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August 5-7 Camp Planning

I have taken the liberty of starting an August 5-7 Camp thread.  I'm planning to come up from Cincinnati and ride the course Friday at a minimum.  I and perhaps others have never ridden it.  Could someone(s) familiar with the course be our fearless leaders(s) for that Friday course ride?  Then perhaps we can use this thread to finalize details on whether we will swim Friday, lodging, meeting times/places, etc.  Look forward to meeting everyone in a couple weeks.

Here are the others in the intro thread that expressed interest in or confirmed plans to do Camp Week activities in Madison on the intro thread:

Bob Smith

Glenn Weidenhoeft

Trish Marshall

Stephen Olds

Shaughn Simmons

Chris Cianella

Ed Eonivo

Jonathan Olson

Stephan Brunelle



  • Way to take the lead Scott... I was going to reach out to mariah to see if she'd set us up a group me texting thread for that weekend... Just haven't had the chance yet.
  • Not to sure I can keep with with some of you peeps, but the course is very well marked so you shouldn't get lost. I plan on heading up August 4th - won't get there until 8ish pm.

    Any thoughts on where we can meet Friday morning. I'll look back and see where we met back in 2014.
  • I'm thinking about going.  My work and life demands have increased significantly this summer and it makes it difficult for me to get out on friday like that.   I will see what I can do, but high chance I won't be able to make it.  Keep me posted.  A good place to work on the loops is Verona.   Rocket Bike studio welcomes bicyclists to park there.   The residents get mad with all the traffic blocking their access at Fireman's Park. Here is the link. https://goo.gl/maps/ucShYENX2Jo     I think someone there would easily direct you.  I would imagine there will be a ton of people riding the course that day.  Cross Plains seems to be the only place where the road construction may mess things up. 

    My wife's birthday is also on the 6th, she has given me leave to go to Madison but I'm thinking SAU.   I'm doing the Dairy Land Dare the following weekend, and then going to Madison to run in the half marathon with my son on the next weekend.   I've just talked myself out of it I think.  I will miss you guys. 

  • Chris... I'll be coming up with my wife and a couple of friends. Being a two loop course and with plans to ride both days.... I'm sure we'll all ride a lap around together to get situated. I've heard there are a few convenience stores along the route. I haven't decided if I'll use them or just park my car out there with a big cooler and give everyone the code to get in and take what they need. Then we have a car close in case we need some SAG help.
  • I'm still in.  Arriving on the 4th, leaving afternoon of the 7th, staying at the Madison Hyatt.

    I believe RIch and Anna Stanbaugh are attending as well.


  • Yes - Anna and I will be there Wednesday evening (3rd) Through Saturday Afternoon (6th).
  • Hi everyone! I live in Madison and am happy to help you all coordinate your weekend. I've done IMWI twice but am doing IMCHOO this year. I might be able to get a kayak if you want to swim as well. And, I might be able to sag for you on Friday. Just let me know how I can help.

    Edit - I forgot that I have a conflict on Thursday night/Friday am.  But am free the rest of the weekend (well, doing a little training, as well).

  • Just decided: I am in. Hoping some of the greatness of the group wears off on this BOP Age Grouper!

    Arriving Thursday PM, Leaving Saturday Afternoon.
    I am staying at the Courtyard Madison West/Middleton
  • Thanks Sue!

    Cool Mike!

    My wife and I will be at the Hyatt as well
  • All

    Thanks for the input so far!

    So perhaps the tentative plan is to meet at Rocket Bikes in Verona for the bike ride?  What do folks think of trying to swim Friday morning before the course ride?  My friend and I will be there Thursday PM, perhaps in time to drive (a portion of?) the course before dinner.  We may take off first thing Saturday morning.  Staying at the Comfort Inn Downtown.  

    Indeed, setting up a texting group for campers would help a lot.




  • Scott,

    I have a GroupMe account, so I can set up a group for Camp. Personally, I will probably not swim before the bike - too much admin (call me lazy)... I think meeting at RBS is a great idea.

  • I am staying at the Hyatt Madison.  I am not yet sure where that is relative to the swim but, given I don't have a car and I do have a bike, I am hoping to swim very early Friday morning somewhere close.  Soon after the swim (and putting the wetsuit away) I was imagining (maybe naively so) leaving from hotel ~7:00 a.m. and finding bike course from there......

    Was going to figure all that out on Thursday once I arrive and see what everyone else was doing.

    It will come together by next week somehow.....

  • So I just made my reservation - Hilton Garden Inn in West Middleton. Check in Thursday night and leave Saturday.

    I propose the following for meeting up, which is consistent with the EN Camp I did back in 2014. Friday morning meet at the The Clarion Suites at the Alliant Energy Center hotel, which is on Rimrock Road. Say we meet at 6:45am and plan to roll out at 7am. Bike the entire course: stick, 2x loops, stick. Do a brick run after or collapse, whichever comes first. Saturday either bike the entire course or drive out to Rocket Bikes in Verona and ride 2 loops - totally up to each person what they want to do. On Sunday, do a short admin swim, then run one loop or 13.1 miles of the run course.

