Pre-Mooloolaba Calf Strains
(Moved from Macro Forum - may have put this initially in the wrong place...)
Summary: I have 2 calf strains,
1. Left calf issue is slightly lingering but was able to run during my last race (Vineman Half) . No running 2 weeks prior and no running 1 week after. 2. Right calf issue started Tuesday of last week and manifests itself after about 10 minutes of running - might be a posterior compartment syndrome (?). My chiro/ART doc advises no running until this Sunday and to aim for 20 minutes.
Regarding shoes - I wear a Saucony Guide that has a 8 mm drop.
If the run goes well this Sunday, I'd like some advice on how to adjust the schedule to safely get to Mooloolaba, if this is at all possible. I'm not interested in walking 13 miles.....
If the run doesn't go well, I will cancel the trip (we can still get back most of our expenditures) and this whole post is moot
Thanks coaches!
1. Compartment Syntrome is usually anterior....anterior and outside...not in the calf itself. So let's put that aside for now.
2. Back to the long have you been running in the Saucony Guide? An 8mm is ok, but the "average" shoe is between 10-12...if you came down from an "average" shoe in the last 3 to 6 months that could be an issue...let me know.
3. Do you get onset of calf pain when walking around (say food shopping) or is it only running?
4. Sunday run should be run walk. As in... 5' walk to warm up...then main set of 4' run / 1' walk...repeat MS 5 times. Walks are done with hands up and briskly. This will simulate the run /walk of aid stations more closely than "just" a 20' run.
If we can do that run well, we'll see about next steps (hahahaaaa what a terrible pun).
~ Coach P
Your stalker coach!
Thanks for checking in!
1. The calf issue is really just a strain. The chiro/ART work is definitely helping.
2. I've been running in this model of shoes for years so I think I'm good with the shoe. I did order a pair of upgraded models, since the pair I'm running in where an older model - I hadn't run in this version before, so I'm going to remove this from the picture.
3. Walk/run it was - the calf starts off well, but tightened some pretty quick - this could be due to lack of running as well or getting over the injury itself. I has planned on a really safe 1/2 (walk/run) ratio and if that went well, bump it up to 1/3 in the last 10 minutes - this I was able to do.
4. For the remainder of the day, the calf was tight but loosened up on walking - that's a great sign! This morning, there was no soreness, with just a bit of post-swimming tightness getting out of the pool to the locker room. As I write this, the calf is pretty normal feeling.
5. So, here's my thinking: run again tomorrow morning for 30 minutes (similarly safe run/walking as manageable, with a goal of 1/4). Bump the distance again on Thursday to 45 minutes with a similar protocol. Assuming all is good, add some 20-30 minutes brick type runs on Saturday and/or Sunday. I would be very happy if I good get back to a good 1/1/2 hour run prior to the race. This may seem wistful, but I am hoping all the fitness I've built up from out season + pre-race Vine-man is going to work in my favor here
Thanks coach!
~ Coach P
I ran/walked 30 minutes today as planned - minutes 16 to 24 (turnaround) is a bit uphill which put more of a burden on the calf. But the 5 minute back to the car was fine. Doc says aim for another 30 on Thursday. Still this is progress....
If anyone is in the bay area, one of the best chiro/ART guy around is Dr. Harry Ho, - warning, his web site is having issues
He teaches at Palmer among other things - and his walls are lined with framed posters of past IMs (all signed by grateful patients!).
Thanks again Coach P!
When I had calf / achilles issues, I did a fair amount of running at the local high school track. Boring, but safe and simple.
~ Coach P
Thanks Coach P!
Yep, keeping it as flat as possible. By the way, I haven't had a chance to tell you how great the ice bag worked out for me! The envy of other Vine-man athletes too! I nearly forgot to grab it on the run and am so glad I did. It holds about of cup of ice (this is my commercial here). The water that forms melts out to keep you cool wherever you stick it. When the fabric is wet, it's suitable for sticking down your whatever - ladies, it's perfect for sticking down your bra
All good!
~ Coach P