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Big hike off of IM fitness

Have any of you tried to do a big 1-2 day hike (e.g., Mt. Rainier) off of IM fitness? If so, how well did the fitness carry over? 

[The details: Rainier. 4500' climb with 40-50 lb pack, then 4000' climb with 20 lb (and descending) the next day. At altitude. 4 weeks post-IM. I've done big hikes before but haven't been training for it lately. Trying to figure out where this sits on the crazy-meter.]


  • The proper question is not if you can do it; rather what price are you willing to pay post the hike?

    Your IM fitness will carry you through, but the law of specificity applies. You will lack the specific nueromuscular fitness to complete the climb without accruing incredible muscular fatigue/exhaustion.

    I don't think it's that crazy. Just be prepared to be sore afterwards.
  • You'll be fine. Regardless of IM fitness vs hiking fitness, you'll still be very, very fit. Just do your best to keep the calouses on your feet after IM and humping a 50-60lb pack up and down a big hill is tough, not something that IM will prepare you for. Tough in the sense that you'll be very uncomfortable. 

    Regardless, sounds epic! Post a report!

  • @Dave Walters - I did a climb up Kilimanjaro 9 weeks ahead of IMMT... Dave is right about muscle specificity, but Coach R is right about fitness.. Me & the other guy on my trip that was also training for MT that year had the best numbers on our 2x a day pulse/ox tests... if you do any events AFTER this climb, the cross fitness & additional muscle work will actually be helpful... though I can already hear R screaming at me that Backpacking fitness does not = IM fitness...
  • I did a two week long elk hunting trip in Idaho five days after IM Wisconsin last year. Have fun on your adventure.
  • I did Inka trail (4 day hike, 26+ miles at HIGH altitude) last year on less than HIM-fitness. Different muscles hurt than used in s/b/r, but our slowest-hiking triathlete was still quicker than ALL our guide's previous groups that whole year.
  • Mike- Your IM training  has taught you to push through the pain and discomfort but i've have found mountaineering isn't as much endurance as it is strength. You should further prepare by doing leg presses, lunges forward and back, leg extensions ..... and core core core. 

    When i did Rainier- I  relied on my marathon training at the time and got SPANKED. Since then, I have always add the leg workouts and have enjoyed the adventure much more.

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