    Dinner meet up on Friday....

    Both the bike and the run course are well marked, at least they were.....

    Just my 2-cents of course, but thought I'd suggest it.

    Don't forget to review the Master Race Page for all the secret nuggets about the course - http://members.endurancenation.us/Resources/MasterRacingPages/IronmanWisconsin.aspx

    I will be leaving Saturday after my ride.
  • @ Shaughn - I have a car so no worries man

    @ Ed - plenty of C-stores on the course. 

    @ Sue - you are awesome!  Thanks for volunteering, if needed

  • Posted By Chris Ciannella on 26 Jul 2016 02:50 PM

    So I just made my reservation - Hilton Garden Inn in West Middleton. Check in Thursday night and leave Saturday.

    I propose the following for meeting up, which is consistent with the EN Camp I did back in 2014. Friday morning meet at the The Clarion Suites at the Alliant Energy Center hotel, which is on Rimrock Road. Say we meet at 6:45am and plan to roll out at 7am. Bike the entire course: stick, 2x loops, stick. Do a brick run after or collapse, whichever comes first. Saturday either bike the entire course or drive out to Rocket Bikes in Verona and ride 2 loops - totally up to each person what they want to do. On Sunday, do a short admin swim, then run one loop or 13.1 miles of the run course.

    Dinner meet up on Friday....

    Both the bike and the run course are well marked, at least they were.....

    Just my 2-cents of course, but thought I'd suggest it.

    Don't forget to review the Master Race Page for all the secret nuggets about the course - http://members.endurancenation.us/Resources/MasterRacingPages/IronmanWisconsin.aspx

    I will be leaving Saturday after my ride. 

    Chris, this is the general plan we have for the Mitten crew.  (Bob Smith, myself, John Lauchlan and a few of our training partners that are not EN.)  I would rather gather intel on the bike course than swim personally.  Many of our crew are staying at the Clarion (because it was the EN camp site!) and we will be riding out from there.  Looking forward to seeing everyone!

  • All - Agree with Chris - esp. if it's a race rehearsal weekend. Saturday - for those staying downtown could be the stick, loop, stick as well.

    If you're not on the Ironman Wisconsin Training facebook page, it would be good to do - Jessica from SBR and Peter from Rocket Bikes provide course updates. There is construction outside of Cross Plains on P which could be a real issue on Friday as the construction crew is likely to be working (alternate to stay close to the course is Hwy 14 - but that is a serious issue as well - cyclist killed a few weeks ago by an inattentive driver). However, I've ridden on Hwy 14 and haven't been seriously concerned - the shoulder is fairly wide and in good shape. There really are no alternatives to get around it - but seems passable on weekends. I think I'm going to ride it on Saturday so I'll provide an update.

    In addition, please, please be sure to come to a complete stop (unclip, one foot down) at the stop sign and stop light in Cross Plains - there is one past the fire station and the lights are just after the railroad tracks. The locals and the police are not happy with cyclists ignoring these signs and the cops have given tickets out.

    Let me know if you want swim support on Sunday morning and I'm happy to get together for dinner Friday/Saturday evening.
  • Chris, Let's use your proposed plan as the based plan for now and adjust if necessary as we go forward.  Friday night dinner sounds good.

    Mike, how do you want to gather cell phone numbers for the GroupMe?

    Sue, thanks so much for the heads up on the construction and coming to a complete stop in Cross Plains!


  • If you'd like to be included on a group me message for camp week... Mariah suggested that we compile a list of names phone numbers and email addresses. It might make it a lot easier for us to arrange everything. If you'd like you can instant message or text me your info and I'll pass it along to her. 848-702-3018
  • Ed - thanks for taking the lead. I PM'd you my info
  • Hello Team,

    Looking at the crazy schedule for the week, it didn't take me too long to figure out I could not do the Friday wko and still get it to work. Therefore, I am taking Friday off and will be there for the Friday ride. I will arrive Friday morning very early (1 3/4 hour drive) for the rendez vous. I will do the Saturday morning ride also but problaby start at 5AM. I need to get out ASAP Saturday! Ed, I texted you my information. Thanks all. Frederick
  • Also, for those interested, I found the Hampton Inn on the East Town side (10-15 minute ride) runs a special for HH members. $87!


  • Also, for those interested, I found the Hampton Inn on the East Town side (10-15 minute ride) runs a special for HH members. $87!


  • Ed, I will send my info, but I'm not sure if we will join officially for dinner etc ...our group is 9 and only 3 are EN'rs. You will see us on the course for sure, and I will probably wear my EN top friday and suit on saturday. image
  • I think Mariah meant the dinner reservation was for race weekend... not this weekend. I'm headed up with a few non-ENer's as well...including my wife! I'll meet up with people for dinner with anyone who wants to on Thursday or Saturday. Think the wife and I will celebrate Anniversary #26 on Friday night...maybe drinks after our workday...Whatever the group wants.
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