LB's 2016-2017 BA Race Season
Heyyyyy there coach!
Starting a new thread to finish off the 2016 and enter into the 2017 season. A "fresh" start if you will. My Race Report will be coming soon- still processing everything. BUT good, bad, ugly......I am officially a 2x IM finisher Grateful for that!
Sooo couple thoughts I wanted to throw out to you and get your advice on.....#1- what do you think about doing IM Maryland as a redemption Ironman? #2- I have Rev3 Old Orchard half on August 28- what plan should I use starting next week and how can I approach this race?
Soreness is gone and I am feeling pretty good! Recovering well- rolling, stretching, walking, swimming and will do a easy bike tomorrow.
THANK YOU for being such an amazing coach and supporter. My father, Luke, was so appreciative of you talking with him about what was going on. After my 2nd split popped up my family knew something was wrong....of course my mother being the worrier that she is was totally freaked out....(note to self get her a prescription of xanax OR have her start drinking early if she wants to come to the next IM). THANK YOU for helping calm them down BUT more importantly HELPING ME GET THROUGH!!!!
I like the idea of a second-half tear year. I am bummed that the race went south for you, but if you have read enough of the reports you know that you are not alone. The sheer amount of fluid that anyone consumed really set off their stomachs and it was all downhill from there. I'm so proud of you for sticking it out and getting it done!
It's important to remember that there is no such thing as an easy Ironman!
first things first, heading to the old Orchard half means dropping in the advanced half Ironman plan to end there. I suggest you do the workouts for time starting this weekend. A.k.a. some longer rides. But don't feel any pressure to get the effort and it's more about getting loose and feeling steady. If you want some help adjusting that plan I certainly can help you do that.
Stepping back there is the opportunity for a makeup race. It's totally up to you. I'm not sure how your legs feel at this point. And we have to be mindful that a second Iron Man within a year backed up against the winter will push back next year season to January at the earliest.
I say we wait and see how your run legs feel over the next two weeks. Anyone can swim and bike again, but if I run is really going to suck I don't see the point. But then again, I don't have your voices in my head… So I get the push.
Keep me posted on these early weeks!
Ps - no problem talking to your dad. Super nice guy!
HEY Coach! Some updates
Thank you for the advice and guidance...and just being such a great support. I know you are right- I was feeling like I didn't need recovery but alas that was false and I did. And well my body ended up letting me know that because I got a super awful cold/sinus/fever thing 2 weeks ago. worked through it as best I could- so got some work in. BUT tried to start fresh last week.... got some work in but I have been really lacking in motivation and everything just feels hard. My mind hasn't been in a great spot. Yesterday went to do a 3 hour ride- 1st hour was with a friend and it was fun- then off to do 2 more hours solo and I literally was just battling in my head. Just could not get into it. I don't get it because this is what I LOVE!! I feel like I am loosing so much fitness and gaining weight and just YUCK! Need to get back on track like WOAH. (guess not really a question there...more venting....
) Running has been tough- just trying to get back into a steady flow since placid and I am worried about Old Orchard.....
OH and P.S. obviously decided not to do Maryland.....I don't need to do that to know how hard I worked and my body would do better to head into OS and get ready for next year! Maybe I will do some fun races in the fall :-)