future. To actually save the file in the format WKO+ needs, again, under File, choose Export > Export ... You get a "Select Data File box". Find the file you just saved, it will probably have today's date in it somewhere. Double click it, or select it and choose Open. Wait a bit. You'll get a dialog box with a lot of gibberish in it, just hit OK.

    Now you have the file, you have to go to WKO+ to import it. Make sure you're in Athlete Home, and make sure the default sport is Bike (under Athlete Setting in the upper left). Then, in the Start Menu of Windows, select My Computer, and find the files you just created. For me, it is in the Comp CS folder (where the Computrainer Coaching Software is located), but for you, it may be where 3D is, if you used that. In that folder is one called "perfs". In that folder are a bunch of files. I sort them by date, so the most recent is on top, making the one I need easy to find. You'll see two that have the same date, one with the suffix .CDF, the other with no suffix. For some strange reason, the TXT file you need has the CDF suffix, and the CDF file has no suffix (more tooth grinding). Anyway, just click/drag the .CDF file to the left hand white space in WKO+. Magic will happen, but you have to move from My Computer to WKO+ to see it. There will be a dialog box there. Make sure "Bike" is the sport, and then click "Save". Wait, when it's done, you finally have the file in WKO+.

    I'm in awe of people who think that is easy - it took me multiple trips to multiple manuals (translating them into Practical English) and a bunch of trial and error to figure out all the steps. If those folks would just set up their software for Mac, and design it assuming that people are idiots, it would all happen automatically.

    Like I said, apologies if you already figured this out, but I would hate to see anyone go through the sort of angst I did trying to figure this out.

  • Al,

    That's funny! You can make it a little easier I think. First, I agree that CT software is incredibly ugly and should have been updated in 1985, but WKO isn't so bad.

    Either save the txt file to the desktop or cut and paste to get it there after creating it. Delete all the old files so it doesn't crowd up the desktop or folder. No need to keep them. Open up WKO, make the screen smaller, so you can see the desktop in the background. Drag and drop the txt file over WKO and let it go. WKO should be able to figure out it's a bike and create the WKO file. Click "save" and you're done.

    BTW, I have a Mac too. Owned a Mac Plus back in the day. No question that Macs are much more intuitive than PCs IMHO.

  • Hi Steve and Al, thanks to you guys, I was finally able to import the data to WKO+. After I downloaded the latest CS off of the site, I was able to export/txt. file conversion and dragged it to WKO+. Now I have to understand how to read the data image Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

    I think EN staff should take some of Al's instructions and add to the bike testing page for CompuTrainer users so no one else needs to spend hours to research and feel frustrated.
  • One more thing, Al, if you don't mind sharing... Which CT course do you use for the testing? long enough for 42 min, but relatively flat. Thanks for your help in advance.
  • Yasko:

    I just use the SpinScan with the Coaching software and hammer away for 42 minutes. It's boring, but I just use my iPod for distraction.

  • I create a looping flat course in the 3D software.

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