Saddle Question
I need a new saddle and I know we have the Trisports demo saddle program available to us.
My question is on the timing of when to get in the saddle demo program.
During Outseason my saddle, on the trainer, is fine, little numbness but if I get out of the saddle a few minutes here and there I can survive it.
My current saddle gives me saddle sores/achy butt around 4-5 hr rides, but no numbness on the long rides probably cause I'm getting bumped around by the road, etc. Usually at this point in the season, nearing the endish I'm a bit scared to jump into a new saddle, with all the getting it in the right spot, and what if I'm out in the middle of a long ride and just can't stand it anymore, etc?
For those that have the perfect saddle do you get numb during outseason at all, if I got in the program at the beginning of the season and started playing around indoors would it translate to outdoors?
Thanks for your help!
I used to get numb. Then I got an ISM Adamo with the split nose and have never gotten numb since. It takes a while to get used to, but well worth it. After 4-5 hours in the saddle, I get a bit sore. Sometime I get sores, sometime I don't - I think it depends on 1) how my position is and 2) what shorts I wear.
Good luck